BTDIABLO PATCH NOTES – A really Challenging D2 MOD!

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33 thoughts on “BTDIABLO PATCH NOTES – A really Challenging D2 MOD!”

  1. Idea for rune master: make it the only unique weapon that can be socketed for rune word. So 4 sockets eth can make a oath, 5 sockets can make beast, grief, 5 sockets eth for death, so on and so forth

  2. If it were me. I would have added a flat value of Strength to enigma instead of character level like +10-20 STR or something like that instead of character level and just removing it entirely. Also BT pulled a Senpai with his nerf to Grief because Senpai did something similar to Grief with the Dmg but kept the venom proc. Man I just thought of something putting like multiple zod runes into socketed items and how OP that would be but with the rarity of Zod rune drops having multiple zod runes into a socketed items would balance this.

  3. I love some changes that it adds If they added loot color filters like this mod stackable gems/runes this game would be 20x better lul for the first time playing offline with mods and even tho its offline and time investment is kind of wasted i dont even wanna play online cuz these 2 things make such a difference sucks playing without them i might not even play next ladder lol i get it nostalgia no changes and shit but we aint in 2000 anymore

  4. WOW! Interesting! Great job, BT (and potential others)! Started very sound and collected, then went more and more off the rails towards the end lol.
    Very end game oriented, closing farming time gaps, ease of use, etc. So to me this comes off as more of a utility mod than an actually logical enhancement mod, but we'll see 🙂

  5. Im sorry but some of those changes are ridiculous. I have changes in the back of my hand that will balance the game/classes. I dont get why it should be that hard.
    Shapeshift: remove hunger and add a leap skill since druid cant teleport in shapeshift form. Add a aoe attack ”swipe” so wolf/bear form can do aoe on smaller packs.
    Tweak and buff Bramble runeword so it benefits poison java, rabies druid and poison necro. That way you can play all those three classes late game without relying on a D-web for an example.
    Tweak and buff the bul kathos set weapons for whirlwind barbs. I dunno, add sockets to em aswell and make the hitbox hit faster with dual weapons but harder with two handed.
    Balance summon druid and make them be able to telestomp hard. Yay much more fun already.
    Tweak and buff martial arts for assassins like they have done in Prodject Diablo. Its great!
    Add like 4-5 sockets in a Windforce that way you dont have to rely on a expensive faith. Just go fully gemmed Windforce + atmas and you will do great. Fix the multishot skill so all arrows hits.
    Nerf gloom spirits so its atleast somewhat possible to farm in world tomb chamber.
    And god damn buff Tyriels might.
    There are tons of changes you can make that doesnt have to be overtuned or just plain crazy.

  6. Never seen this mod before. How in the heck do I fill the sockets on gear? Dropping doesn't work.
    Defiled warriors at the entrance to bloodraven are handing me my rear – need to get some poison gems in a weapon or something to slow down their healing.

  7. He's trying harder than Blizzard is doing for the people. I give him a lot of credit. He listens to people as Blizzard doesn't.. They couldn't even put Sunder charms in single player as well as Stacking gems and runes that 97 percent of the community wants … This puts Blizzard to shame and its not the first time someone made Blizzard look Stupid .. Gratz to him.


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