Bullies Don’t Realize That the Boy They Are Bullying is a Martial Arts Expert


35 thoughts on “Bullies Don’t Realize That the Boy They Are Bullying is a Martial Arts Expert”

  1. So cool to see Grandmaster Chuck Norris doing the Tang Soo Do techniques I practice multiple times per week in class!
    I thought the moves in the beginning looked really familiar to what I train and use…. 😊❤

  2. I never saw this movie, but I wish I had seen it when it came out. I'm surprised that they used a real name of a high school & mascot in a movie. The mascot was changed to "Texans" some time after this movie was released.

  3. The truth of the matter in real life, and not seen in movies: You DO NOT need to be a "martial arts expert" to stand up to a bully! You just need to STAND UP! My grandfather told me you do not need to "win" a fight to get a bully to leave you alone. All you have to do is hurt him, and it doesn't matter how. Bite his ankles if you have to, and he (and hopefully not a she lol) will leave you alone. Because it's not the bully's intention to fight. It's intimidation, and all a bluff. And it does work. I stood up to a kid bullying me and whipped his butt. A week later, while walking home from school he jumped me from behind with 3 other guys. I ended making the rest of the walk home completely naked after beating me. Yeah I refused and did not return to that school after that. So never mind what my grandfather says! lol! The world's a tough place, but you still gotta stand up for yourself when you are in the right, even when you know you can get hurt doing it, was his real message. Because it is the right thing to do. And that is all that matters. (Taking some lessons learning how to defend yourself doesn't hurt either.)


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