Building the Minibike – Exploring Alpha 21 | Episode 12

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Building the Minibike – Exploring Alpha 21 | Episode 12

Genosis embarks on a brand new Alpha 21 series, set to explore all the content it has to offer. Join us in the adventure, like, and subscribe!

Mods Used:
Posters and Calendars (Genosis) –
Lockable Inv Slots (KhaineGB) –
CraftFromContainers (aedenthorn) –
QuickStack (WestWud) –

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7 Days to Die is a “Zombie Horde Survival Crafting Game”. Yep, that’s a lot of words. That’s because 7 days to die is a lot of things. It is a zombie horror game. You are being pursued by zombies with the constant threat of a horde in 7 days, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. They come for you on day 7, and you have that much time to prepare. If you survive that horde, another one is coming on day 14, stronger than before. You must improve your base, become more skilled, or you will lose everything. It is also a crafting game, where you can build your base, weapons, tools, even electrical traps, and turrets to keep you alive through the night. It is also a survival game, where you must scavenge food, mine resources, and manage your general health through diseases and dysentery. What makes 7 Days to Die special isn’t just that unique mix of gameplay features I describe above, it is also a “fully destructible world” based on voxel technology. You can dig anywhere, destroy anything, in a true sandbox environment. The replay-ability is near infinite, limited only to your imagination and gluttony for punishment. There are multitudes of settings for you to customize your experience to make it as tough, or as creative as you wish. 7 Days to Die is also created with multiplayer in mind. You can collaborate in teams, or strike out on your own as a lone wolf. you can form alliances, group up for the shared experience, or attack other players on PVP servers for the ultimate survival challenge. Will you be the member or a community, or a threat from afar? The many, many choices are yours.


41 thoughts on “Building the Minibike – Exploring Alpha 21 | Episode 12”

  1. Every episode is getting better. I cannot wait for each one. I know you said you need a cement mixer. Keep doing quests for traders cause i know GNS got a chem station on his episode for i think a finishing tier 3 quests. Great episode Genosis

  2. I'm about too do a ier 6 infested mission at a cracker book I'm nervous the tier five infested were crazy have the zombies in May game are radiated the other half are farel

  3. So your base has came a long way man thanks alot you actually inspired me too do something similar with a huge mo electronics building it's like 4 stories high I just finished it and the outer wall on the roof I made a infinity pool

  4. I thought there was a bit of loot in that poi you did right before you turn to go up the ladder behind some plates blocking the way.
    That green SOB is one of the most horribly over armored zombies in the game considering he's only wearing a damn hoodie.

  5. I was a bit worried you'd get kicked out by the trader, I don't know if it is a bug or a feature, but last time I overstayed my welcome in a21 I got teleported 4 km away into the wasteland with a broken leg, not funny

  6. 29:20 with the new decap on all the zombies the stun baton with repulser mod have shown me the most obscenely hilarious kills this game has ever had. Hit a stripper once her body launched over a fence but her head just levitated there for a sec lol

  7. After seeing just the beginning of that city, my vote is to move, as much as it would suck to leave the building unfinished. Looks like lots more to do and 2 traders. Almost sounds like a must to me. Also curious about that new apartment building you just passed at the end. Think it's a T4 or 5.

  8. You're getting absolutely slaughtered because your armour is so weak, you need to getting better quality armour, even if that means switching to heavy armour temporarily

  9. The SMG is the second to last to unlock in pistols. The Desert Vulture is the best pistol.
    I like using both. I'd use the .44 more often but that reload speed is a killer. I used a .44 today to kill an entire dog horde off – one-shot kills. They do a tremendous amount of damage. lol

  10. Those infested quests are all over the place with how many extra zombies you get. And some of these new tier 2's I've been doing are really big houses for a 2. Did some 3's that were easier than some of the 2's I did. I did one tier 4 I thought was a 5 — took me the entire game day to do it.

  11. With that craft from inventory mod that you recommended, the range is insane. I was at my horde base about 200 metres from my storage and I was pulling steel to do upgrades

  12. Oh My god he has a Vehicle RIP poor Minibike 🙁 This Alpha has Humbled alot of people with how easy it is to Decimate your vehicles health Like hitting anything solid will take damn near halve the health of the Might jeep. :O

  13. When you go left inside Hugh's towards the back there is an ammo crate to loot and it does refresh. If you want more of a challenge go to the snow biome. The T3 infestations and up have quite a bit of rads & ferals in them. Better loot stage and bonus as well. I made a small cabin out there to spend a few in game days at a time running missions and looting before going back to our main base. Maybe you can find a smaller poi to fix up there.

  14. I did an exploratory run into the wasteland on my bike just to loot cars and trash on day 15 (which was stupid as I still had a lvl 5 pipe assault rifle and lvl 5 spear) but I did quickly find a nailgun and a lvl 6 iron pickaxe with no problem… just bring coffee to outrun the bears (having the high performance running shoes and the college jacket helps). Progress is painfully slow in the green biome so go adventuring!

  15. I think the vehicles are a little TOO fragile now. They take damage from the dumbest things. 'curb physics' for instance…the ones that toss you into the air if you don't 'hop' at just the right time. *ugh*.


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