Cafe De Rene LIVESTREAM #10 Reaction to cm punks bizarre press call

Bonjour and welcome to another livestream edition of cafe de rene with rene dupree, and today we take a look at cm punk bizarre press call where he proceeds to Bury former best friend colt cabana and aew vps Kenny omega and the young bucks.
#renedupree #cafederene #cmpunk


21 thoughts on “Cafe De Rene LIVESTREAM #10 Reaction to cm punks bizarre press call”

  1. So Punk took a line from Hangman that %10 of people understood, had a few months off to stew and comes back and shoots on him when Hangman isn’t around? Then he steals the spotlight from everyone else at the PPV and calls out Hangman again, and trashes the EVPs sitting next to the Owner of the company, and the guy who hired them, and he also cuts the legs out from the young lion and brings a friend backstage who assaults other workers?

  2. As much as this channel circle jerks against punk. The Bucks come off as even worse to me. This guy who got punked by legit crazy guys back in the day is probably the legit crazy guy nowadays. Much as a lot of you wouldn’t admit it.

  3. Wow it was very interesting hearing rene talk about his experience with colt and punk that’s f’d up they got him black balled. Its one thing not liking someone but to spread shit and mess up someone finically is scum bag sh!t.

  4. I love that rene said he chose to be independent seeing you guys run this podcast inspires me I make music and will never sign to a major Im building my platform independently 🙏🏽

  5. Hey james if you see this I recommend getting a blue yeti mic i have trouble hearing you on my phone speaker they’re inexpensive and its a usb mic very simple to use! ( and no I don’t work for blue yeti this isn’t a spam plug lol )

  6. Love Rene but can we get more of London? Seriously, he's the jewel here. A weekly or monthly sit down with Paul would be awesome. I'd love to hear a Cornette and London interview.

  7. Rene shows how little he knows about the situation and that he's bitter he wasn't more successful in wrestling. I want to like him but he literally sounds pilled out. He likes to brag he hasn't been on TV in 16 years and how good his podcast does, that's because you're talking about other wrestlers, Rene. Including CM Punk


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