Cassette Beasts | Review in 3 Minutes

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Amy Campbell reviews Cassette Beasts, developed by Bytten Studio.

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33 thoughts on “Cassette Beasts | Review in 3 Minutes”

  1. I just beat this game after 28 hours! I'm so in love with it, this has been my most favorite game in a long time! When I get home from work I'm still jumping back in to push to 100% completion!

  2. For Pokemon fan like me this Casette beasts IS awesome game But before I'll buy this i watch this rewiev video. Thank you For these details. 🔥🔥

  3. So deserving a mention is the pacing and balance is GARBAGE.
    Like I’m still happy with the game overall, but it’s ambitions exceeded its grasp and its unpolished in many places as a result, most keenly those two.
    For example, one of your companions has their fusion locked off for, practically speaking, more than half the game. They just didn’t think through how much more involved that side quest was than the other companions’… it’s not as though there’s any rationale or hints that’s the case, they just offer him to you as an option, then punish you for taking it arbitrarily… and that’s one of numerous examples I could give.

    An alternate example is how the difference levels make is minor, so inherently most fights are somewhat even and thus you can’t avoid taking a fair amount of damage in most every random encounter, almost forcing you to backtrack and rest every 2-3 fights… but most quick travel is late game unlock, requiring you to backtrack manually constantly. I ended up not only mainboarding but leading with the game’s equivalent of a Snorlax, just to mitigate how often I needed to heal a bit (and I’d ask all you pokefans to stop and consider the unprecedented levels of jank the curve would need to suffer in a Game Freak title for that to feel compulsory, and how angry customers would be about it)

    Again, I agree with the review overall that it’s still worth a buy for all the virtues offsetting it, but it’s flaws are quite severe on this front and warranted mention… I was having flashbacks to how the Mage’s Guild in Oblivion doesn’t let you join until you’ve done over half a dozen quests across the continent and thus are too powerful to have much use for your membership… this game sadly has multiple failures of pacing of that level.

  4. The switch port is a little buggy with pretty poor frame rate. Other than that, I agree with the review. Combat is fun and layered but the characters, dialogue, and world map feel a little bland and not that memorable.

  5. Someone showed the 'preview trailer' for this game to me when it was still in development (some time ago) and as the massive pokemon nerd i am i was very skeptical and almost wrote it off just by what the trailer showed.
    Now that i have played the game i am so glad i didn't write it off because,
    let me tell anyone who loves pokemon OR TemTem(the grindier sibling/copy of the Pokemon games) Cassette Beasts falls right in between at that sweet spot (for me at least).
    It has a really nice blend of being a pixel-animated-rpg-adventure game with a turn based battle system with a WAY bigger and usable/customizable move set in comparison to Pkmn or TemTem.
    right now im roughly around the 20-25 play hours and its only going up due to how much i like it!
    it this rate its going to be my game of the year for sure!

    maybe a bit early to say but i hope this game gets a DLC at some point with a post story about maybe the history for example OR hoping for a continuation e.g. part 2 e.g. "Cassette Beasts 2"

  6. I'm 20hrs in and only beat 3 bosses. So the games pretty big. I'd say (at least beginning) it's definitely harder than pokemon games. Cons: the botw style stamina bar is unnecessary. Sometimes confusing where to go. Though definitely worth playing.


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