Britain in Palestine 1917-1948

Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 investigates the contradictory promises and actions which defined British Mandatory rule in Palestine and laid the groundwork for the Nakba (the catastrophe) and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The roots of the contemporary social, political, economic, and environmental landscape of Palestine and Israel can be traced back to this period, making it essential viewing for understanding Britain’s legacy in the region and the situation on the ground today.

To access English, Arabic and Hebrew subtitles click on the CC link on the video. For further analysis of the events outlined in the film see the Companion Guide to Britain in Palestine 1917-1948.


“A very useful explanation of how we got to where we are today. Fascinating photos I had not seen before. A great resource to show in any classroom or forum to people who want to learn more about this region, and specifically, Britain’s involvement. Afif Safieh, Former Palestinian Ambassador

“…This film brilliantly puts into perspective the role the United Kingdom played in Mandate Palestine from 1917-1948.” Rabbi Howard Finkelstein, Ontario, Canada

“This is an excellent short 18-min video from @BalfourProject explaining briefly but super-clearly how British colonialism has caused a century of war in Palestine.” Matthew Teller, Journalist and author of Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City (2022)

“Britain in Palestine 1917 – 1948 is a clear, precise and factual explanation of the historical origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict. For anyone who wants to develop a real understanding of the issue but is intimidated by it’s complexity, this film is the place to start.” Judah Passow, Photojournalist


41 thoughts on “Britain in Palestine 1917-1948”

  1. I may be a lone voice here, but it has to be said.
    I know from experience that a doco like this can be made to say lots of things or simply leave lots out! In this case even without looking very deeply I know some significant facts have not been stated.
    Just one fact should be enough for now . Jewish presence and occupation of that area started thousands of years previous to the 20th century. Long before any use of the word Palestine was even thought of. There is no palestinian state and never has been.

  2. 75 years after the British Balfour promise to have 2 states Israel and Palistane millions of Israelis and Palistanens have been killed and nobody can stop this conflict until now. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 what a big shame 😢😢😢😢

  3. Britain has left any country that it has ever meddled in irreparably damaged with consequences for generations to come. And in such undertakings, it has always lied, cheated, and broken promises.

  4. Anf the British government doesn't call for a immediate ceasefire the UK still has the blood of the 30,000 innocents slowly dripping from their pro war hands that can never be washed away,too much profits in war and death

  5. Fairytales'!!! Until the British provide picture proof their troops were even in Palestine, and not just a few for photo ops. Even during these times they were simply the nerdy archeologist photographing the future story to be published for training. Fake Fake Fake..

  6. What a piece of propaganda! First – "the reason the (so called) British gave into the Arabs (the White Paper)" was because of fears of war? I think not. The British Empire loved war! But they also loved Petroleum. The fact that the "British" (actually the English) chose to use the ancient Roman name for the region – Palestine – rather than Judea, shows their leanings – Eurocentric and anti Jewry. But then at the time, they were hiding behind an inaccurate yet politically advantageous name for themselves too. British? No thank you. English/Angles speaking a Germanic language is more like it. Arabs were not expelled from the newly formed Israel in 1948. Many fled because Arab leaders told them to do so. These leaders knew they would be waging War. The Arabs who remained were offered Israeli citizenship. That is why today in Israel there are Arab citizens who live peacefully alongside Jews. They have all the same rights as Jews. They even sit in the Knesset. Does any Arab country today offer equality to any Jews or non-Muslims in their domains? NO. But then they've either killed or driven out virtually all of their Jewish populations (yeah, few talk about that). If you're curious, you should see what they've done to their Christian populations too. Talk about atrocities! This video never mentioned the FACT that British Palestine contained all of what is now Jordan and Israel – not just the land west of the Jordan river. Balfour's promise included this entire area. Did you notice how empty the region is in these pictures? Most of the southern Levant was empty and desert like until Jews started returning to their ancestral lands in the late 19th century – decades before WWI. This video leads the viewer to believe that Jewish immigrants somehow attained land by nefarious means. Until 1948, Jews purchased land from Turks and Arabs – much at inflated prices no less. The Zionist movement brought prosperity to this area and created jobs. Many Arabs then immigrated and were treated better than they were in the places they left. It was the Arabs and continues to be the Arabs who reject any sort of compromise. The Arab/Islamic culture is greedy and hateful. They are sore losers of multiple wars. They refuse to absorb and take care of the people they told to leave and have for over eighty years. Maybe it's time to start asking the Arabs to answer some hard questions. One I would start with is what about the East Bank? Why do you choose an exonym to describe yourselves? Why do you treat your women so repugnantly? I can think of many, many more but I will stop here. For those who wish to speak out about Israel, I suggest visiting and experiencing this country with your own senses. In 2024, the propaganda and lies are so numerous; the waters are so muddied.

  7. Conflict began when they rejected the initial partition that gave the smallest piece to Jews where 55% of them lived. Palz could have been the majority within a decade. Got greedy, got what they got.

  8. Whatever was originally the situation, there is no excuse for perpetuating a genocide! There is enough land for everybody, why are people so greedy, why can't we live in peace together? Now would be the time for mankind to unite and save the planet they're destroying with that nonsense political consumerism…

  9. The zionist regime is a colonial project in Palestine. The colonization started before 1948. All of Israel is occupied Palestine. All israeli settlers are colonizers and all israeli cities and towns are illegal settlements. Therefore all the colonizers must return to their own countries : Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Lituania, Russia, France, Austria, Ethiopia, etc. Free Palestine from zionists and from the american imperialism!

  10. 1. Less than 600,000 Arabs lived in Palestine before the Jews returned and started farming, irrigating, and building.
    2. Jews have lived there for 4000 years as natives. Arabs invaded 1300 years ago and are native to Arabia.

  11. لا يوجد شرعيه قانونيه لبريطانيا ان تهب للصهاينه وطن في فلسطين. بريطانيا لا تمتلك فلسطين الشعب الفلسطيني هو المالك الشرعي لفلسطين لذلك وجود الكيان الصهيوني في فلسطين غير شرعي و على بريطانيا دفع تعويضات للشعب الفلسطيني عن كل سنوات الاحتلال الانجليزي و الصهيوني لفلسطين. بريطانيا ساهمت في الجرائم و المجازر التي ارتكبها الصهاينه منذ الاحتلال البريطاني حتى الان و امريكا و اوروبا ايضا مشاركين. انتم لستم سوى احتلال بغيض مجرم لا اخلاق و لا انسانيه لديكم فقط الهمجيه و حب القتل هي عقيدتكم لعنكم الله و دمركم و قضاء عليكم انه سميع قوي عزيز ذو انتقام

  12. Researcher Roger Garaudy used to say that the events of the Holocaust were exaggerated and given mythical, non-historical dimensions, in order to use them in present-day conflicts. The Jewish tragedy that took place entirely on the European stage was used to obscure the wars of extermination, murders, and forced displacement committed by Israel against the Palestinians.
    * Conclusion: This equation:
    * Supporting claims of ethnic genocide (Nazi), a source of livelihood for Western politicians by supporting Zionism since 1945
    * A stream of Europeans flocking to get jobs, graduate degrees, and win elections.
    * While denying the genocide against the Palestinian people at the hands of (Zionism), it is a source of livelihood for Western politicians by supporting Zionism since 1945.
    * ⁠A stream of Europeans and others flocking to get jobs, graduate degrees, and win elections.

  13. Do You Know That Europeans Killed More Than 3 billions Humans Around The World ?🗺️ — and — (( Europeans Stealing 4 Continents & Quarter = North America – & – South America – & – Australia 🇦🇺 With New Zealand 🇳🇿 — & — Antarctica 🇦🇶 — & — Some Islands and Lands in Africa )) — Europeans Killed The Indigenous Peoples 👉 Native Americans = Red Skin — European Killed The Indigenous peoples Aboriginal = Of = Australia & New Zealand — Europeans Killed The Indigenous peoples = Arabs Palestinians and Stealing They Are Houses 🏘️ & Lands in (( 1948 )) 👈 The British Terriorists Empire Help Europeans To Stealing Everything From 1917 Untill 1948 👈 .

  14. Do You Know That Europeans Killed More Than 3 billions Humans Around The World ?🗺️ — and — (( Europeans Stealing 4 Continents & Quarter = North America – & – South America – & – Australia 🇦🇺 With New Zealand 🇳🇿 — & — Antarctica 🇦🇶 — & — Some Islands and Lands in Africa )) — Europeans Killed The Indigenous Peoples 👉 Native Americans = Red Skin — European Killed The Indigenous peoples Aboriginal = Of = Australia & New Zealand — Europeans Killed The Indigenous peoples = Arabs Palestinians and Stealing They Are Houses 🏘️ & Lands in (( 1948 )) 👈 The British Terriorists Empire Help Europeans To Stealing Everything From 1917 Untill 1948 👈 .

  15. The one thing you got wrong " In 1948 Britain direct Involvement ended" their very much still involved same as here in Ireland and many other Countries. Divide and conquer or just divide sit back and watch the mayhem. The Indians have a saying, "if you pass by water and see two fish fighting , then you know the British have just been there".

  16. The British were the very best rulers of this region. There was law and order. A fair judicial system. Schools, universtities, hospitals, churches, mosques and synagogues.
    The whole area is porer for their absence. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇬🇧

  17. How tired the Palestinian generations are, generation after generation resisting occupation after occupation
    I hope that God will grant you victory But you forgot to mention the aspect of resistance to the British occupation Before the Balfour Declaration
    Free Palestine 🇵🇸


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