Can I Beat Fallout 4 Survival Difficulty as a Assaultron?! | Fallout 4 Survival Challenge!

Hello there you Beautiful people my name is Willow and today we are going to find out if I can beat Fallout 4’s Survival Difficulty using only Shotguns! It’s a fun run so make sure to like and subscribe for more just like it!

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0:00 – Intro
2:01 – Gameplay

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46 thoughts on “Can I Beat Fallout 4 Survival Difficulty as a Assaultron?! | Fallout 4 Survival Challenge!”

  1. Wouldn’t iron fist be the thing that upgrades ur damage rather than big leagues.
    Edit: U can just got to the asylum and leave jack just wait there and he will appear eventually u don’t need to follow him

  2. Fun, as always!

    Skyrim: Ahzidal's Ring of Arcana. Rules. Can only use spells you start with to get the ring, then only use Ignite and Freeze afterwards. You can learn the two required spells for the College, but thats it. Ignite is effected by the Aspect of Terror glitch, so its a little harder with the Unofficial Patch removing it.

    Fallout 4: You already hinted at Unarmed, so how about Minigun Only? The minigun is considered underpowered at later levels, but pretty good up to the 20-30s. Of course, Suvival would be a different etory. Main issue is maintaining ammo for it, if you don't want to just use the Shredder mod and the Basher perk.

  3. I knew this run would be easy considering how fucking op assaultrons are the arms and headlaser was dangerous enough just think if you had gone with the shock version of the assultron blades and the stealthboy upgrade they have. You'd win 100% off sneak criticals and your melee would be literaly 1 shots with those blades especially when the robot does the stab by stab stab animation. This run was a complete joke lol

  4. I absolutely love that you're just running with the budbloog joke/reference hahaha 😂 I love your videos and I always look forward to any new ones you post. In the meantime, I enjoy rewatching what you already have uploaded, they never get old. You're a breath of fresh air and your passion is very apparent. Best wishes to you and never give up on your dreams and passions. Cheers!

  5. Fallout 4 minimum kills. You only kill those who strike you (or your allies) first, and must try to talk out as many things out as you can.
    Charisma is probably going to be your best friend in this type of playthrough.

  6. You might not see this but I've been loving your channel! I had a suggestion for fallout 4: legendaries only. Either playing with only legendaries you find or downloading a mod that makes every enemy legendary. The second would probably have you dying a lot though, I can't count the number of times I've died to a level 1 raider with a legendary plasmified or bleed effect gun

  7. I wish there was special dialogue with Jack Cabot if you have the alien blaster. like, "Hey, you right, aliens are real, actually I killed one last week"

  8. Here's my suggestion. Nerbit did a run as a deathclaw that failed because he stuck to traditional deathclaw size. Couldn't get through a turnstile.

    I want to see a Fallout 4 run as a human size deathclaw.

  9. Oh i got an idea for a run, play as a super mutant only using stuff they have and try to be the leader of them all! You can have strong as your companion and you love smacking down other mutants/behemoths to prove your superiority!


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