Capturing Fleet Composition Updated – Endless Sky #139

The switch to beam type weapons seems to be a success…


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3 thoughts on “Capturing Fleet Composition Updated – Endless Sky #139”

  1. Even with beam weapons, the two most common ways for disabled ships to get destroyed are:
    If they are too close to big explosions and as collateral damage.
    Unluckily sometimes enemy ships will hide behind disabled ones and your fleet will not care and shoot through them to get to the enemy. Also, some carriers will release their fighters after they become disabled. The fighters will then proceed to fly behind the carrier tricking your fleet into destroying the mother ship. So annoying.

    About shields:
    The Wanderer Dark Storm Shielding is a way more efficient shield generator than the Korath Large System Core!
    Okay, the Korath Cores give you energy capacity (a battery) and a little hull repair too, but the Wanderer Blue Sun Reactor that you have already comes with HUGE battery.
    Plus, in most fights you lose your shields before your hull so big shields and high shield regeneration are what makes your fleet really tanky.
    (Btw, shield energy is actually how much power the shield generator is draining from you to restore your shields).

    About fuel processors:
    Fuel Processors are good but this combo is slightly better: Wanderer Ramscoop + Coalition Fuel Module. If you are planning to give your ships lots of fuel capacity for extra jumps you can keep one Wanderer Ramscoop and then stack a bunch of fuel modules.

  2. Oh btw, if you click on the disabled ship on your screen to select it (for capture) it will save you trouble of cycling through all the ships in the system to find the one you want. Also, you can click on the small ship icons on your bottom left OR drag your mouse and select one or more ships and then right click somewhere on the screen to tell them to go there and hold position. In the Settings/Map you can turn on "System map sends move orders," then you can actually click on the round mini map to tell your ships to go to that spot in the system (very useful if you want to keep your hurt or recently captured ships safe by sending them far away from the center of the fighting).

  3. try to find one in kor ak'mari. they are rare, but if they jump in, they are guaranteed to have jump drives. and since there are less ships around, there's less of a chance for your own ships to keep shooting and kill.
    Particularly, i suggest only bringing a few ships with inferno turrets, lead your target away from the center of the system, and then disable, so there's even less of a chance to kill.
    I also suggest storing all of the weapons and any other stuff from your flagship so you can put even more bunks in it and more nerve gas. you'll have to keep your flagship away from the fight and let your other ships do the work for you, but you'll be nearly guaranteed to be able to capture


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