Callisto Protocol – Colony – Two-head second boss battle

This Callisto Protocol game guide video shows the second boss battle with Two-head. You’ll encounter this big monster again during the Colony level – the fight will take place in the central area with the huts.
The overall rules are the same as in the first fight – you need to dodge perfectly when the boss gets close to Jacob, because getting hit will likely mean dying. Fire at the boss and dodge again or run away after the first dodge. You’ll have to keep fighting until Two-head kneels and attack it with a melee weapon so it loses one of the heads. He then needs to be weakened again and finished off with a melee attack.
An additional complication in this boss battle is that several standard monsters may join the fight. Deal with them quickly – the best tactic is to grab them with the GRP and throw them at the spikes so they’ll die instantly. Always pay attention to what the boss is doing when fighting standard foes.




33 thoughts on “Callisto Protocol – Colony – Two-head second boss battle”

  1. This fight wouldn't be that bad if the movement in this game wasn't so clunky. I was actually starting to like the combat in this game and then this happened.

    Who thought it would be a great idea to give the enemy that can oneshot you additonal help? And not just additonal help help that is faster than you so you can't kite/ignore it and their hits actively slow you down as does you dodging their attacks. Absolutely braindead design here.

    Callisto Protocol isn't a bad game it's a fairly enjoyable one, but holy fuck is it not plagued with some terrible design choices.

  2. Survival horror? Nope, I never felt like I was out or resources? Action game? Nope, I never have the necessary control over my character to readjust mid fight. Did a mistake? You're dead let's reload. Oh and let's reload you at a really useless checkpoint and not keep any of the shopping or looting you just did… Just completed this fight and it wasn't hard, just annoying.

  3. Finished the first encounter there, it was bad. Needs a patch. Literally couldn't see where I was, weapon swaps take like 5 minutes & he can just one hit you. Like almost all boss fights, not difficult but unbalanced.

  4. What makes this even tough is that you aren’t supposed to ‘dodge’ in the same direction but with this boss you’ve gotta try to avoid the right hook (by dodging left) even if you just dodged left.

  5. What’s hilarious is it took zero effort on the first encounter I had with it. Then this second encounter happens and it felt like id been duped and they purposely set this encounter up to suck ass. Who thought it was a good idea to have some runners come in and help this thing?

  6. Hello there sir, I'd like to dodge please. Oh you're gonna dodge the little guy instead of the big guy who one shots you? Right, ok. And now you've been one shotted because you're still in the recovery animation from the previous dodge from little guy, who you didn't want to dodge in the first place.
    Can only cycle between two weapons by pressing left, so they run out of ammo pretty quickly and it takes an absolute fucking eternity to cycle through the manual way and equip a weapon.
    Oh you want to gain some space by running? Nope, we can't be having that.
    And you did dodge but here's another death animation. Fuck you.
    I want to love this game but jumpin Jesus it's more annoying and infuriating than anything. Not even scary because it's so annoying.
    Let's hope they don't fuck up Dead Space. Then I'll be upset.

  7. Okay I just reached this second 2 headed boss and I’m at that point where I ran out of ammo only 4 shotgun ammo left. Once that done my only choice is to melee him and like how long that going to take to melee this boss. I feel like I’m screwed at this point. Any help anyone?

  8. Been at this for over an hour already. I can't remember the last time game made me rage quit🤣 garbage. Those little runner shits keep fucking me up. The stress levels for trying to find a weapon with ammo to change while running, dodging, shooting and loot for more ammo. One mistake or a sucker punch from those runners and it's game over.

  9. I agree the design of this boss fight is atrocious! I did it after 6 tries. Don't try to dodge, it's unreliable. My tactic was keeping my distance from him by running around the area where the explosive thingy is. Runner I grabbed with L2+X and threw him on the spike wall. Then two shotgun shots at the big guy, distance, 2 shots, distance.

  10. OK, just beat him. Use any movable objects (including supply crates) to hurt him. Use runners to hurt him (2 throws into him kills the runners). Keep your distance and pick up ammo from crates you throw at him as you circle through the area. Finally, and this is key, use your WEAK swing (R2) when he's on his knees. It makes no sense, but the strong swing doesn't work as intended, the weak swing DEFINITELY makes him split quicker and it seems like it kills him faster.

  11. I'm on this boss now and kinda rolled my eyes when i realised i had to fight another one soon soon after the first one.. 🙄 Like that's a terrible design decision. Shows a lack of creativity for this chapter. I'm at a stage where i just want to wrap things up quickly and this is pissing me off. Game had alot of potential but some mechanics are just plain off. Like.. No. 😐

  12. Just do what I did. Reload last auto save before the boss fight. Sell everything and buy a shit ton of shotgun ammo, then buy the explosive rounds upgrade for the riot gun, and blast him to bits. Three R1 shots from shotgun brings to knees for first R2 mele, then another 6 R1 shots and a melee to kill. So around 40 shotgun rounds to be safe lol. Killed him before the first runner showed up.


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