Carter (My OC Troublemaker) gets grounded

Jasmine, Timberly, Zoey, and Chibi Lily are at Jasmine’s house watching Evil Chibi Lily videos on TV. It was really funny because of Chibi Poop Lily in the show. When they went to Popeyes, Caleb Jr’s archenemy Carter snuck in the house and brought Chibi Poop Lily with him. He let her fart in the room and it now smelled like spoiled nappies. He laughed until he was caught on 4k. He admitted that he was the one who did it. So he got grounded for a whole week.
Credit goes to @LucyPrecure&PurpleCrewPals💜 and @Lucy Precure 2nd Channel These materials are not mine. This is not stealing either.
And by the way Lucy, can you another Evil Chibi Boy gets grounded as a request? If not, that’s fine.

Oh, and Happy 22nd Birthday @IkhwanTheGameHousePCBoi2000!


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