Bus drivers rescue toddler

Two bus drivers are being hailed as heroes after saving a boy that had been in the back seat of his parents’ car when it was stolen by carjackers. ABC News’ Derricke Dennis reports.


45 thoughts on “Bus drivers rescue toddler”

  1. This happens more than you think. Little ones get loose when folks are asleep or in a hyjacked car. i can't imagine how awful for the parents. We had an incident like that where the hyjacker left a baby in it's car seat beside the road!

  2. Usually small children in my country are never sitting alone in the back but with an elder n usually on top of their lap or next to parent or elder n belt on, it assist in such situations when you are car jacked coz you get out with your child or kids however thanks God the child was safely returned to them.

  3. bus drives get paid close to minimum wage. let that sink in. what other minimum wage worker would go out of their way like this to be 100% sure the kid didn't need any help.

  4. That had to have been the toughest time of these parents life. I cannot imagine. So thankful that it was made as short as possible thanks to some very attentive and coordinated people working that day. Stay safe all


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