Building a base and electronics for Katie's "Watcher"

3DPrinting #ScaleModel #DIY Today at Badgerworks, we design and print base for a piece of terrain m’daughter made, so it …


17 thoughts on “Building a base and electronics for Katie's "Watcher"”

  1. Love me some father-daughter collaborations. I’m not a gamer either but that looks like a great interpretation of the subject. The base is annoyingly good. That means it’s far better than I would have done.

    Marmite and vegemite are just fine added to soups and stews for extra added umami. On their own they’re like a teaspoon of salt that’s been passed through a honey badger.

  2. I'm seriously impressed by Katie's work on the base and the Watcher, you've taught her well. And nice work by your good self on the rest of it!
    I'm a Marmite fan, the chilli version's even better!

  3. Hi.
    Do you have a link for the pins, and also, the link for batteries no longer works.
    Love the fact your daughter has been inspired by your work to have a go.

  4. If there is one thing birds are famous for, it is for picking and eating worms and insects. Everybody knows that! How can a professional teacher possibly be that ignorant? She should have been fired on the spot! Btw, nicely done you two 👏👏👏

  5. That base looks almost pro-made.
    Shrink-wrap is pre-stretched polymer that is rapidly cooled during manufacture to freeze it in it's stetched state. When you reheat it it can return to it's natural non stretched state and the polymers can return to their relaxed chaotic curled up state. Not that good of an explanation but….


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