British Marine Reacts To Wiesel: Meet Germany's small but lethal tank

British Marine Reacts To Wiesel: Meet Germany’s small but lethal tank

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48 thoughts on “British Marine Reacts To Wiesel: Meet Germany's small but lethal tank”

  1. We also laughed disparagingly at the device at first. It was called, like the Hotchkiss tank in the past, as the underlay wedge for the Leopard tank. But what is the advantage of the weasel is that it can be transported quickly over longer distances. It generally has a low signature, is quiet in noise, disappears from the enemy's field of vision even in small hollows. In addition, the big tank battles will probably no longer occur. But in urban combat, the device is optimal, because of the mobility in combination with the greatest possible armor. As far as sleeping in the tank is concerned, these tanks have alternating crews that recover in rear space. The first models were actually intended as a replacement for the Kraka of the paratroopers. As is well known, this was unarmoured and a small open wheeled vehicle. But due to the advantages that the weasel brings, versions for other types of weapons have also been developed. E.g. anti-aircraft defense. A paramedic version was also developed for the protected rescue of wounded. Also, the Wiesel in its versions is not intended to replace large battle tanks, but it is a supplement. And from that point of view, they are very dangerous opponents.

  2. No, it's not a Russian blah-dy fucking blah, blah, piece-o-SHIT T-Series whateverintheshit! You know what T stood for? Turd….and now they're fielding "Turd-dle" models in Ukraine! Sorry, I just can't pass up a chance to shit on Russian anything and the pole-smokers that fan-girl them. Looks like a tank we'd buy for our kids at Christmas here in Texas! It's cute.

  3. Another aspect of the Wiesel due to it's relatively tiny size is urban combat, it is so small in fact it can even enter some buildings,, though I doubt anyone sane is willing to test out wether the floor of an old shopping centre can withstand an additional very concentrated 3 tonnes of weight.

  4. In my opinion, the Wiesel is currently the most effective system in NATO's armored vehicles family.

    You can clearly see in Ukraine that armor has become secondary as both sides have an enormous number of anti-tank weapons artillery and AP ammunition that reliably destroy tanks. Especially with the advent of FPVs, stealth and mobility have become more important than ever. A weasel is difficult to detect due to its size alone, it often drives under the radar because its silhouette can easily be confused with civilian cars and is therefore not given the necessary priority as a target. Due to its small size, it can also enter areas that other vehicles cannot. For example, it can drive through forests without major problems and does not leave as many tracks as a conventional tank. Its entire production is just as simple as many parts are taken from civilian production, such as the engine, and can therefore be replaced easily and cheaply. An experienced crew is able to replace the entire engine in 15 minutes in battle. Also this engine- u made fun of it that it sounds like a 50cc moped? Thats a great strangth! A tank u hear Miles away but this lil Bastard can sneak realy close to ur unit and than start to pull u into full Chaos before the Real attack threw the Leopard for example happend 😉

    The Wiesel was developed as a reconnaissance vehicle and tank killer. Its long range and speed make it easy for it to outmaneuver the enemy and fall into its flank or rear and has a great synergy with Leopard 2. The Wiesel is a deadly and feared weapon – I don't know anyone who has gone up against it in NATO exercises and then had no respect for the system.

  5. The Weasel is small, super fast and deadly, it can drive fast through an forrest and snow and is deadly great….never underastimate that little Thing…they work in packs …great thing

  6. This is a vehicle designed primarily to support airborne troops. As a former Marine, what kind of vehicle do you expect? Of course it is small, light and therefore only lightly armored. But the Weasels fulfill every role an airborne force needs: easy to transport with troops, high mobility, low profile and great firepower. Don't make the mistake of underestimating this little bastard! Leopard crews have said that they were most afraid of these pesky critters during training!

  7. When the German paratroopers introduced the Wiesel to other units from NATO countries, there was a lot of laughter. But that went away very quickly for the others. A vehicle that is absolutely appreciated by everyone

  8. it really exist (mobile cola can) and wherever there is one that you see, there is always at least one that you haven't seen yet… good luck 🙂

  9. The weasel is small, cute and sweet until you realize that you are a mouse in comparison and it kills animals twice its size.
    and that's why they all have animal names, you know directly the abilities and tasks of the vehicle

  10. It´s not an Tank. It only Protects against Shrapnell and Civil Firearms. From AK 7.62 Onwards everything goes straight through. And as long you never trained with us German Paras you never had an chance to see them. Individual Kit is btw. stowed outside. The only reallly good thing is his Nightfighting capabilities. Good Crews could get up to 10 m onto your Position and you couldn´t notice it before you get an rough awakening with the 20mm MK. Idk what it is in the Moment that anyone Hypes them into the heavens. They are capable in an Ambush and for anything else you better run. And btw. ask the Muricans from the Norway maneuver in the early 90´s what they think about the WIesel after there Abrams lost miserably against it in an Series of Ambushes

  11. The size of the Wiesel allows it to drive through dense forest where a Humvy would have trouble getting through. The vehicles usually work in formation, where tow missile variants work together with a 20mm cannon variant. This vehicle is designed for dense forests, it's fun to fight these things in the forest.

  12. Was this guy even infantry, cause if he was he should know how much a weapon carrier like the wiesel can enhace the capabilities of an infantry company by exploiting its mobility and firepower to flank the enemy?

  13. The Wiesel is a small tank, who is, as said, prepared to support airborne units When you are behind the frontline, this tank is defined as small artillery, anty Tank or anti plaine unit, to support airborne troups with different gun systems. Sure, in a tank war against a Leo or Chalanger, the Wiesel will loose, but a small unit with one or two tanks, attaking airbore units who secure an important bridge or what ever, can be attacked with the Wiesel and support the airborne units.
    Second use of the Wiesel is, when you are fighting in towns with small streets, where normal tanks can not operate, the Wiesel is King.
    Third point, in case of the speed, he is qualified for enlightenment operations, to support the troops, or even without any infantry.
    The Wiesel is not a hammer as normal tanks, it is the scalpel, when you need a specific support.Not prepared for anty tank fights, it is designed for infantry fights as the Wiesel is armed against most infantry weapons and artelirry splitter etc.

  14. The Original Video mixed somethings up and didnt explained others:

    -The Crew of the Wiesel 1 20mm Version, can operate and drive the vehicle from the inside technically they dont have to stick their heads out. Althougt pratically the commander usually stick his head out while the Wiesel in moving to ensure he has a view of the area around him.

    -The TOW Version, who is now replaced by the SPIKE Version is nearly the same vehicle, but with a better weapon system. Its still operated by 3 people, the guy who fires the missle has to stick his head out in order to fire the missile. The driver however can and have to put his head inside when they want to fire.

    The Wiesel 1 is still in service it wasnt replaced by the Wiesel 2. The Wiesel 1 is equeipped whit the 20mm or Spike, the Wiesel 2 is only used as a command vehicle or a medic vehicle.

    There a also a few Wiesel 1 as Recon vehicles and some other as AA Vehicle.

    I served more than 10 Years on the Wiesel, its a great Vehicle if you know how to use it AND if its fit in the tasked its suposed to do. Patrolling in Afghanistan is not a task the Wiesel was made for.
    Supporting the attack of allied Paratroopers in a Airborne operation or a rotary wing Air Assault is what is desinged for.

  15. To quote a famous Copy Pasta: "tl;dr: they are the ultimate troll machine"

    Imagine the cold war. Massive conventional armies engaging in maneuver warfare. You have the front line with the corresponding tactical and operational elements. Around 20 klicks behind are the strategic elements – mainly supply depots and divisional command posts.

    Imagine such a command post. A truly disgusting nest of POGs and REMFs. Going about their business, having all the coffee and sandwiches in the world, complaining about their bunk beds (which came supplied in the wrong colour) while the front line is fighting constant engagements. Although it's war, life in the command post ain't so bad, the general is in fact a nice guy. There are a few distant explosions, but nothing to worry about, right? Except that your coffee is getting cold.

    Imagine an overweight E-2 about to go to the porta-john, when a single C-130 flies overhead, doing nap-of-the-earth maneuvers. He can see her dropping two rather large objects.

    Eh, probably some lost pilot right?


    About 20 minutes later, our Fatty McLardmaster can hear the characteristic noise of a tracked vehicle. Suddenly two Wiesels appear, approaching the CP at about 60 kp/h, letting loose with their 20mm cannons at around 1.000 rpm.

    The espresso machine takes the first hit, then the microwave. A bad day, indeed.

    Then people start taking cannon rounds to the chest. The general is gone, so is his whole staff.

    Our E-2 took one to the knee, his consciousness is waning. He sees the commander of one of tankettes disembarking – looks like a 1LT. The 1LT grabs all the maps, radios, code books and crayons from the generals tent. He draws a giant penis on the generals personal HMMWV, gets back on his Wiesel and blasts off. E-2 passes out.

    The end.

  16. Ask the Americans. They online said fucking Weasels. In one exercise the weasels were opponents. They came out of cover and shot them one by one. After the exercise all we heard from the Americans was fucking weasels.

  17. It was designed for paratroopers to give them additional fire power. It needed to be so light and small for better airlift, it was even considered originally to also parachute it from a plane. So for that such a design makes sense. So it's a better than nothing solution.
    And they missed out the Wiesel 2 "Ozelot", it was shown in the video but not mentioned. That version was designed for the so called "Heeresflugabwehrtruppe", (army anti-aircraft force), so instead of having an anti-tank weapon it is equipped with anti-aircraft weapons. But this force was disestablished and the Luftwaffe took over this task and these Wiesel. But due to the war in Ukraine the Heeresflugabwehrtruppe will be reestablished. Also getting systems like Skyranger 30.
    One Ozelot system consists of three Wiesel. One contains all the radio communications, one has the radar system that can be interlinked with other units (allied forces for example, to send them target data), and one Wiesel that is the weapons carrier. The possible main weapons are FIM-92 Stinger, 9K310 Igla-1 (yes, a Soviet anti aircraft), MISTRAL (French) or RBS-70 (Swedish). All three Wiesel are equipped with a MG3 machine gun.

  18. Nope. This is very Real.
    And its also very Appreciated by the Troops Actually.
    Because the Wiesel while small and only Lightly Armored.
    Is Capable of Carrying massive Firepower into Battle.
    Its effectively an Self Propelled Heavy Weapons Nest for Light Infantry to take along with them. Not to mention due to the small Size and light Weight it can be Airlifted or even Airdropped to Units in the Field Quickly.

    And Funny enough. Not only the Paratroopers. But even the Normal Infantry like it.
    Because as someone once Described it to me.
    It is effectively a Heavy Machinegun Position which can move around the Battlefield at about 60kph.

    Also some Notes.
    Actually the Tank is Equipped with Hatches and the Crew can Duck into the Tank.
    You can actually See that in one of the later Parts of the Video when the Gunner in the Rear Rises up out of the Tank.
    Hilux are Great. I like them. But Hilux are still Light Off Road Vehicles. Even with Meaty Tires. They can be easily Destroyed by Small Arms Fire and will be stopped in Bad Terrain alot more Quickly than a Wiesel.
    Uhm Also. Just Saying. But the Standard Variant with the Machinegun Gun on there is actually a 20mm Machinecannon.
    It Packs way more Punch than a 50cal…..
    Albeit. Pls keep in mind. These are Lightweight Airdropped Tanks.
    Germany has Full Sized AFVs and Recon Vehicles for these Respective Purposes which will be used as the Regular Vehicles by these Units.
    The Wiesel is explicitly used in cases where such Vehicles are not Available.

  19. Its able to accompany airborne troops who are on foot and can even follow them through thick bush and woods, packing a huge punch to support them. Try that in a beefed up Hilux Talywagon…
    Of course the crew and their personal kit fits entirely inside the vehicle, and the hatches can be closed and operated from within. It's not really cramped at all. Of course its not an RV, just like any other big tank.
    That thing can suddenly pop from a bush run circles around you while whacking you with 20mm and be gone before you know it. Opponents really don't like having any of those around!

  20. If you would see the Wiesel in reality you would never think to compare it to Toyota Pickups. You need to see this in real life.

    We were german Military Police (Feldjäger) with a lot of different vehicles for all our needs, but we all wanted to have this little Paratrooper-Tank the german Fallschirmjäger used.
    If you are really a soldier/marine you should know that the most important thing is to be quick on the battlefield – faster than the enemy.
    And this tiny deadly Wiesel would be so important for the ukrainian warriors on the battlefield against shithole russia. War in Ukraine showed us, that armor is not so important today. You need to be in cover, fast and deadly. Carry on.

  21. "Can you beat a Hilux…"
    Yes. This thing is faster offroad, more robust, lower ground pressure, can travers trenches and dig through a lot more mud and stuff.
    Haven't you had any wracks on your shooting range? Even a 5.56 will rip through a Hilux, kill everyone inside and behind it and render it immobile immediately. This thing provides adequate protection against 5.56 and 7.62, adequate cover behind it also for infantry and protects it's mobility a lot better. It is also more quiet and provides NBC protection when hatches are closed.
    Last, but not least: An auto-cannon is a REAL asset when fighting both infantry and soft-skin targets. A Hilux with anything bigger than .50 in the back will move so much from the recoil that there is no way for you to do adequate bursts. This thing can do that just fine, while being as easy to maintain with civil parts due to its Volkswagen Diesel engines.

    As others already commented: This thing might look goofy and kinda weird at first sight… until you find yourself on the receiving end of it.

  22. The "weasels" are very special weapon bearers that you either love or hate. Mostly depending on whether they fight on your side or the other. That's how a friend of mine who was a commander on the Leopard 2 for a long time explained it to me. He said they were very hard to spot and the crews were very capable. He said that if you were to detect them (during exercises), you would usually already have casualties and they would disappear again. In any case, he thought they were dangerous opponents that he only liked when they were on his side.

  23. It's built for the middle European environment with thick muddy terrain. A Toyota Hillux is not a competitor. You need a vehicle that is suitable for the terrain. We have no dessert or steppe terrain. It is handled like a chain vehicle.

  24. The thing is tiny, you can adequatly hide it bedind a garbage container. But honestly I think they are extremely usefull, though I havent seen them in use yet. Aside of that I am always surprised how small a Leopard II is when you stand in front of it.


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