CARTOON ALL-STARS TO THE RESCUE REVIEW | Double Toasted – Today at Double Toasted we have our Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue discussion and review. In this video, we discuss Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue Winnie the pooh, Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue smoke, and of course the Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue say no campaign. What did you think of Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue? Let us know in the comment section below.



46 thoughts on “CARTOON ALL-STARS TO THE RESCUE REVIEW | Double Toasted”

  1. Nothing to do with this show, but I think Garfield the comic strip is the funniest strip ever. My favorite bit is when Jon or Garfield would break the fourth wall and simply look at the reader, at the end.

  2. Yall lucky yall got all stars to the Rescue, when I was 7 they wheeled out "The boy who was eaten by the drug monster" when i was 7. I had nightmares for weeks after that.

  3. I remember GI Joe two part episode where they fight a evil Druglord name The Headman back in 1991.Even Cobra had to join forces with GI Joe to take down The Headman.DARE program was all over that episode

  4. 36:42 let's not forget to give props to the man who literally spent time off his busy schedule while being diagnosed with AIDS and had worked closely with Alan Menkin on not only collaborating on writing the song for this PSA but has done work with him on Little Shop of Horrors, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. I'm talking about the late great Howard Ashman. R.l.P.

  5. What's with Korey's arm? I wish Mickey Mouse was in the special so there could have been 2 crossovers of Mickey and Bugs after Who Framed Roger Rabbit

  6. I probably should be putting this in every video but here's a reminder and a request to please watch Race For Your Life Charlie Brown. It's not that great for the most part but there's some scenes you'd be able to proved good reactions to. Peppermint Pattie is at her worst here but Charlie basically has enough of her shit.

  7. 😂And when the animal children wearing red- blue- and green clothings start singing while you are high. Look for the difference of them being Alvin and the Chipmunks, or- Huey Dewey and Louie. If it's the quack pack- that's the sign of a bad trip.

  8. Reminder that the war on drugs was/is expressly a policy by conservative establishment (self-admitted by higher ups in the Nixon and Reagan administrations) to criminalize the lifestyle of the poor and more left-leaning demographics away into a jail cell to deny them their right to vote/representation in order to maintain a white nationalist ruling class. It's why they went for street-level drugs, but not WALL Street-level drugs, who do them just as openly if not more so. I'd like to see someone make a cartoon about THAT. Guess the only ones who'd be willing to spread awareness of that message would be The Proud Family…

    "The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did."

    — John Ehrlichman, former Nixon aide, interview with Dan Baum

  9. Ah, the old days when white conservatives thought halfheartedly teaching their kids abstinence via corny PSAs would ensure a bright future for the next generation. Those were some dark, dark times.

  10. Now that you did this, next time, you gotta do Welcome To Pooh Corner's Too Smart for Strangers, the PSA where a bunch of uncanny valley theme park costume versions of Winnie the Pooh and pals teach kids about avoiding pedophiles (very ineffectively I might add XD).

  11. How did I not know about this until now? Just watched it and I gotta say it was badass seing all these cartoons come together! The licensing deals must have been crazy! 😮

  12. I remember my teacher playing this in class shortly after I saw the nostalgia critic mention it, I remember thinking to myself "Man, I really wanna do drugs."

  13. This takes me back to elementary school when the guidance counselor would have the VHS for this special. I know I saw it from kindergarten to at least 5th or 6th grade.

    This was the Avengers: Endgame of a PSA cartoon crossover.

  14. Was between 12-16 years old, when this was shown. Yet, despite being its target demo, do not remember it. Honestly didn’t even know this existed, till just now. Have no idea how I managed to so completely and totally miss out.

  15. This movie came out April 21, 1990

    I didn’t see this movie until 1994[when I was in kindergarten] & I watched it every year, of my elementary school years during & after kindergarten.

    I thought this movie was a fever dream all this time until now, The Barbara Bush & George H.W Bush always🤔 left my classmates & myself in disbelief because they both use to be HEAViLY featured in our Scholastic News Paper.

    I remember being a kid, in 1st grade, in the 90’s & Scholastic Arrow Book Club News paper was like Christmas @ school & at home, ALL YEAR LONG, …………
    🙇🏾‍♂️different times🤣

    I grew up with D.A.R.E coming to my elementary school all the time with McGruff the Crime Dog Mascot, I had so many Drug Abuse Resistance Education shirts, the all black shirt with the white & red lettering was easily wearable with almost any pair of shoes back then[& today]😂


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