Broken Pieces Game Psych Thriller set outside the flow of time

Step outside time and solve mysteries in the atmospheric cult-infested town of Saint Exil, France. Find clues to locate Elise’s missing fiancé by solving Celtic puzzles and listening to lost cassette tapes containing past remnants of lost residents or songs from the licensed soundtrack. Investigate paranormal phenomena with classic Resident Evil-esque fixed-visual angles highlighted by cinematics filmed with a handheld camera.

Explore the scenic French coastal village of Saint-Exil, where Elise and her fiance Pierre recently moved, never expecting the conundrums that await. Discover why everyone in town has vanished and how this once cozy settlement became so sinister. Search for Elise’s missing fiance and uncover the dark history of this once picturesque village.

Encounter obstacles only felled by Elise’s newfound ability to temporarily control the weather. Collect cassette tapes providing insight into the community’s sordid past, a cryptic cult lurking in its underbelly, as well as the only tracks of music filling the deafening silence of frozen time.

Experience a sense of isolation and solitude with an incredibly personal depiction. Along with the lack of background music, cinematics in and out of gameplay were created with hand-held cameras to drive home the sense of isolation. All aspects of game design highlight the fact that Elise is the only human within Saint-Exil.

“After the amazing response on PC earlier this year, we were so thankful console players were willing to wait a bit longer to ensure their versions were just as high-quality,” said Mael Vignaux, Project Lead of Elseware Experience. “Ironically enough, our game about solitude has connected people from all over the world into one large community, which in itself has us reanalyzing our design ethos for future projects. You have all inspired us, thank you, and Happy Halloween!”

Broken Pieces is available now on Playstation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One as well as PC via Steam and Epic Game Store for $29.99 with English and French language support.


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