ByuN's overpowered strategy on the new balance patch! StarCraft 2

SC2 Tournament ESL SC2 Cup NA Finals – ByuN is back at it with some ridiculous Terran strategies. Not to be outdone, Dark also tests early game Zerg on this brave new balance patch tournament finals!

Winter’s balance patch breakdown & explanation:

StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void – ESL SC2 Cup NA 155 Finals – ByuN (Terran) vs Dark (Zerg) – Best of 5

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Starcraft 2 is a Science Fiction Real Time Strategy & Tactics game by Blizzard Entertainment! Battle with the tenacious Terrans, the advanced Protoss or the overwhelming Zerg. Check out to play for free, and find guides, highlights and more information right on this channel!


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41 thoughts on “ByuN's overpowered strategy on the new balance patch! StarCraft 2”

  1. Maybe zerglings should be able to shoot up like every other race's cheap basic units. That would be fair :). Oh, and give perv overlords cloaking when not moving. That would be disgusting.

  2. I've heard a lot about how the Snipe change will let Zerg easily avoid it – is that actually true? I'm looking at e.g. 39:47 where it looks to me like Dark pulls back the instant the snipes come through, and they still go off?

  3. Finally, was tired of non zerg in tournaments, we should have nothing but zerg. Zergcraft 2 should be the name of the game. And what kind of idiot thought it was smart to give terrans counter to instant tech switches of zerg, or counter to broodlords suported by 1000 supply in mobile defence, or counter to lurkers. They should buff the queen a little.

  4. they really need to add a basic low damage ranged attack for infestors so they don't derp forward in battle like that. ghosts and high templar both have that. naturally, zerg doesn't because blizzard hates Zerg. Fucking broken ass game

  5. I’m very new to pro SC2, and I really appreciate the insights, micro/macro, and buff/nerf insights you provide. It makes it so much more interesting.

    Perfect mix between match commentary and meta commentary. And yes you did make my day better, I’ve had the flu and this has helped me get my mind off of it. I’ll go watch some more of your vids too!

  6. Wasn't the reasoning for the increased ravager build time to make it harder to morph hurt roaches in the middle of fights and have them spawn with full HP before the eggs could be killed so easily? That was my thought at least, ravager all-ins wasn't really an issue was it?

  7. I love that these two players are back and playing against one another again. The first ever pro SC2 game I watched was Dark vs Byun 2016 world finals and having them back is so great to see them back


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