Browney To The Rescue || His Friends Called Him Fat



#gregdoucette #browney #weightlosschallenge


47 thoughts on “Browney To The Rescue || His Friends Called Him Fat”

  1. You know there is this guy in my gym, he’s like 30 stone , I really admire him! Its like addiction problems, people comfort eat, they get depressed and trapped in a cycle! Losing fat is seriously hard!

  2. I tried to maingain, is terrible. The progress you make is so not satisfying. I think the real issue is that we are now promoting a body type that is shredded all year round. I always bulk in winter and get lean in summer. Who cares about a little extra fat. Everyone is making such a fuss about being shredded. Fatfobia is real.

  3. Greg, I do look up to you so much but damn, your books are expensive. I wanted to try them so badly and I believe that good nutrition advice should not be free but hundreds of dollars for like 2 or 3 books, that's not accessible for a lot of people (including me). For the cost of one book I can eat almost a month worth of food and I am in a country where the dollar is worth the same as our currency. For a good (or "famous"/bestselling) hardcopy book we pay around $30-40 here usually. I know it's difficult to make prices that are fair everywhere but maybe you could consider making a "slim" version of your books?

  4. I think there is no right way.
    For some people it's easier to lose weight slowly or maingain and be restricted all the time.
    For some it's not sustainable, some want to eat everything without counting and for them it's easier to go diet harder for shorter and than bulk and than cut hard etc. Even L. Norton said for him and for some his client's it's easier to cut hard for short time than long time restricted diet

  5. Started a fitness journey back in April. Started at 93kg and am now down to 76kg. I'm 170cm tall so I was very heavy when I started. I'm training for my first 5k race now. This channel helped me a lot. Not only with diet and workout tips, but also with changing of mindset. Thanks, coach! Your frigging cookbook changed my life.

  6. They always do challenges like this they have normal weight then do a heavy cut but never sustain it. His sister has done "challenges" to get in shape but she is still overweight. The jojo diets are not healthy and the channel is promoting them

  7. I've been trying to lose weight as well down to 200 lbs from 250 lbs, since March.

    One of the hardest things to do at times is to stick to the plan, even when you hit a plateau that doesn't seem to make sense. I was stuck at 212 for like 2 weeks, not sure what I was doing wrong, and there was definitely a temptation to just not eat for a few days to 'break through it.' If there was a public, external deadline there is no way I wouldnt have just starved myself.

  8. Hi Greg, love your video! Very inspirable. Short story, i have ALS (amiothrofic latteral sclorosis). Yes shit it the fan. I have that since 8 years now. Always did wight traning since i was 16 years old. Im 46 now… i did stop traning for 6 years. Gain lot a weight. 313lbs .And i began again since 2 years. I lost 65 lbs of fat. And gain 18 pound of muscle in the process. Im 248lbs right now. 19% of fat. Im trying to go to 230lbs aprotimatively. Im doing it to feel better and for health. Its a chalenge, but it give me a goal to reach. My desease is a nightmare to live with, but it wont stop me.

  9. but what does “do it for you” really mean? if it gets you the respect of those around you, or more attention from your desired sex, then you are the one that will reap the rewards of that, even though initially you were “doing it for other people”.

    honestly my advice as someone who’s struggled with weight and has lost 100lbs in the past, motivation is in short supply, and people shouldn’t overthink it. if something, ANYTHING, is motivating you to get healthier, just roll with it and figure out the psychological aspect of it later. Motivation is hard to come by for many people and i don’t think that overthinking whether your motivation is valid somehow is a productive way to go about it.

  10. im down to 269lbs (🤣) from 331 in march started going to the gym thanks to supportive comments on yt stopped weighing myself everyday and counting calories weighed myself today still 269lbs but I was eating 1700 calories and didn't Evolt scan at the gym and they said I should be 2500 calories so I switched to eating about 2,000 calories which seems to be working hopefully it continues to work. love your channel

  11. Meg Squats just posted an updated Dexa Scan video and discussed how she didn’t feel like the body fat measurement was correct compared to previous ones (it was to check her body comp after adding in running). She would be an amazing person to do a video on! I feel like Meg is a great role model for women.

  12. Coach greg i love you man and im on my life long fitness journey looking to get half way there lol but coach Greg i can really use your lazer eyes man can you check my bmi????????? Please 😭😂❤ love you and your videos man

  13. does the machine not take into account your weight so it will take longer to do 20kcal if you are 100KG then if you where 120kg.

    I think this is probebly the reason why he does worse on the beast. I agree with the external influence does not help bit.

  14. I think sometimes it's good to do a challange, so that you can do your best. It can be very motivating, but it does not mean that after the challange you should gain weight. Just keep up the progress and slow down.


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