Buying/Not Buying Guide for Black Friday in Raid: Shadow Legends

Should we spend or should we no? #RaidShadowLegends #MtgJedi #rpg Check out Rogue Energy and use code mtgjedi20 for …


41 thoughts on “Buying/Not Buying Guide for Black Friday in Raid: Shadow Legends”

  1. The support was for @Ash the person not that particular choice. I said so, as did many others'. We can forgive the choice, but it doesn't mean we like it. I said exactly that and gave neither a like, or dislike and told him that too. I also told him I was disappointed with the choice, but it was still his to make regardless. I watched part of it to see what he had to say about his reasons why, and fast forwarded through the actual showcase to his conclusion. I will not perpetrate in Paylariums behaviour by watching/supporting any CC on getting Zena. My protest against the CC's on this is to not watch any, just like my protest is not to spend anymore. Please join the call, even if it's just for 1 month, but you could start from today just the same as in a couple weeks time.

    Edited this in… Where are all the CC's? It's a ghost town on YT.

  2. I was going to purchase the champion pass but since there really is no rush I'll hold off on that, let's see what they have this weekend but other than that I'm ready to not spend a dime for the rest of the year…

  3. I'm happy to have stumbled across this video as a result of Jggis and several other cc's I had'nt know of before. I can see you have an objective view as do most other cc's I follow. Ash, HH, Nub and a few others. I am generally ftp but am open to a good deal if I am at that point of making my account leap in an area I feel will advance me exponentially. I will not spend in December in an attempt to make our voices actually heard. I agree that Plarium will not react unless it has an effect on their bottom line. I have now subscribed to at least 4 other cc's and I also see the tendency to swing in directions other than Raid and Plarium. Maybe they will wake up in time to save their game and platform. I have spent thousands of dollars on other games in the past and have moved on when the fun was not worth the effort to maintain my account. More power to ya and I hope things go well for you in the future.

  4. Its sad watching creators try to make content about a game that has effed itself so hard. Plarium is trash and im sorry for you and the other creators that you are tied to that sinking ship.

  5. I will respectfully submit that based on last year's Black Friday & Christmas offers, it may not be fair to say these are "traditionally" the best offers of the year. Two years ago the Black Friday (and Xmas) offers were incredible. Last year they were kinda "meh". Given Payrium's trajectory recently, I expect the offers to flat-out stink this year. But I might be jaded…….

  6. Was a spender at one time over 8 months ago. Black Friday discounts are still overpriced, will play the game but will not give Plarium a dime. No matter how you are going to sugarcoat it, Plarium still gouging and manipulating.

  7. I'm f2p.
    Will continue to be f2p.
    Never understood any compulsion to spend on this game. All spending does is hurry up your progress to another bottleneck or power-gate.
    Game is very enjoyable for free, IMO.

  8. I’m not spending anymore on raid. Raid has one foot out the door and Fateless will push the other foot out. So why spend money in a game that won’t be around much longer

  9. I have a different look at Xena. And this time of year they’d normally give us another 7 day login free champ. So you can’t even plug her into the price of buying the champ pass you’re paying $40 for absolutely nothing. The paid path is legit nothing. We’d typically get the champ for free so why are we paying for her this time with $3 worth of resources?

  10. 200 gems per 1$ is 650 energy 🙂 so then it seams pretty bad that you think 300 energy should be 1$ 😛 And its really easy to stop spending and you can still do every thing in the game.

  11. In Black Friday I'm looking for a good deal on void & prim shards. However will be reducing my expensis usually I spend between 700-1500 USD & its time to boycut to send a massage my clan decide also to not go hard on CVC as it dosent have a personal reward……

  12. Been thinking about buying books. I need legendary books really bad. Just haven't been in a place to purchase them yet. Would be great to see a really nice Black Friday deal offer for them.

  13. I am going to support the community i want to try to help make the game better. As long as they don't bring Gabrielle as a fusion raid is already asking who they should make a companion champion for Xena.

  14. Big boycott since day 1 been f2p and been really fun seeing what you attain. See the "steal deal" at $69.99 you are saying it's decent say your suggestion gets 100 to buy it but imagine if it was $59.99? If it's a deal at the higher price point imagine how many would spend and be happy to spend at the lower price? The issue is the packs don't entice people to want to spend in lower spending brackets…. What's the draw? 1 primal and 2 voids? So which rares or epics will you get? They just don't care and frankly never seem like they have. Jgigs tells the truth but people back Plarium how? What magical world do you live in that you think Plarium does things right?


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