Bryan Chapman Memorial Audax 2024


22 thoughts on “Bryan Chapman Memorial Audax 2024”

  1. You are just not normal Adam, you're a very nice person but not normal ๐Ÿคฃ I reckon you came into Menai just after me…I'd a 24hr advantage and was battered.I did wave at you fast people but all a bit of a blur. at your speeds. Not even tired!! Well done, never mind filming and editing too. Multi tasking.

  2. I participated out of curiosity. i have to say that you don't really pass on the devilish nature of the climbing, you are either made of different stuff or live next to a Tramadol farm. I had the pleasure of meeting Dai along the way, verifiably made of Welsh granite, and as smooth as a Rolls Royce when pedalling his fixie, even uphill where he does the same thing but at 0.25x playback speed. I feel truly blessed the weather behaved, God only knows how this ride is accomplished in even slightly inclement weather. Best bits were the homemade Welsh cakes at the finish, and the final stretch along the Wye Valley.

  3. Top effort matey. The Bryan Chapman is another one of those rides on my โ€˜to doโ€™ list. Couldnโ€™t make it this year for various reasons, but will definitely be there next year.

  4. I was with you in that group for the last bit to Aberdyfi (the yellow one), and I thought I was taking it easy by sleeping for 5 hours until 3am๐Ÿ˜… (I was woken up by farting and snoring so didn't miss my alarm) Good job on the video

  5. Impressive amount of sleep Adam! I left with you at 4am but didnt see most of the group after about 5 mins – way too fast for me. Arrived at the sleep control just before 11 – you must have been one of the very few there already asleep – I grabbed 90mins and was gone by 2am, found Wills advice on earplugs most helpful! Great event though and enjoyed your video.

  6. Can I ask a personal question about your gooch and the unpadded saddle? Did you find more or less comfortable? I am really struggling to find a saddle which works for rides over 200km. Just wondering if a hard unpadded saddle is next thing to try. Great video. Well done on another BCM. Thanks.


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