Canada suspects poisoning at a Chinese restaurant, 12 hospitalized

According to York Region Public Health, people who ate food from Delight Restaurant & BBQ on Castlemore Avenue in Markham and have symptoms should seek medical attention.
#SpotlightOnChina #China #ChinaInsights


22 thoughts on “Canada suspects poisoning at a Chinese restaurant, 12 hospitalized”

  1. It’s their MO! China poisons everyone including with deadly drugs being shipped to our kids, like pure caffeine powder as dangerous as fentanyl! They even developed deadly K2/spice and continued to change the chemical makeups so they could dodge the DEA and employer drug tests!

  2. Hi Canadians, time to file lawsuits and put places like this out of business. A lot of Chinese restaurants order the supplies from the same distributors—it’d be impossible that this only affects one restaurant if the poisoning is caused by those specific ingredients. Most of the restaurant supplies sold are imported and there is very little regulations, so while the food might be MSG free, the other stuff in it might be killing you slowly.

  3. New a school teacher from New York City that taught a lot of Puerto Rican kids since Puerto Rico has like no food safety laws these kids were able to have other kids when they were about 6 years old wonder what's going on in China now

  4. Stop doing business with China, folks. There's a whole world out there, and you don't have to do business with China. China makes slaves do the work, and they don't care about quality or who gets hurt.

  5. Almost a thousand food product imported from china were found not fit for consumption in Canada, only 10 were blocked. Canadian food/health safety regulation is a joke, you can literally sell any snake oil here as long as your package looks legitimate.

  6. Trudeau will allow china to export their poisonous products in canada when all Canadians know of china's sub standard products and child toy poisonous paint but Trudea doesn't care

  7. you think that is bad here in the USA the chinese restaurants would be teaming up with the CROOKS OF VIETNAM AND PUT DRUGS IN YOUR FOOD AND DRINKS! That is why all the Vietnamese on Drugs in America. The CROOKS OF VIETNAM WOULD BE TEAMING UP WITH THE CHINESE RESTAURANTS AT WEDDINGS AND BANQUET AND PUT DRUGS IN OUR FOOD AND DRINKS!! And it's not just the Vietnamese that would be teaming up with the chinese but ALL THE DIFFERENT RACES AND THAT IS WHY WE ARE LOSING THE WAR ON DRUGS IN AMERICA WHEN YOU GOT CHINESE RESTAURANTS ALL OVER AMERICA PUTTING DRUGS IN YOUR FOOD IN AND DRINKS and if they are doing this in the United States they doing it in Canada too. So if you come to Las Vegas, Nevada you better be careful with this two restaurants. Sk seafood on 5600 spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas NV, 89146 and New Asian BBQ 5150 Spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas NV, 89146. This two restaurants would be teaming up with the CROOKS OF VIETNAM AND PUT DRUGS IN YOUR FOOD AND DRINKS. And it not just the Vietnamese but all DIFFERENT RACES!


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