Catholic Unscripted 5 The cultural assault on the pre-born & the spirit of Vatican 2.

Katherine Bennett, Mark Lambert and Gavin Ashenden discuss
The cultural assault on the pre-born & the spirit of Vatican 2.-how we understand the tensions threatening a fracture in the Church.
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24 thoughts on “Catholic Unscripted 5 The cultural assault on the pre-born & the spirit of Vatican 2.”

  1. Thank you for this. Canon 1041 The following persons are irregular for the reception of orders: Section 4: one who has committed wilful homicide, or one who has actual procurred an abortion, and all who have positively cooperated.

  2. 15 per cent of women who fall pregnant come under duress to terminate their pregnancies.

    Forced abortion is not uncommon. The Istanbul Convention commences for the UK on 1 November commits the UK to criminalising it.

  3. Even the language the anti-life contingent uses mitigates the sinfulness of the act e.g. the baby is a foetus, it is a termination not a killing etc etc-. There is an Interesting interview on a similar topic from Alex Story and Jordan Peterson. This is from URGE, a pro-abortion/antilife organisation in USA: "… insulin isn’t a choice, and diabetics do not have the luxury of choosing whether to utilize treatment methods. This analogy also works with visually impaired individuals who wear glasses or contacts, disabled individuals who use mobility devices, or mentally ill individuals who take psychiatric medicine. We understand the lack of choice in almost every healthcare measure but one: abortion." Abortion is just like any old medicine then.

  4. I’m leaving Anglicanism but have wrestled between Catholic and Orthodoxy, I’ve chosen Orthodoxy as I just can’t get over the Pope undermining the church…just like the culture war in Anglicanism all over again.

  5. Here in NY state in political ads for this November by democrats to the exclusion of all else is the baby killing as a right AKA abortion. They are VERY strident and very public it is THE issue for them. The democrats are complete allies of hell, most absolutely. They are Putin, they are Hitler, they are Mao. That's why nuclear war is indeed a real possibility, they daily drive out the grace of God.

  6. I now see ours as a society in which child sacrifice is the norm. Indeed I believe children are horribly sacrificed by sending them to school! I know that sounds extreme, but for children it is usually traumatic, to be, essentially, forced to go away from their home/parents to be with strangers, who then treat them as though they have a right to tell them what to do, think, feel, and how to behave, when they are not their parents! They get told off by adults who have no relationship to them! They have to spend hours with other children who are not of their choosing, not to their taste, and are also traumatised (in some manner) by being there. They get NO RIGHTS. The are the closest thing to prisoners, albeit daytime only, for the most part. It alters children for ever. It is a wedge thrust between parents and children, 'sold' to parents on the false pretext that they will be educated. Nothing could be further from the truth. Parents and Life itself educate children better than school. School/specific lessons could be arranged and offered during children's lives (6 – 16 or 18) in small chunks, and small groups, without being full time and seemingly compulsory.

  7. Hi, Do they actually show the aborted fetuses in the sex education classes? I doubt it. Saw a street interview in NYC in which a pro-lifer was conversing with a Gen-Z woman, a pro-abortionist, but she changed her mind when the man just showed her a simple drawing, very sketchy, of a fetus. Photos of the unborn children would cause many to re-appraise their position. Sadly, I would bet that Big Brother would step in and ban such images.

  8. The left has an emotive false narrative, but with the secular centre. the key phrase you hear on issues like gay marriage, abortion, pornography & immigration is “I don’t care”. I don’t care if somebody is black or white. Not caring is a virtue. If citizen X marries same sex partner, “I don’t care” and “you shouldn’t either”. I don’t care if they are straight or gay (again, virtuously said).
    If citizen Y aborts something in her body, “I don’t care” about that because it’s her privacy. It’s a sort of bribe: don’t care about our sins, and we promise not to care about your sins.

    The only way that this unloving regime of “not caring” is tenable is with the tacit implied non-existence of God.

  9. Very interesting discussion. Thanks. I think that you are correct in saying that we have been deceived by our pro abortion advocates in education and politics. Yet you accept that we are in a climate crisis, often promoted by the same sources. This is another huge lie which is causing people to do great damage with and to our society. There are many very highly credentialed scientists who do not believe that CO2 is causing climate change but they are supressed and censored.

  10. Using the word murder is unhelpful.
    For sure the child has been killed, they need deep compassion to overcome this tragedy- it’s a complicated nuanced debate , ie coercion, ignorance , fear .
    These women ( often very young) have been duped by the enemy.

  11. It might be worthwhile to distinguish between the Tridentine Mass/usus antiquior and the "Mass in Latin/Latin Mass". The novus ordo can be said in Latin. Indeed, isn't the editio typica of the novus ordo in Latin?

  12. Something that has struck me over the years when the matter of abortion has cropped up in conversations is how hostile pro-abortionists can be to someone who expresses the opinion that the unborn should not be killed, even those you may count as friends. It is interesting to hear Dr Ashenden mention this sort of thing at around the 19:50 minute mark and call it rage and even demonic influence which the more I think about it is something that makes sense to me now. The more I think about it the more concerning it is.

  13. I have to say I really cringe when I hear people attributing supernatural characteristics to the Latin language as Gavin does at 42:45. The Church spoke Latin during the Reformation and the Enlightenment and no demons were sent a-running. Where does this notion of a supernatural Latin come from? It's romanticism as far as I'm concerned. Latin was spoken by Roman soldiers who could curse as well as any trooper and undoubtedly did so as they put yet another Christian martyr to the sword. It is an accident of history that it became the language of the Church but Pentecost tells us that it was never meant to be so.

  14. No one sees the lonely crying woman @ 3am after she sits alone after aborting her baby must be unbelievable painful. I pray for all wemon hell on earth I can only imagine God 🙏 help them too no matter 💕


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