BRITISH FAMILY REACTION | Seal Team Rescues Jessica Buchanan!

Gaynor, Aidan and Sophie react to the rescue of Jessica Buchanan by the Seal Team!


33 thoughts on “BRITISH FAMILY REACTION | Seal Team Rescues Jessica Buchanan!”

  1. Navy seals are nicknamed the silent soldiers. Trained to be perfect, they are sent to the most difficult missions, including ones that they know they are not going to live. The seals that killed osama bin Ladin were not supposed to be retrieved, but the helicopter crashing made them send in reinforcements who picked them up.

  2. I'm speculating how the team got there. Probably with a HALO insertion. It is a parachute jump at high altitude (HA) and the parachutes only open at low altitude (LO) to avoid detection. There is no way to tell for sure how they got there. At the time & probably still today, Somalia was a series of territories run by warlords. I think today Yeman (across a gulf from Somalia) is the most dangerous but Somalia is still right up there.

  3. Have you seen a movie called United 93? It's about one of the planes from the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Of the 4 planes hijacked, United flight 93 was the only one that did not reach its target. The passengers and crew fought back. Its a true story of good winning over evil. You should do a reaction video to it. But be warned, have some tissues ready.

  4. SEAL team 6 is the best special forces team in the world HANDS DOWN. No Navy SEAL was hurt or wounded during thie rescue mission. Truth of the matter is more US Navy SEALs are wounded and hurt in training then they are in actual combat. It's a testament of how damn good they really are.

  5. Captain Phillips was also rescued by the Seals under the same administration. Of course Osama Bin Laden was taken out by the Seals under the same administration. Great times under Obama, wish we still had those times.

  6. In that open terrain and the distance you'd have to stand off to prevent hearing helicopters, it's almost assured they did a HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) free-fall from a fixed wing aircraft. That why they waited until zero moon phase. Exit the aircraft at any altitude, on oxygen, so that it just seems like a civilian airliner or possibly be too high to be heard. Free-fall down to an opening altitude for the canopy, then the ram-air parachutes can make a long distance themselves at up to 25-35 mph in zero wind with a glide ratio of up to 5:1, so you don't get out right over the top of them. Open well away, because that does make a noise, then group up and navigate to the landing point. Or even do a HAHO (High Altitude, High Opening) deploying the 'chute as soon as you exit. Allows a longer standoff distance from them and you fly the ram-air parachutes to a relatively close-by landing spot. Very quiet and can get close enough to quickly get to the site to obtain the Precious Cargo (her and Paul), "clean" the site (all 9 bad guys) and then exfil by helicopters standing by nearby. A mission-type practiced quite often by Special Ops units.

  7. One of the SEALs wrote a book about it (because the SEALs don't do anything without a book deal and a movie script sold to a studio). 24 SEALs parachuted out of a C-130 airplane, landing 2 miles away, then walking to the site before ambushing the hostage-takers. They probably had the helicopters circling some distance away to not alert anyone but still be able to be there in a few minutes. Knowing how the US military like overkill, there was probably something like an AC-130 and F-15 also circling overhead to provide fire support if needed while also relaying info from thermal about anyone else approaching.

    Special Operators do these kinds of things all the time. Just a few months ago there was a case of a Nun who was taken hostage and then suddenly reappeared and wouldn't talk about how she got free, while at the same time a General made reference to a recent successful action taken by a group of special operators.

  8. The Navy Seals parachuted out of an Air Force Special Operations MC-130H Combat Talon 2 aircraft at high altitude so the kidnappers couldn't hear them coming, the helicopters came later to pick them up.

  9. Seals are normal unassuming guys who you would never suspect were elite operators if you met them in civilian world just don't get in their way when they are on mission.

  10. They did a HALO jump (high altitude Low Opening out of an aircraft and parachuted in to a distance then went on foot with night vision , then 160th SOAR Blackhawks picked them up. Jsut fyi. Navy SEAL’s and DELTA Force are the best in the world along with British SAS , amazing Operators. (No SEAL casualties)

  11. The rainy season in Africa isn't that cold, and Kot isn't the same effect as amphetamine. More like large amount of caffeine. And no one in the United States armed forces says, "we are with the American military" lol This is incredibly sensationalized.

  12. Trusted in no man left behind until the Afghanistan withdrawal. This administration hasn't given a second thought to the civilian citizens left behind there. When other civilians staged there own rescues this administration worked against them. They had to get help from a Pakistani official. Even still their are others still there, if they haven't been discovered and killed. I did not like Obama, but there are three things that he did that I have respect for. Jessica's rescue, getting Bin Laden, and a farming technique that I became aware through him. One day if I can afford it, I will try the farming technique.

  13. Jessica knew it was dangerous, but she wasn't careless. In interviews years later she said she didn't want to visit that part of the country at that time. Her coworker and boss Paul pressured into it.

  14. Hi guys. Jessica has done many speeches and fund raisers for the SEAL community. The SEALs jumped from an airplane that night. They were evac'd in helicopters afterwards. An incredible story showing what these guys do, but for them it's just another day at the office. The training and dedication to service is so incredibly high among these guys and all of the Spec Warriors.

  15. Aidan if you were still in the US I can promise you that you'd get hit up by a recruiter to potentially become a Seal. They recruit young athletes with high marks in school, they came at me but I knew I didn't have the guts to make it, but I legit think you would be a prime candidate.

  16. I've literally been around the world, and found your latter comments to be so insightful. The one thing I've taken away from my travels is the blessing of law and order, which is much more the exception than the rule around the world. If you're blessed to live in a country that has a independent judiciary and law enforcement that is largely free from corruption, then count your blessings, and show your gratitude to those who are dedicated to law and order. I'm a 30-year veteran of the US military, and I was grateful to serve to secures our freedoms, but it's law enforcement that enables us to enjoy our freedoms. God bless all of our first responders.

  17. The mission commander and lead jumper of seal team 6, for that mission, wrote a great book detailing her rescue. It is called MOB 6. Great book, I’m not a reader, so bought the audiobook and listened to it straight through. It actually helped me big time because I usually listen to Audiobooks when I do my daily 3 miles. It was so good that I ended up doing a 9 mile run that day because I wanted to keep listening. I’m a retired US Marine infantryman and I love hearing war stories from people in other branches of the military. That said, this is the best book written yet. Strongly recommend MOB 6


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