CAPTAIN JACK FIREBELLY | Vampire Coast vs Ogre Kingdoms – Total War Warhammer 3

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30 thoughts on “CAPTAIN JACK FIREBELLY | Vampire Coast vs Ogre Kingdoms – Total War Warhammer 3”

  1. It seems every single time they nerf anything, they also nerf ogres as well. They are the only faction with no full cap base infatry, so they are at a huge disadvantage in Domination. Do ogres have a single unit that caps at full weight? How many more times can you kick a faction before no one plays them anymore? They for sure needed a debuff from launch power, but this is getting silly.

  2. "You can see that really wasn't that much damage"
    Narrator: But even he knew he was lying
    That unit of sirens got demolished by that spell Turin come on 🤣

  3. This whole capture weight thing is such a mess… make it proportional to unit size, unit cost and current model count… example: 100 model unit costs 500 gold with 70 models left. 500/100 = 5 weight per model, 5×70 = 350 capture weight if the unit is on the point. Or, they can just leave it as a per model weight for models that are on the point.

    Everything else in MP is based on unit value… "value trading," trading up or down. Everyone(the competitive players) gauges everything in terms of gold value. CA has even added value damage vs raw damage and kill counters.

    What am I missing here?

  4. I think that ogres are a pretty clear reason why factions need their capture weight adjusted independently. Chaos Spawn needing a serious weight nerf doesn't mean that Ogres needed it too. I also think that point value should be factored in more directly, as opposed to just basing it off the expendable keyword, since as is, something like Skinks or Skeletons, or even Zombies, can match the capture weight of chosen or phoenix guard, which isn't ideal, especially considering that, since the exact math is handled by a computer, it wouldn't add needless complexity like something similar would on Tabletop. All they'd need to do is have a small display that shows capture weight, even if it's just the relative multiplier rather than an exact value for their health, and it wouldn't take that much practice to reach the point where most people can estimate how much is needed to counter a given enemy at a glance.

  5. As an Ogre fan, the capture weight nerf to Ogre's making them effectively impossible to play control with without CRUSHING their enemies on point is just heart braking. They went from a faction I at least hoped to see semi frequently as a personal preference pick to a dumpster race who's core faction identity makes it so that no buffs or new units will make them good in domination.

  6. Loved the fight! Feels so refreshing to see vampire coast not forced to heavily rely on its gun play.
    Alos Turin calling the game mode Dom will never not be funny for my kinky mind xD

  7. The charge on Ogers make me think they might be better used on cycle charge, and let the noblar immobilise the enemy after the initial charge then back off when trades are not going well to continue the cycle charge

  8. Balancing maps is a great point that I wish was brought up more in these balance discussions. Most focus is usually put on point costs or stat changes, the latter of which can chaff with the SP crowd, but map design is also incredibly important. For example, a huge reason Starcraft became the (mostly) balanced game that it is was that the community stepped up and created maps with elevated naturals with ramp chokes to prevent Zerg from winning every game with an indefensible rush rather than just nerfing zerglings into being useless.

  9. It looked like the ogres were glitching out when they were fighting the Syreens and Animated Hulks. Kept stuttering on the spot and not actually attacking.


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