Britain's Strangest UFO Sighting – The Cosford Incident | UFO Expert Reacts

Nick Pope explains why The Cosford Incident was the most compelling UFO sighting of his government career.

Nick Pope worked for the UK Ministry of Defence for 21 years where he headed up the British government’s UFO programme. His duties included researching and investigating the UFO phenomenon, to assess the defense, national security, and safety of flight implications.

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16 thoughts on “Britain's Strangest UFO Sighting – The Cosford Incident | UFO Expert Reacts”

  1. I wonder if people observe glowing orbs whether they assume they are part of a craft or larger object and "connect dots" that aren't there. I think a lot of these things are generated by ground lightning strikes which create an electromagnetic pulse that messes with electrical equipment and creates fulgurite ejecta which are glowing balls of floating silicon plasma. This is why people think UAPs shut off nuclear missles. Ground lightning strikes create melted glass dendritic tubes in the ground called fulgurites, and material in the center is shot into the air like from a mortar.
    The reason these are observed at military bases is because who else has guards/observers watching everything in the middle of the night?

  2. Everyone in the world knows: UFO-secret spy equipment from the United States. The stories of witnesses are real, the collection of information about the passage of objects is real, but about aliens – speculation, which is supported by the disinformation of the cover spread by the special services. "Flying saucers" – earth technology. Secret technology-plasma propulsion panels, cells, rail-electron architecture. They are just located in the form of round zones around the perimeter and on the bottom of the device. From below and along the movement, a column of circular vortices is created – this is how the device flies…

    Find the material "UFO – it's made in the USA" on the Aftershock website or the video "Declassified UFO". This is a spy technique – it is tested and used for various purposes. The pilots don't know all the secrets.

    Christopher Taylor Buckley wrote about this program in his satirical novel "Little Green Men". This is also said in the movie "Roswell: Final Declassification (History Channel)" – easy to find on WWW.

    Now there are such ships in Russia, of course. Because of their arrivals in USA, hearings were held in the Congress.

  3. They are seen all over the world military or not, please account for Nuclear weapons being deactivated, Nelis air force base in particular, the craft was seen over Echo Silo, deactivated 9 warheads, the Craft was then seen to move to Charlie Silo, further warheads were deactivated, Rendlesham where warheads were deactivated again with a craft over the Silo, and sent back to the US for evaluation, nothing could be found wrong with them, the three indentations in the dirt where the craft touched down until you have come face to face with one of these crafts you have no concept of what you are not able to believe, even when it was slap bang 30ft away 10ft above the river we were fishing I refused to believe what I was looking at, no noise, totally silent, no movement of water and we lost 2 hours in what felt like 2-3 minutes. Anyone who has anything to do with intelligence / Military who says these are not real is a liar 100%.

  4. You are either new to this or planted, if new do some catch-up "Quickly" read Robert Hastings, UFOs, and Nukes and listen to US Atomic weapons Silo security guard Mario Woods of his and his colleague's account of their event, it is on Youtube many times, stop asking DUMB questions and do some homework as you are insulting a great many people. Civilians / Military / law enforcement officers, Doctors, lawyers, and young Children. Humanity is being held back by lies and disinformation to hide a secret more than 100 years old, Our fragile planet Earth has no time for Bull S/it anymore. Wake up or Go away!

  5. I saw the United States Government's Antigravity craft on August 30th 2023. I was on Indiana highway 446 close to the Hoosier national Forest sign heading back from fishing at Lake Monroe. The craft when I saw it was traveling from west to east. At first I thought it was a helicopter searching for someone in the forest and it came into view and I tried to realize what I was looking at in amazement. It was huge and the light it was putting off was light lights of the city as I drove under it. The lights on it were in the corners and center were crisp white with a blue hue. It had red and green navigation lights and strobe lights and a spot light close to the center. It was painted gray with the access panels highlighted lighter gray.  The panels were like the ones on the new stealth bomber design. It also had nose cones in the corners. The sides were rolled and not sharp like an air cutting edge. The way it moved in the sky was like it slid over the treetops and it didn't shake a leaf on the trees.  It moved steadily with a slight rotation northward without changing direction. I believe it was built by Northrop Grumman facilities… Most of the sights I have heard of are in direct pathways of their facilities and it resembled it's design aspects as other crafts that they built.

  6. Nick just watched you on whitley stieber podcast, love watching the progress on the uap disclosure movement, but I have to say watching that podcast of you 2,, would have have to be the most informative ones & disturbing ones that I have seen,, , yes I think we should have disclosure, but only the fact that they are around, & have been for a very very long time, but not tell the public it all, it might freak people out.

  7. I observed two of the black Deltas in 2005 (near the Kansas-Missouri border). I reported it on Mufon (or the predecessor agency), and discovered someone else had reported a nearly identical incident, one year prior, on the exact same date. I don't remember the date, but seeing the other report was just as weird as seeing the Black Deltas. The best picture of a Black Delta is on Mufon (Hesston Kansas).

  8. I saw something similar with a friend it was a triangle as big as half a football field with a light in each corner and one in the centre,it was about 30 meters above us and silent and just hoovered above us,I think it was September 1999 in Oxfordshire


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