Can Trump stop Never-Trumpers' revolt before it's too Late? | David Woo

As we near the 2024 presidential election, Trump has maintained a lead over Biden in the polls since November. The US stock market is trading like a Trump victory is a foregone conclusion.
Amidst financial markets anticipation, an energy stocks rally has been observed, signaling an interesting election impact on stocks. This rally, fueled by speculations and elections ads spending, has investors closely watching S&P 500 election years for hints of future movements.
The question of Ukraine aid congressional approval looms large, intertwined with a broader House majority and policy stalemate that could significantly affect the outcome. Meanwhile, tax policies election impact remains a hot topic, as voters and investors alike ponder how changes might affect their finances and the economy at large. Election fundraising strategies are in full swing, with both camps, especially through a notable Biden campaign ad blitz, pushing boundaries and setting records for PAC advertising spend. This surge in spending raises eyebrows and stirs a PAC spending controversy, highlighting the intense battle for voter influence. Biden’s boost in the polls, especially in critical swing states, has become more pronounced, thanks to a comprehensive campaign strategy focused on immigration, which seeks to address public concern over immigration and inflation. Yet, Biden’s approval rate remains a variable that could sway undecided voters. His team’s efforts, backed by a formidable Democratic PAC, aim to catalyze a Biden comeback, especially as a number of Republican congressmen not seeking reelection could tilt the scales. As the narrative unfolds, election media coverage bias and the 2024 presidential election consequences are under the microscope. Will the election impact stocks continue to favor the current trends, or will unforeseen developments lead to a shift in voter sentiment? What could go wrong with the Trump trades? What may be a bigger challenge for Trump than his legal problems? Will the funding for Ukraine cost the Republicans their House majority? How will the resignation of Mike Gallagher sink the House Republican majority. Will Mike Johnson bring the Ukraine funding up for a vote? David Woo, a former top-ranked Wall Street global macro strategist, tells it as it is. You may not agree with everything he says but he will make you reassess everything you thought you knew.

#Election2024 #USPolitics #FinancialMarkets #ImmigrationPolicy

0:00 Intro
0:23 Stock Market’s Election Bet
1:54 Trump’s Lead Narrows
6:43 Can Biden’s approval rating climb 10 points in 7 months?
8:03 Biden’s Battlefronts: Immigration Woes VS. Ukraine Crisis
10:45 Shifting Sands: GOP Shakeups Threaten Trump’s Grip on 2024


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28 thoughts on “Can Trump stop Never-Trumpers' revolt before it's too Late? | David Woo”

  1. WHAT HAPPENS if the Biden Admin steals the election again, Biden resigns and Harris becomes the first LAUGHING PRESIDENT?… Will American become a Second World Economy and a quasi-Socialist State?

  2. Trump has an ACE up his sleeve…

    His SPAC — DJT has a MARKET Value of $6.7BILLION (Company loses $40M a year 😆) Now REPUBLICAN Donors can simply buy his Stock –Donald owns 55% $3.5B and Self Fund Campaign!!

    Win Win– Donors get a TAX WRITE OFF when Stock declines AFTER election!!

    Only in America!!

    More Fun Facts– 97% of ALL SPACS are BANKRUPT– Americans have been Fleeced by Wallstreet, Congress and Senate…

    Doge 🐕 Coin is worth > $30 Billion!!

    Strange Times

  3. The two party system does not work. There are four possible parties in the United States : Maga , Republican , Democrat (Joe Manchin), and Progressive Left (Me). In my humble opinion, this would give a wide range of choices to the American people. If this were to work, the electoral college system would have to be eliminated. Neither candidate appeals to me. Trump less. He just doesn’t represent honor. Is the system trying to prevent him from running ? Yes, and i hope they are successful. Does Biden represent my strong left beliefs ? No. Will I vote for him ? Yes. He is not Chaos. I don’t like Chaos.

  4. I am looking at the World stage ( including the USA) from a biblical perspective. America is doomed.Biden is not the real president…rather look at Obama. Biden is the mouthpiece of Obama. The Central bankers need Biden. He is there puppet to push through laws that will benefit them. The fight is between the Central bankers and Trump. Trump wants the US to go onto the gold standard. The central bankers want to keep the petro dollar ( which is dead) alive. Meanwhile, there is another player on the field of politics. A man who is already operating behind the scenes, Mr Fix all.the anti christ. The latter needs all these wars and turmoil to step in later as the hero that will create peace, freedom and stability. Like I said I see world events from a biblical perspective. I really doubt if the US election will ever take place
    PS. thank you for the video and God bless

  5. never trumper working for soros and biden, nothing new there they must go..anyway kennedy will pulverise biden that is for sure, as trump will pulveraise kennedy, so never trumper ned to switch democrate..they have the great majority of americans who support trump..they should move to castro island..

  6. You are the only source who balances political activity with stock market. I think that good businesses succeed no matter what the politicians are doing.

    It's also sad that the Ukraine war is likely to decide this election. I am baffled as to how anyone who values democracy can excuse or validate Putin. Yet I can also see how the influx of millions of illegal aliens is of more immediate concern to Americans.

  7. 1. Foreign investments in China reshoring to US real estate and stocks, same with Chinese moving money out of China 2. Biden’s irresponsible loose cash policies to win election while destroying nation’s fiscal health. All this stimulates assets for Biden and to Trump’s detriment

  8. GOP won’t approve any immigration bill, they need the border to me a mess to campaign. DT doesn’t care about immigration, he is all about regaining the white house. The US better take more people who are willing to work on anything if they want to bring production back to the country

  9. Has America abandoned its religion in favor of a Democrat secular utopia is the question. Many States have but many haven’t. Will America be the first great nation without a religion? About half of it is. Are we hovering around at the tipping point or slowly going over?


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