Can They Stop The ROMAN War Machine!

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43 thoughts on “Can They Stop The ROMAN War Machine!”

  1. With Rome's conquest of mainland Italy now out of the way, Rome sets it's sights on gaining full control of Sicily. For the longest time, Syracuse has been a client state of Rome and have been able to be protected from larger threats due to Rome watching over them. However, a new king as taken control of Syracuse, and he can see the writing on the wall when it comes to Rome's ambition. Not wanting to be controlled by them anymore, Syracuse has been sending out requests to help them in the event that Rome decides to annex them by force.

    With Carthage too busy with internal problems and trying to keep their hold in Iberia, Syracuse sought out help from the next best thing: Egypt. With the fear that total control of Sicily will give Rome greater control of the Mediterranean, Egypt's trade routes would be at risk and thus making it easier for Egypt to accept Syracuse's call for aid. In addition to their forces, they were able to bring along a Kush mercenary army to help bolster their ranks.

    With word of Syracuse's insurrection reaching their ears, Rome mobilizes their forces as well and also call on allies to aid them. First ones to be called were Massalia, a Greek colony in southern Gaul who were trade partners with Rome and an important buffer region between Rome and the barbarians to the north. Also, Rome sent a request to the Seleucid Empire in the hopes that they would want to join in against the Ptolemaic rivals, the Egyptians. Even though they were dealing with Persians on their eastern border, they Seleucids were able to send a sizable force to assist Rome in their war effort.

    With the pieces assembling for both sides, Rome launches it's assault into Syracuse lands, with all armies meeting up in a coastal fort north of Syracuse. Will Rome force another faction to bend the knee and be crushed by their ambition, or will Syracuse hold on to their autonomy and prove that Rome is not as invincible as they make themselves out to be?

  2. Hey there, Seleucid player here! Thanks so much for covering the replay, splitting our armies was a big risk and we really thought we lost it at the start but we got lucky 🙂

  3. Hi Apollo, nice video, upload the new ShieldWall campaigns…they are great!!!!

    We want to see how our trusted youtuber passes the entire ShieldWall Campaign. ^^

  4. Awesome video but the audio sounds…. weird. It might just be my headphones being off or something but it almost seems like a super small echo or something. Maybe I am going crazy! Thanks for the great replays as always Apollo!

  5. Question, as you know when you destroy the section of the wall where you put siege engines doesnt make a hole in the wall… so why not just build whole wall THAT thick? Bruv.

  6. Hey Apollo I’ve been a fan for about 3 to 4 years and YouTube is doing you very dirty as you never came up on my recommended and I’m so glad I found your channel again, great content.

  7. Apollo has been grinding and making videos for us since I was in middle school he tries and works a lot harder than most creators and he is still one of my absolute favorite people and I’ve always wanted to play a siege battle with him


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