Brittany Dawn is already ignoring basic safety with her foster placement & almost caused a fire in the house. This is awful.

Other videos to watch about her foster situation:

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  1. Oh my heavens!! That is SO dangerous!!! I doubt the agency she's fostering through would appreciate that. She should be deemed unfit to foster, imo. That "fail" could have been FATAL. smh

  2. Thank you Britt for caring about children & animal’s well being. I look forward for your opinions on different subjects & calling out those who are not in their right mind. 👍🏼🇨🇦

  3. No I wouldn't leave anything cooking and go outside. Add the baby sleeping, hell no. I hope the baby can go home with the real mom sooner than later. Have a great day ❌️ ⭕️

  4. I'm not a parent, only a pet owner, but I won't even walk to the mailbox and leave something burning on the stove in case something happens. I don't understand how you just forget you have something on the stove and leave it burning, or intentionally do it, for 30 minutes and then tell it likes its a relatable mom moment when you could have burned your house down.

  5. I am shocked that the state of Texas is allowing Brittany Dawn and her husband to be foster parents after every thing they have both done. Scamming subscribers, killing their dog, being fired for excessive force!! I’m sure there is more to add to the list.

  6. Definitely not ok, and I'm not sure tbh if I would go and do a work out and not take a little one with me. Incase I slipped or got a really bad cramp or just couldn't get to the baby quickly. I took my children to the creche at the gym if I wanted a work out and me time. If I was looking after someone else's child there is no way, NO WAY, I would leave that little one alone. What if the lock Jamed to the door?

  7. Does she not have smoke detectors, mine go off at the drop of a hat. I really hope that someone is sent out to check her house to make sure she has detectors or smoke a carbon monoxide. We have both even though we do not have gas hookups, they required us to have them.

  8. I honestly can't believe she admitted to this. Oh my God…what if she had gotten locked out?

    I honestly don't care about the kind of distraction…just the fact that she was distracted means she impaired herself…

    Honestly I don't know how someone with her history of animal neglect, defrauding multiple people and what honestly borders on overtly fundamental/extreme religious belief ever got approved to be a foster parent. As someone who loves children, who has any children in their life. But is also involuntarily childless, this makes my blood boil. People like her and the DD DO NOT need to be in charge of children in any capacity.

  9. I have absent mindly left something on the stove (my kids are 13 and 19…not sure it matters) in fact I left boiling water on the stove and went to continue laundry while I was waiting for it to boil a couple weeks ago. Yup forgot about it for about 20 something minutes. Thankfully only half the water was gone. If you say you have never left a pot unwatched for a minute I think you are lying. But I also don’t think going to a garage while baby is sleeping isn’t a big deal either. Maybe it’s because I was a full time working mom that had an active duty army spouse and something if stuff was getting done I had to do it while baby was sleeping. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  10. How did her fire alarm not go off? Mine goes off if I burn my food a little. makes me wonder if she doesnt have hers on or something. also wild that she did this and has a foster child. my mom did foster care and almost got in trouble for having a baby pool in the backyard (the youngest child we had at the time was 7), so not understanding how she is able to have foster children and endanger them like this

  11. @radiantbritt I commented on her latest q and a and asked in A VERY NICE (too nice) way to ask if she thought the profits from this content would be split to the bio mom—– comment was DELETED—- not shocked

  12. No, I have never left a child asleep or awake and alone in the house. Not to go into the garage to workout. I would go to the garage & put a load of laundry in the washer or dryer but only for a couple of minutes. She's very irresponsible & neglectful.

  13. I think it’s the ultimate marketing play for someone like her; foster isn’t forever and not a forever commitment… like a prop. Then she gains sympathy after. She gets to take a break, see how her content does again and go back into foster again if need be or the next thing… lol it’s crazy. So sad for the baby!

  14. Taking the monitor outside in the garage to work out is fine but never ever ever leave the stove on even without the baby!! Omg why would she even say that!!!!!!

  15. Her content is documented evidence of her low level of emotional intelligence. 🙄 (and hopefully evidence for this baby to use in the future when she sues Brittany & the agency for breaching her privacy.

  16. My Aunt was a foster parent through kin ship and she was in her early 60s. She made the comment to the CPS worker during a late evening simply "yeah she's eating good, my back gets sore toting her around all day" and the next day we had to make arrangements for someone else to be the temporary guardian just because that comment alone deemed her unqualified. Like I'm in my 30s and my back hurts at the end of many days!

  17. No I would never leave something burning on the stove whilst my baby is sleeping and whilst I was in the garage! 30 minutes is a long time to leave something on the stove. If I really had to leave something on the stove whilst I went to workout, I’d be thinking about it constantly and would be going back to check on it to make sure it’s not burning. I’d be over whelmed with guilt if that happened to me, definitely wouldn’t be recording myself talking about it with a grin on my face. I wander if she would’ve been more cautious about it if it was her bio child

  18. Hi Britt !! Wow SHE PUT OUT THERE !!! It’s no gossiping..She even showed the pan 🤔did she think she would get applause for that ? I want to say so much !! But I’ll leave just with the “wow” grate video !! Huge hugs to you and Axel🤎🦴🐶🤎🦴🐶❤️🌹🌹💐💐

  19. What is the name of that awful TikTok voice these people are using at like the 3:30 mark, when Britney Dawn is talking about “being hit with the smell of something….”???? I need to know why people are using this awful stupid voice over and what it’s called!!! It’s driving me BONKERS!!!

  20. So let me preface by saying I despise the both of them.

    However, reunification is not always the only goal; fostering to adopt is also a goal for babies, children & teenagers in which reunification is not an option.

    I think this is such a difficult subject, because as my husband and I were exploring our options (I could not carry a pregnancy), we too wanted a baby. In addition to a baby we also wanted to adopt and/or foster to adopt a toddler, young child, siblings etc.

    Do I think she does genuinely want a baby? Yes I do. Do I also think she does absolutely everything with social media content in mind? Yes I do. These are not mutually exclusive. If she couldn’t post anything about fostering, I don’t think she would be a foster parent.

    Again, I despise her and her husband, so I don’t want this misconstrued that I am defending or in support of them in any way. Just wanted to offer another POV.

  21. Personally I don’t think Dumb is the personal words I would for this. She is putting the fact that she neglected safety of a child she is caring for. I don’t care how tired you are or if “mom brain” is in full swing this was uncalled for. I will admit that I have forgotten plenty of things due to all the tasks and mental energy is takes to care for and raise a baby. I have a 4 year old and a 5 month only right now. But not once has it ever effected their safety. If we’re being honest that on my mind constantly. I’m constantly checking and double checking things that could be dangerous to them. Seems to me she is “playing house”. it’s all “OMG guys, look at all these cute things I’m doing with this child.” Then behind the senses she placing the child and herself/ family at risk. It’s not okay.

  22. These comments are amazing. I left the oven on overnight as a sleep deprived parent to my biological son. She was placed with a newborn and made a mistake. She put it out there for the world to see. I just watched her one video bc it was recommended. I don’t know her whole story but it is strange to me so many people make videos about her. She said foster care is about reunification multiple times in the video I watched. People posting conspiracy theories re baby being reunified in less than a month. We dont, and shouldn’t know bio mom’s story. But, many reasons could explain that. Baby was improperly retained initially, mom needed to secure housing and did, mom needed to escape a domestic violence situation and did and worst CPS ‘wanted to scare mom straight’. As a foster parent. I have seen each of these scenarios myself or with friends. Yeah. It is skeezy to make content money off foster children. Flip side is most of us work outside the house full time so can’t often-and easily take newborns (have to build up and use PTO). Haven”t seen her crying video but flippant comment about baby being with her less than a month. You provide a lot of physical care for newborns and quickly get attached. You can support reunification and still cry when they leave. The two are not mutually exclusive. Repeated loss of children results in cumulative trauma for foster parents. Yes, foster parents sign up for it but it still happens.


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