BROKEN MOSAIC BUILD IS….Actually Interesting!

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40 thoughts on “BROKEN MOSAIC BUILD IS….Actually Interesting!”

  1. They should just hard cap the % not to consume charge at 50% and let it stay that way. No way in hell is this healthy for the game especially considering the cost of this runeword. It was supposed to introduce some versatility but now we get massively powercreeped instead by this braindead build. This season's runeword lineup is an absolute disaster. Hopefully we'll see new uniques instead and maybe some buffs to the older ones that see little use.

  2. I am happy that they are still updating this game, and trying to revamp under used builds…
    but i really can't enjoy how this build has more silly screen vomit than most PoE builds, it's just a bit too much for D2 imo.
    wish it didn't spend all 3400 different charges on you at once atleast, just something different, i am so very surprised that it got past the beta in this form.

  3. Nice try, im not getting fooled into replaying this game for the 1000th time and farming for 70hrs to get the gear to play this build to uhh, farm… for more gear? That i already have? To uhh.. play

  4. Anyone else experiencing a bug where after you start kicking the sin is stuck in a animation glitch? When she's stuck like that my attacks don't register and when I run away from my target it rubberbands me a few times back to the monster even though my FPS and ping are still good. How do I send this bug to blizzard?

  5. Hey Llama thanks for the great video! I would love to see an "Attack speed for dummies" video for this build in the future. Ive read so many contradicting information about how much attack speed you want based on which claws you are using. Even the maxroll guides say one thing but show another in the gear, which is confusing. For instance i heard from reddit/forum threads if you have 2x Greater Talons, you dont want any attack speed on gear, but then showcasing Greater Talons using Treachery which has 45% IAS. Very confusing for my peanut brain.

  6. Further reducing the duration of the charges would be the perfect nerf to the build. Keep attacking and you keep all the charges up, stop attacking and you lose them. Turn it into an area farming build that requires you to constantly be on the move and not a boss build. This would also help balance PVP as opponents could just run to keep you from maxing charges

  7. The mechanic of charges makes it so that it either has to be like this and stay OP, or get nerfed, but completely nerfed to oblivion. There's just no way MA can be good and reasonably fun if it's not exactly functioning like this. So if they're gonna nerf it, they might as well just remove mosaic because it's gonna suck awfully in any form of nerfed state

  8. Can someone please explain to me why it should really be nerfed?

    I am kind of sick and tired seeing HDins, Smiter, Foh, Vindicators being top notch. Being fad of Trapsin just doing pvm/pvp but not bossing. being fad to start sorc all over again etc.

    We had Enigma, CtA, Hoto, CoA, CoH, Titans, Stormshield, Grief, LW, and so on for years. Now there is a real build defining RW in D2 which diversifies the Sin even more and bring it par to UT's and it is now considered 'ermagherd pleas nurf it nu fun allowed' yadyada. I mean dafuq?
    Is it that bad for the games environment and should be of any concern? I am not convinced right now, but I stand corrected.


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