Bug Fables [21]: Doughnut Forget Me

Bug Fables #21! Crisbee wants to learn to cook like a superstar and we can make that happen! A few side quests later, we decide to progress the main story a wee bit. Also Kirby’s meowing up a storm in the background! Haha what a sweetie.

#bugfables #crisbee #desert

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11 thoughts on “Bug Fables [21]: Doughnut Forget Me”

  1. Brb, changing my Twitter handle to Abombination. 😀 (Kidding, that'd probably get flagged. But still, it fits me to a T) I wonder how many Crisbee Donuts it'd take for Vi to get to—er…thinking aloud. Probably a dangerous idea to complete that thought, though, since she's still got that Beemerang. 😅

  2. So you can actually get an umbrella from a side quest in like 2 chapters, and you can go back and give it to Eremi. If you had waited and didn’t give her the ointment, you would have gotten 50 berries and that defense badge, but b/c you did it this way, you bought the badge instead.

    Not the end of the world


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