Camback Of Shame From Police – Halton 12 Div. – Milton, ON, CA – #audit #copwatch #canadianpolice


49 thoughts on “Camback Of Shame From Police – Halton 12 Div. – Milton, ON, CA – #audit #copwatch #canadianpolice”

  1. 10:23 "I'm going to let you do your thing" 🀬
    I was a little surprised you let this go, but I realize you were focused on the other stream of conversation.

    In media and storytelling, characterizations are essential tools for shaping narratives and eliciting "emotional" responses from audiences. By portraying characters in particular ways, creators can manipulate how audiences perceive and relate to them. Overall, characterizations can be powerful tools for shaping perceptions and influencing behavior, but it's essential to recognize when they are being used to manipulate rather than inform or entertain.

    While "a close-knit family", may have strong internal relationships, it doesn't necessarily imply isolation from the outside world, but this 'bubble' exhibits behaviors depicting otherwise. "Close-knit family", when speaking about his work environment might sound 'nice' but it's a patronizing characterization, meant to facilitate an ongoing illusion, for what I see as an exclusive, high-handed, "special interest group".

    It would indeed be improper for Fred to have said anything else, since the isolated, secular cult would in-fact disapprove, and Fred might find himself outside the so-called "close-knit family", with a blink of an eye. Of course he'd tow-the-line.

    This, doesn't mean Fred doesn't "believe" it. He's obviously very invested, most all risk has passed, and he's been well off in dividends and benefits, just waiting for the last month to click away for retirement. From his "inside", privileged perspective, I have little doubt of his elitist "beliefs".

    Despite Fred's behavior, there is no way I would, could, or should, "trust" him.

  2. Honestly , you need to do something better with your free time , go take down a nice piece of ass or something you know ? Mind your own business dude go video tape homeless or addicts in the city .. cops don’t need you wasting their time.
    Give it up with the plate readers as well , not going anywhere !
    Go get laid or something you weirdo

  3. Another great vid πŸ‘ The FOIA in Canada is pretty pointless, you have to give all your personal information then they either redact or deny what you asked for. I love that spy in the sky angle you got going on! πŸ˜ƒ

  4. I know this is off topic but the asian community officer in another stream of yours look like the one disrespecting the soldier monument he's riding and doing a wheely around the soldier monument in Ottawa when James Topp walk to Ottawa U Ottawa Scotty has the footage Dacey proberly know him !! πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š

  5. I had the funny thought that the Canadian Geese were just more hidden cameras. Cops are hilarious with how nervous they are. Do they have to pass a paranoia test? Or is it because they don't want anyone filming their crimes that makes them so sensitive.

  6. Leo’s like this took an oath, In return are given trust, respect, and authority. They can and will steal your freedom, the lives of our loved ones and are unable to crawl out of their play pen and behave like that oath or our lives mean anything to them. Ego over oath is all it takes for one of them to lie, cheat, steal, beat, or pull that trigger. Yet they don’t understand why they are the biggest threat to every free society. Self inflicted defunding worldwide ❀

  7. The police well know they have been milking the taxpayers. So they are hyper sensitive when some one who is well prepared has the guts to come with their recording equipment to investigate them. They are quick to show thier good side and that they are out standing citizens. Some police may be, — they are also caught in the system. But I would say the vast majority still want to take as much as they can — and even more. That is first priority. Second priority is to police doing as little as possible with lots of breaks in between. A sad and over exploitative police system – that is what we have.

  8. Oh thank you so much for "letting him do his thing", as if you had a choice….. everyone is a suspect huh, even if there is no crime… "evasive" is one way to craft a disparaging narrative, more like not forthcoming to someone he doesn't have to divulge information to, someone who is prying into his business… but you could also understand that hes exercising those rights you swore your oath to upload.

  9. I think its fascinating you troll cops, and you think they are the asses. Halton Police are my local Police force and they have tough job which they do very well at. You on the other hand are a sh*t disturber and I ask you to ask yourself …… are you part of the solution or part of the problem?


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