Buhari & Mahmood Spectacularly Wasted an Opportunity for Heroism – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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44 thoughts on “Buhari & Mahmood Spectacularly Wasted an Opportunity for Heroism – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie”

  1. … juvenile fulminations of non-juvenile people. Absolute brilliance from the fearless Chief Chimamanda Adichie. I respect your courage to speak to power especially the US. USA can't be endorsing illegality in Africa on one hand and at the same time poking us for being anti-democratic. That is hypocrisy.

  2. Remember when the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus with questions? Every question seems to be a trap in this interview but Nwa Ada was smart, poised with elegance and intelligence to shrink them all without a faint. There is hope for Nigeria!

  3. This woman is foreign-useful, local-useless. Her vituperation still aligns with ethnic jingoism that characterizes Obi's electoral chances. The event of 1966 – Igbo coup plotters killing Hausa/Fulani and Yoruba leaders and sparing their own Igbo leaders- is such that makes it almost impossible for an Igbo person to become Nigeria's president. Local-useless? Tell me one ngozi achievement that Nigerians have gained from. Oh, she sent some dollars to her fellow Igbo tribalists. Ok. Congrats to her! What a race!

  4. I can't believe I watched this more than many times .. even skipping the questions to hear her speak .. beauty with brain defined . Even when the people we expected to speak up failed us you gave us hope that there are still people doing the right thing❤

  5. Chimamanda is a fool. She’s still suffering from colonial mentality. Nigerian electoral laws are better than the U.S. When Donald Trump alleged that he was rigged out of the 2020 elections, there was no tribunal to appeal to. At least, Nigerian laws allow such aggrieved parties to appeal. Is she asking Biden to interfere in Nigerian elections when the same U.S is accusing Russia of election interference?

  6. I have read all through to find just one negative comment to no avail. Does it mean no single APC supporter is out there that can write basic English to criticize this Lady? 😂

  7. Arise TV’s the voice & mouth piece of south east Igbo, at 2023 presidential poll result, & Lagos State governorship poll.
    Chamanmada Adichie’s a certify ethnic & religious bigot, who’s a strong financier & supporters of Labour Peter Obi.
    Arise tv. mouth piece of Igbo IPOB

  8. Chimamanda is an ethnic clown. Surprised that she is giving audience. How on earth can an educated woman like Chimamanda be so self destruct because ethnicity. Chimamanda’s letter to President Biden didn’t make it to the west wing of the White House. It was trashed.I can pretty much say it for a fact that it is only the press favorable to Peter Obi that are talking about this trash called letter to the “US president”. Does anyone has something to say about Chimamanda’s voice? Hmmm. I rest my case. Time will tell who she is.

  9. God bless Prof. Chiamanda Adichie for such a wonderful, mature , directional, and informative analysis. It is high time young honest interlects will take over from outdated and old ones as the other professors mentioned in her explanations.
    Secondly and also importantly, Arise TV and other media outlets should also learn to grant more time for honest interlects to air their views till the end and not always cutting them short with the excuse of time . ( what else could deserve more time than allowing her finish ) .
    God bless Nigeria 🇳🇬. A new Nigeria is possible. Nigeria 🇳🇬 deserves Peter Obi.

  10. It is simple soyinka has lost the undeserved respect he had been enjoying for years. He does not any more deserve to be referred to as a professor , except as a professor of ethnic bigotry 😅


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