BT17 Meta Report – Week 6: Super Chungus-Sized

In a recent stream VOD East covers the events for the sixth week of events for the BT17 Secret Crisis box set in Japan and Asia. He talks about the recent trend of decks within this week as well as the inclusion of the new Digimon Liberator Starter Deck cards, their final inclusion in the current meta decks.


#DigimonTCG #Digimon #BT17 #East_ML

00:41 – Results and Takeaways
08:44 – Javi Armor
14:05 – Princess & The Slime
18:23 – Overclock for Game
20:28 – Machinedramon’s Spinning Gears
28:44 – Jes & The Dolls
29:14 – Eosmon Gang
32:34 – America Hybrid


32 thoughts on “BT17 Meta Report – Week 6: Super Chungus-Sized”

  1. I dont play competitve so Im probably missing something, but shouldnt machinedramon be good against ancientgaruru? Chaosdramon cant be bounced to hand and you can redirect attacks with analogman. I know it could struggle against other decks. Just feels like chaos and analog could combat ancientgaruru.

  2. Yeah, 2 of the blitz option is standard in machinedramon. Sure, going higher increases your chance of seeing it in security, but Machinedramon's biggest weakness is consistency so you don't really want more cards that are bricks until late game.

  3. East my dude thank you again for another phenomenal update. Small teeny weeny request – can you maybe not use the annoying “waah ohhh way” anime music, for some reason it’s very hard to hear what you’re saying while sitting in an airport because the music is louder than you. Haha. Music annoying, East Sensei not annoying. Bless my dude. Thank you again for all the content you make, really helps a person feel like the game isn’t going anywhere but onwards and upwards. Can’t wait for AGAR

  4. Attack of the Heavy Mobile is generally a 2-of, 3 tops and thats only if you REALLY build for it.

    The cycle you described tbh I think is why more people don't play it, top decks like Numemon are extremely solved, you know what 90% of your deck is as soon as you select your archetype, with a few flex slots. Machine not only has no set method of building it, but as you mentioned there isnt even a set gameplan for playing it. You can approach it a dozen different ways and most players dont consider it worth investing the time and effort to get good with it when other decks tend to be much more consistant with much less work.

    I will say, Machine with 0 copies of Supreme Connection is insane to me… connection is the best consistancy piece the deck has access to, im shocked he topped an event without it 😅 but hey, if it worked for him more power to him! Once we get Cyberdramon Ace in the states im guna be playing copies of BT15 Guardromon personally, i dont like him in general but playing him helps your ace stay protected when you can evo over him, which is huge.

  5. Evo is evo, like always. The Asia qualifyier championship store events is similar to last year's national qualifyers but this time is to a big event in summer where the top 16? or so goes directly to worlds

  6. To answer why one would cut the old Morpho in new Eos: It's just worse than the other 3 options available. The guy needs to get deleted, that means swinging into security and probably not dying because every deck since BT14 runs a bunch of mem boosts and trainings. The inherits of the promo and BT17 are so necessary to be able to play the game that you basically exclusively want to see them. And then Ukko is just good in general by ramping your eggs and searching (I don't believe in using promo Ukko in Eosmon)

  7. The Super Eradication Attack more likely used against Digimon (Or Boards) that can't be effected by Digimon effects you just buff the hell out of your guy and for 2 cost just get rid problem card.

  8. I’ve been a Machinedramon main for a while now, and I’ve tested several builds, so far my veredict is that the building in raising one is still the best way to go.
    I personally only play 1 heavy mobile, and no other options except for consistency. As for top end, I only play 4 chaosdramon, 2 chaos X and 2 EX-1 machinedramon, plus a Ragna because my locals love to play sec control and yellow decks in general 🫠

  9. You play Super Eradication Attack in Machinedramon for removal and as a security bomb, yeah, but you can also pop your own Chaosdramon X, it doesn't die because you can strip sources, you get to kill something big that's perhaps in your way, and then pop your opponent's security card off the Chaosdramon X effect. (It says WOULD be deleted.) Then you can potentially swing for game.

  10. I really love Mugendramon, but that list is 100,000% a high roll. Imperial rips it apart, so the fact is they probably didn't have to go against any Imperial players. Also, the fact that they didn't run ANY Supreme Connections is bad. That card lets you drop the CyberdraAce for 2, and can combo with black mem boost to do effectively the same for ex1 Mugen. Defense Training shouldn't have even been in there for that list. It has too many red cards.


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