[Brutal + Demon King] Technically a victory – Ep.2

Get the game here for 9% off promo code POTATO: https://us.gamesplanet.com/game/age-of-wonders-4-steam-key–6110-1?ref=POTATO
UK Link: https://uk.gamesplanet.com/game/age-of-wonders-4-steam-key–6110-1?ref=POTATO

Age of Wonders 4 is a new magic based 4x game that has some elements of civilization as well as Master of Magic.

Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr_5Byhx_s88iWxC-WHPUOBUc87bkxxiV

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33 thoughts on “[Brutal + Demon King] Technically a victory – Ep.2”

  1. Be industrious. Spider mount, Ferocity for max retaliation. Animal Kinship, Anointed People, Steelskin, Rita make my monster Supergrowth, Major transformation Wightborn. Key spells are Aspect of the Root, Sundering Blades, Artisan Armaments, opponent appropriate +dmg enchantment. 6 stack is Bastion x3, T3/4 Archer of choice, Skald (aoe buffs), Transmuter. drop one if your slotting in your leader. For your leader, take support abilities that increase army melee and +armor +resist for the army. Bastions can self heal with aspect of the root and optimally are taking 4-5 attacks a turn since they'll all have 3 retaliations each, all with lifeleech (wightbon) and sundering blades. High crit chance further increases damage potential. Transmuter is for sniping berserkers/targets with steadfast. This works even after spidernerf because of good aoe/zoning from a melee unit. Support with summon trinkets and totem of the wild for disposable shock troops.

  2. In one of my games I really learned to appreciate a crossbow hero with Violent Momentum because a crossbow only shoots once making it a lot stronger than a bow in the same situation. Same goes for a staff versus a mage or and a hammer versus a sword.

  3. Being super into CK3 after I beat the campaign and some created maps and factions I immediately jumped into the mods. There aren’t a lot but there is in fact an Arachnids Tome that I tried out.

  4. You sold your fallen healer hero rather than raise it, then forget you changed your melee hero into a ranged hero, who you then changed back into a melee hero (pretty sure). You're heroes seem to come in second to the spiders. They're the real heroes apparently.

  5. Potato your roles in league make so much more sense why I like you. I like you are a jungle main but I was support secondary so I always hated my ADC because he would go in when I had no mana… every… single… time……..

  6. The exact same thing with the ending happened for me with the "Librarian". Ran around for half an hour trying to find the guy whilst controlling the entire map. I had like 18 stacks of tier 4 units just searching the map

  7. As a non PC owner, I greatly appreciate being able to experience this game. I got CIV 6 on PS4 because of Potato and now it feels outdated lol

  8. if you want to inflict some pain on yourself like I did the other day: Megacities, Respawning Infestations, and the three brother/prince/lord scenario… it was brutal, hectic… and so elating when I (eventually) won. But Jeeeez was it a slog dealing with 2 massive wars, while having continuous infestation attacks which disable YOUR ONE AND ONLY CITY, so the lords are always out producing you economy-wise.. It felt so good when I kicked their asses hahaah

  9. Potato, You should look at selling hero items to your allies if you need a quick infusion of cash / mana. The amount you can get form even starting equipment can really help

  10. I've found the most broken thing in the game:
    You make ur units celestial (immune to control loss) then cast Awaken Instincts (regain ur action with all of ur units and go berserk) but obviously they dont go berserk cause of celestial but regain all action points. So technically u act TWICE with every units every turn. With glass cannon archers I just obliterate anything without losing 1 hp every battle

  11. Commenting for the Glory of the Algorithm, hail the spodders

    Also, I think it's weird that the Lair of Silk drops snakes, not spiders as recruitable mobs. Shouldn't it be the Lair of Scales instead?

    When mods get dropped, I would love a cosmetic mod where the spiders are jumping spiders, cause those little buggers are cool


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