British Columbias Mysterious Northern Islands | Destination Adventure

Haida Gwaii has always been a dream of mine to visit. It is remote, hard to access, rarely visited and most of all, rich in history. The first nations people have been living here for more than 6000 years, and the culture is still strong today. Europeans made it to Haida Gwaii in the mid 1800s, and that chapter of our history book is a very dark one, and was almost the end of the Haida People. Populations have slowly risen back over the decades, and with it came the culture. Ancient culture is still common practice on the islands today, and I am looking very much forward to learning as much as I can during my stay. History of the first nations is most prevalent, but scattered all around the island is bits and pieces of history from cultures all around the world. This is the final piece of land between Canada and Japan, and the rugged coastline is littered with shipwrecks, totem poles, villages and more. It is one of the few places that still has stories to be discovered.

I am visiting for a month, and I truly can not wait to dig into some of the stories and adventures here. In this episode I try to cross off the “touristy” locations, because I want to see it all, but then our focus will go to the remote and hard to get to places.

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45 thoughts on “British Columbias Mysterious Northern Islands | Destination Adventure”

  1. What a magic place! bTW if you need any info on not catching fish feel free to consult with me, I am a mine of information. Love those mussels, thought I'd seen big buggers, but these leave them behind in the dust, hope they were as tasty as the looked.

  2. One of my favourite places to go! The North Shore is my fav spot.. Tow Hill, Agate Beach, the Spit! The entire two islands are beautiful though and the people are great. So much quieter and more natural than Vancouver Island. Dip netting for crab on the North Shore is a blast! We’ll be back again next summer.♥️

  3. Dustin, I love your videos! Your views are just amazing, this is one of the best ones yet! I stumbled upon your channel when the Mt Layton hot springs episode came across my facebook page. My husbands family were the managers/caretakers there in the early 90s and we all were just in awe at the video. It was so sad to see how run down that place is now but you did a beautiful job of capturing its legacy. Thanks for the ability to explore from the comfort of my chair 😊

  4. Awesome video to start a Haida Gwaii adventure! I hiked to the Pesuta 4 years ago with 3 young kids, the eBike looks a bit more enjoyable, haha. I assume you'll be checking out Rennel Sound, and maybe do some ocean fishing in the inlet there.

    It's fun watching your videos from places I've been.😊

  5. Dustin you are in for a treat on your visit to these islands – especially if the weather holds. I saw more Orcas, Humpbacks, Eagles, Sea Lions, concentrated there than anywhere else on the west coast. I don't know if you can find your way to Langara Island, but it had the best Salmon Fishing I ever encountered. Put it this way, one year we were releasing 25 pound Springs while looking for Tyees. We encountered bait balls half the size of a football field. I hear it's not quite as good these days, but still worth the effort. I doubt your Swellfish will be seaworthy enough to handle the west side when it gets bumpy => which it does quite often. So be extra careful with it in the open ocean. Have fun but stay safe.

  6. Hi Justin, loved this episode. We have similar fairy’s here in Australia named the Spirit of Tasmania takes 12 hours trip driven by a friend of my mine. Looks a beautiful beach you stayed at and I look forward to the coming month watching your adventures. I’ve donated so we all can keep seeing your travels 😊

  7. I was up there working last year and saw your old motor home. I tried to connect with you for a beer but it didn’t work out. I’m going to have to get back up there for a holiday so I can enjoy the spectacular scenery! Looking forward to this series! Cheers. 🍻

  8. Dustin….. The PNW is a magical world!! So green, blue and wet!! It takes a very hard, stubborn human to live up there year around… Can't imagine how hard it was 150 yrs ago before technowizardry came along.

  9. Well Dustin, you’ve done it again. The cinematography and production are superb. You have charm, wit and respect. Thanks for such an entertaining video. And that mussel! Well it looked delicious! See you on your next adventure.


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