But Just Ignore The Trolls!

In which I explain why I (and many of my model friends) can’t/won’t ‘just ignore’ trolls, and people who send us horrendously rude emails. Some of my reasons are, in my own estimation, excellent. Some are perhaps a little less rational 😉

Happy New Year dear friends, and sorry I’m quite grumpy in this video. My back was immensely sore and making a terrifying grinding sound when I moved, and although I didn’t know it yet, I was coming down with Covid and about to spend 5 hours in a freezing cold studio because the studio owner hadn’t put the heating on in advance.

In other news, MY BOOK is still available. Good heavens yes. And I just heard it’s got distribution in the USA, coming in 2024. I didn’t expect this, and am very very happy about it! x



11 thoughts on “But Just Ignore The Trolls!”

  1. This was a very interesting video for me. I remember fearing, when you wrote articles for newspapers about your modeling, and then when you came out with your wonderful book, that you would be getting a lot of abuse online, and I did think at the time that I hoped you would not be engaging with them because it might lead to unhappiness at being drawn into their negativity. But the reasons you've shared makes perfect sense, and I continue to be very impressed with how smart and principled you are. I have always felt a bit of shame at the pictures and videos I watch, thinking that there is something a bit wrong with me for liking images of women tied up, so when you do your videos about your career that demonstrate you have have full agency over your work and are so thoughtful and considerate about things, it makes me feel that maybe I am an okay person as well. Thanks for everything you do. I hope the medical difficulties go away soon and that you have safe travels.

  2. The fact that you take into account how your response may impact someone who has been abusing to you, and to not be too cruel to them just shows who has the higher morale awareness here. I know that so many newer performers will and do benefit from you taking the time to call this kind of behaviour out – thank you for always speaking up and having their back. 🙂

  3. The people who say "just ignore them" mean well, of course, however as you've astutely put in this video, the issue is infinitely more nuanced than that, even when looking at it generally. When we look at the issue on a micro level (e.g. individually), it's even more nuanced. They say 'be the change you want to see', and I believe you're doing exactly that by challenging these trolls – and as you very wisely do – broadcasting their vitriol to the world for everyone to see rather than generally engaging them on an individual basis, as I'm sure that's partly their goal. Leaving these trolls unchallenged and simply ignoring them may well be effective for some of them, but it's a delicate balance, and what I believe is a personal balance. Perhaps there's no right or wrong way to address them, other than what is right or wrong for each person, as you very well said, and for you challenging them head on, educating them, and protecting not only yourself but your sister models and women alike (and people in general) is what's right for you, and even more so, perhaps, in this year of justice. I pity anyone who trolls, and I pity even more those who may troll our very own speccy four-eyed sl*t, because they're going to get their comeuppance in spades.


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