British Couple Reacts to Why The F-15 Terrified The Soviets

British Couple Reacts to Why The F-15 Terrified The Soviets

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The Good Egg Farmers
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50 thoughts on “British Couple Reacts to Why The F-15 Terrified The Soviets”

  1. Vietnam was why even today the most modern fighter jets the US produces still have guns, and the pilots are trained in dogfighting. Yes, the missiles are now much better and the odds are that most aerial combat will be beyond visual range, but sometimes, just sometimes, you're going to end up in a dogfight and that gun is going to save you.

  2. There is much more to this story. The MiG-25 was rushed into production to intercept the American XB-70 Valkyrie SUPER BOMBER. Western analysts mistook the rushed interceptor design to be a super fighter. Note, interceptors may look like fighters, but are designed to fly and climb fast to shoot down incoming bombers. The USSR realized that panic the Foxbat caused and engaged in massive counter espionage and propaganda campaigns to feed Western paranoia. The MiG-25s that broke the records had been HEAVILY modified and were incapable of any combat. These planes, plus leaked misinformation, confirmed everyone's fears. The US then designed and built a fighter to take out the NONEXISTANT Soviet super fighter. Unfortunately for the commies, the F-15 was real and could have defeated the imaginary MiG. Note: The Clint Eastwood movie "Firefox" was loosely based on the events surrounding the Foxbat.

  3. I mean, the operational reason why the F-15 terrified the USSR was that they faced it in 1982 and got absolutely curb-stomped. Israel was fighting against Syria, and the USSR had 30 SAM sites supporting the Syrian military. The IAF (90 jets) did a massive air battle against the SAF (100 jets + 30 SAM sites) and the outcome was 86 destroyed SAF jets and 29 destroyed USSR SAM sites, at the cost of 2 damaged IAF F-15s, that got back to base and were repaired–the IAF lost nothing (some of this was due to the fact that they invented weaponized drones and dedicated electronic warfare aircraft, and this engagement was the first use of those in history). This was the first large-scale deployment of the F-15, and it drove home that the vast majority of the USSR's anti-air systems had just been invalidated. If Israel could do this to them in Syria, the US could certainly do this to them at home and so their home defense was shaken to its core. If USSR air denial no longer worked, then their entire Cold War defense strategy lost a massive thing that they were relying on (the USSR prided itself on its air defense systems).

    Check out the Dark Docs video titled "90 Israeli F-15s and F-16s Annihilate 100 Syrian MiGs" if you want more info on that large engagement. They are pretty neutral and give a very good factual overview of the situation.

  4. As a U.S. Marine who worked on fixed and rotary wing aircraft, there was no aircraft more loved by pilots than an F-15 (In the Marine Corps anyways, only the airforce has the F-22). All the pilots I ever met who flew an F-15 said it was the best aircraft they had ever flown.

  5. The reality was, the Mig's were pieces of shit….all of them. Russia has never made a "GOOD" product! They were capable of 2 out of the 10 things they claimed and horribly made. No Western pilot would ever fly one in combat. And they were always so crude and even when new, 15-20 years behind America 8n avionics!

  6. Viktor belenko left the Soviet Union because he realized communism was a lie and that it brought nothing but suffering and despair. He flew to Japan and asked for political asylum in the US and he was granted citizenship. He was a fine gentleman and a GREAT PILOT. He died last September but he got to experience freedom and he felt like the most blessed man. He was also the bravest man I read about. You can read his story in his autobiography.

  7. At 7:31 there was discussion of 2.5 million man hours and what that really means.
    By my calculations, if one person did every job,…
    It would take 1,201,929 years, 28 days, 2 hours, 17 minutes, 8 seconds.
    And she would be exhausted.
    I enjoy your channel, thank you!

  8. This is a perfect example of how boasting & propaganda can backfire.
    In this case, Russia hyping up their new fighter put the US on alert to defeat its less-than-true capabilities and end up with a fighter that can not only hold up against the hype, but far exceed the real capabilities.

    I grew up in a neighborhood right next to an airport. Occasionally, they'd put on air shows there. One year, they advertised their first show to have an F-15 Strike Eagle as its main attraction. I got to watch it go through practice maneuvers the day before. It was like having access to a private showing. It was awesome to watch. Had a pair of binoculars with me as well.

  9. Another reason why you don't try to bluff with Americans. They will take you at face value and innovate something superior. For all of it's faults … the United States is still leading the world in innovation and technology. Dragging the rest into an ever increasingly technologically advanced era.

  10. Im sorry kiddo's Vietnam "war" (it was SUPPOSED to be a" police action") got over in 1975. Apparently we didn't have our air dominance for a time. The cold war was paranoia on all our parts, the kids born from the end of WWII until 1960 had air raid drills šŸ˜® musta been scary ! I was born in '61 never hid under desk šŸ‘

  11. You both want to check out and react to the video Dogfights Of Desert Storm, that features reconstructions of air battles at the beginning of the Gulf War, and interviews with the pilots who fought those battles. You'll really enjoy it.

  12. The US has always overestimated Russian tech and capabilities. And she always innovates to counter the over-estimation, keeping us two generations ahead. We use their "advances" as justification for more R&D, probably somewhat knowingly if truth be told.

  13. This is the historical case of how America shows the world what "Find Out" means in the phrase, "F*ck Around and Find Out." The Soviets tried to f*ck about flaunting a new aircraft and rattled a few sabers with its stats and the US responded in kind. Now China has ignored this case and is continuously f*cking around today. Just provide one thing that scares the US Military enough and you'll find out what the next generation of [insert class of military tech here] will be.

    It's also interesting that the US Military let the F-4 fly with such bad engines. By that I mean that any form of combustion that leaves a visible exhaust trail that isn't just purely heat (the warping mirage kind of effect) is an inefficient burning of the fuel. I know the common mental image of a steam locomotive is a huge machine with huge plumes of black smoke billowing out of the stack. That's usually when it's starting off. If you see one going down the line, you shouldn't see anything except occasional steam coming out of the stack. A good fireman on a train can make the engine burn with peak efficiency. That being said, a jet engine would be the same as a firebox as in if there's any kind of smoke coming out of the engine as "normal" then it's not working at peak efficiency. So the US took a kind of sub efficient engine, stuck it in our main jet interceptor and then we sold hundreds to foreign entities. Just to put it into simpler perspective, check out the "exhaust trail" of the F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22, and F-35. None of them are spitting out any kind of smoke in comparison to the F-4's smog trail.

  14. Owe all of that garbage to Robert McNamara — Kennedy and Johnson', Department of Defense Director. (commonality). Turns out he was an idiot? As to the Foxbat, Viktor Belinko's defection in Japan in 1973 showed that the Foxbat WAS a 'paper-Tiger' in ALL ways. Once the Soviets got 'called-out', they folded like a 'house of cards'.

  15. As a Hazelwood high school senior in 72, kids would drag race on Banshee Rd next to F-15 builder McDonnell Douglas plant.
    At the far end of Mac property, a section of airport tarmac was designated as a power up site.
    The F-15 was tethered to the ground and a full power with afterburner test was performed.
    We could stand along Banshee Rd no more than 100 yards away and feel the incredible power.
    Also, Mercury and Gemini mission capsules were developed at McDonnell Douglas in St Louis, Missouri.

  16. The F15 is 104-0, so the video previewed at the end, dramatic music and all means nothing. We already know what happened to those Iraqi Foxbats. Either they were downed or outrun the F15 and lived to fight another day.

  17. I live northwest of Seymour Johnson AFB in Goldsboro, North Carolina. The 4th Fighter Wing.The is equipped with the F15E Strike Eagle. The base is a major training base for F15E aircrew.The 4th Wing was in the first stages of the first Gulf War. Their job was to take out Iraqi SCUD missile sites.One of the 4th Fighter Wing Strike Eagles shot down a Iraqi helicopter with a smart bomb.

  18. I was in high school when the foxbat landed in japan. After careful study america found it's weeknesses, then can the f-15&16 crazy good planes developed to destroy anything the cccp could muster.

  19. It's like the Soviets replicated 1% of American fighter capabilities before it became a thing, then America stepped in to show what that 1% actually represents.

    As omni man puts it: "Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"


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