British Couple Reacts to The Navy Seal Team Six Rescue Jessica Buchanan

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29 thoughts on “British Couple Reacts to The Navy Seal Team Six Rescue Jessica Buchanan”

  1. Considering all the over sea fishing trallers that destroyed the Somali fishing industry by destroying the ecosystem near them so its hard for them to fish. Might be a part of the problem that caused the pirates.

  2. You guys should watch the video of US Air Force Tech Sargeant John A. Chapman action in Afghanistan earned him the Medal of Honor. It was the first time in history that the actions of someone earning the Medal of Honor were recorded on video.

  3. Somalia is such a poor impoverished country that the minimum wage of $10 per hour is a fortune to them. The minimum hourly wage is more than the average Somali earns in a week. The average annual income there is the equivalent of $370 per year.

  4. The reason the Somalians asked for so much is in such places firmly believe that all Americans are insanely wealthy, because to their standards they are. They think people have millions in their bank accounts, because they have so little the think people who can afford what we have must be millionaires.

  5. When America has good leadership, we aren't to be messed with. I remember a quote from a military person (I forget exactly who it was, but it wasn't that long ago). Anyway, he said something like it didn't matter who it was, man, woman, or child, and it didn't matter for what cause they were fighting, but if they decided to fight America, I swear that someone else will be raising your children. I don't remember the exact quote, but it was something like that. When our country has had enough of dealing with these types of folks, it is game over. It honestly makes me a little ashamed right now, because there are still numerous American hostages being held by Hamas and they have been held since October 7th, 2023. I sincerely hope that some very good people are allowing them to stay hostages because it is for a huge tactical advantage, but I don't have any faith in our current leadership. The second these types of groups feel they can gain an advantage and we bow to their request, it does nothing but open the flood gates and invite more of the same actions, and the demands of these types of groups only get more extreme. We can't go down that road. I am 50 years old and have never served, but both of my grandfathers fought in WW2, with one of them being at Pearl Harbor. They are both dead now, but I remember something one of them told me a long time ago (around 1995) and we were talking while we were fishing, and he was telling some stories about his experiences in the service. He told me something I never have forgotten, and he said to never forget that freedom is never free and always comes at a price. He said that someone else was out paying the price right now so we could be out fishing, and talking, and have the opportunity to go home and eat and rest comfortably. He said that just because not all of us are soldiers, at any time, any citizen could be in a situation where they have to pay the ultimate price. He said that is what it means to live in a country with our type of freedom, and he said it is for that reason, the true patriots and soldiers of our country would never abandon their own, and would put themselves in harms way to do whatever it takes to keep their brothers safe and keep America free. I never have forgotten that. Many people here, especially my age, value and understand what a wonderful thing it is to live here, and we are very passionate when we have leaders that don't seem to value our military and just use it as a tool. I'm not a huge Obama fan, but in this instance and in the instance of Osama bin Laden, he did a fantastic job of making the correct decision and choosing to send in our special operators.

  6. 7:38 – America doesn't negotiate with terrorists..

    ..or at least, that's supposed to be the rule. But, I don't believe our leaders and government can stick to principles, especially nowadays.

  7. Somalia has been a failed state since the early nineties. Look up "Blackhawk Down" and learn about it. Somalia has been lawless and rampant with warlords and militias for decades. That environment has created pirates who take people on land and boats for ransom.

  8. The terrorists wanted $45M to free her, we decided to spend over $100M and free Jessica PLUS make sure they NEVER did it again. $ WELL spent. So why dont people see what Hamas did in Israel differently??? Stand with Israel!

  9. Great reaction, devgru also rescues British and many of our allies. If you are kidnapped. Most likely Americans will assist in some way. Whether intelligence or boots on the ground as well.

  10. Americas policy is not to negotiate with Terrorists but it depends on the person in the Whitehouse. Democrats (Obama, Biden) send pallets of cash to Iran Republicans (Trump) sends reaper drones and S E.A.L.s

  11. I highly recommend Scott Horton's Enough Already playlist. It's about the US's terrorism wars and how they connect to each other and what really happened. The book is a must read. You would be the first reaction channel to react to the playlist.

  12. I assure everyone that the men and women who put the uniform on every day take their job and mission serious. What they are willing to do for others without fame is amazing. Just that they completed their mission and move on to their next mission. I am retired military and every time I see some one in the military I am proud of their service and proud of them and I am thankful of the deterrent factor they have on the bad people out in this world. If you have nothing positive to say, please keep your comments to your self and enjoy what others provide for you.


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