Building a TINY HOME on our Portugal Farm Renovation

We’re starting on a tiny home build on our farm! With a busy year of guests coming to see us we need more space, so we’re embarking on one of our biggest projects yet! After Christmas in Zimbabwe it’s absolutely incredible to see the change in the seasons as winter sets in in Northern Portugal, but we’re not here for long as we set off to explore northern Italy with some new friends…

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We are John, Tara, and Crusoe Newby. A family of explorers. Our ambition is to get our son Crusoe to over 100 countries before he goes to school. Please support us by giving us a thumbs up and making sure to subscribe to follow our adventures.

On and off, we have been traveling for over 20 years and have explored more than 160 of the world’s 193 countries, it’s been quite a journey, and now we are sharing our adventures weekly here on YouTube with new episodes EVERY SUNDAY.

Because we believe that lines across a map are more important than numbers in the bank.

Thanks so much for watching!!!


36 thoughts on “Building a TINY HOME on our Portugal Farm Renovation”

  1. If I ever get to Portugal, I have to come see the farm. I did a DNA test and found out I am 1% Portuguese. I was shocked to say the least. I'm am fair skinned redhead with Scottish-Irish roots.

  2. Hosta's for the shady areas and of course I suggest putting in rosemary, oregano, and some other perennial herbs. I don't know what zone you're in but some succulents or thornless cacti would be beautiful.

  3. Are you going to Nicky Positano in Italy?? You visited the same swimming pool in England. Nicky is realy beautiful on her vlogs en lives in Positano Italy. We enjoy you're vlogs so much. Also have a vegitable garden en doing gardening a lot in Holland. We 'll think of a planting plan for beneath those big trees. So really think about that! Lots of love XX

  4. Re the plants for the border Google herbaceous plants and shrubs for shade or deep shade. You will also need to know which compass point the borders face as this will also affect what you can grow, It will be hard to get a lot of colour as plants for shade tend to be more subdued. Borders under trees also tend to be drier. Autumn flowering cyclamen will spread from the initial planting and look lovely. You will need to think in advance about weeding and maintenance as you have a lot of tasks to do and the brambles and ivy will tend to come back rapidly.

  5. I can't get over how big Sawyer is getting!!💗 Caruso is practically putting full sentences together and getting cuter than ever💓 And you two seem to have more energy than ever!! Can't wait to see next week's video!!😍

  6. We love your adventures and your great little family. I learned Portuguese in Brazil and their Portuguese sometimes differs from Portugal Portuguese, but your good friend João's name is pronounced Zhoo-OWN, not Zha-WOW. The til (ā) accent makes the "a" nasal. And Casa Pequeña is Spanish. In Portuguese it is Casinha (ca-ZEEN-ya) or casa pequena (casa peh-KEN-uh). Sorry to go all school teacher on you, but I thought you might like to know. Enjoy Italy!

  7. Hi Newbys……… great to see you back at the farm and having a magical time, beautiful pictures of lichens, moss spider webs….. so lovely. Crusoe is learning so much and is growing fast… lovely moments of him and his dad.
    Ideas for the flower border, Camelia, ferns, wild flower seeds…. Mix it up a bit. Have fun in Italy! See ya soon.

  8. I noticed a camellia so they must do well there. I’d also try azaleas and hydrangeas for the background and layer with medium height perennials and bulbs and annuals in front. Make larger, sweeping curves. Look to your neighbors and around town to see what grows well there.

  9. It has been warmer than usual here in the Seattle area. Everything is green and it feels like spring. We have been getting lots of rain also. I hope we don't get another snow storm. This warm weather is nice.
    I would plant some lavender. Smells great. Great for the bees and you can use it for tea.

  10. Hello Tara & John this week I was late and only now I saw the video of the week 😊 and I was so happy when I saw little Sawyer so well dressed 😁 I'm glad you liked it, I confess I saw it twice because the first one I only looked at Sawyer 😃. So many projects I'm waiting to see the evolution of everything 💪👏but with the help of Crusoe it will be very fast. Be well and be happy.

  11. I recognized the voice of Brady! That's fun you meet each other! I remember he talked about problem men have always loosing their tools, especially tape measure (correct?) recalling your "case"; it was already funny to hear him telling that; and now you go there (beautiful place too by the way!); it's silly but I'm quite excited! There is a lot of work to do, you will be very helpful, what a team!
    The tiny house: I'm in! Love it, and I have load of ideas!
    For the lawn, you could sow a mix of wild flowers…

  12. Wooo hooo great news about the ‘the spring’ I do remember the water issues ….. it was all a bit traumatic for you … so happy days 😊 now with all the water back on the farm.
    John’s lawn project looking amazing! of course he can’t take all the credit Crusoe’s been there helping out all the way. As for the ‘weather’ well u are not on your own with Rain, rain and more rain I had a beautiful week on Malolo Island Fiji now back in Sydney to more rain….. not quiet so cold as you are experiencing.
    Looking forward to the Italian surprise. So nice travelling with you guys.

  13. John, 💑Tara, Crusoe🍎 and Sawyer👶 back where you all belong❣❣ Sawyer is so responsive and alert when he hears Mum & Dad's voice. Litte man farmer is so hands on I am so afraid he'll lose that cuteness of a toddler so smart, kind yet so much fun❣🥰 John the work you've done in the house is so amazing especially the banister on the stairs and the whole kitchen project❣ When I say you did an amazing job….you did because we know Tara is the Project Director🥰. Lilac bush (perennial) many variety all with essence. Honey suckle perennial sweetens night air. Mini Sunflowers, any cone flower or relative of a daisy perennial family. Gardenia (perennial) Butterfly bush is butterflly, bee and humming bird polinating feasters❣

  14. Hi my dear friends :).. Watching your episodes makes me very happy everytime but when your sweet boys are included like this one i am delighted ! Thanks very much to share the special moments with us, this is magical to see that they are growing so fast each week.. By the way, I can't wait to see your new projects especially the tiny house one..Umm, dream to be your guest there one day 😀 ! Lots of love and kisses for your boys.Take care of your selves.. see you

  15. Love that little Crusoe is saying 'ja' and 'yeah'. My son does both too with parents from different countries it's always interesting to see what kids pick up.
    Can't wait to see the renovation starting!

  16. Oh my God Crusoe is such a lovely little boy. In my opinion for a shaded area you may plant hydrangeas, rhododendrum, camellias, hostas. These don´t like full sunlight in a hot summer and their flowers are beautiful. Looking forward to seing that wonderful garden


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