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Hi everyone, I’m Kabir and welcome to another episode of Kabir Considers! In this video I’m going React To UNITED STATES VS NORTH KOREA – WHO WINS IN 2024?

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29 thoughts on “Brit Reacts To UNITED STATES VS NORTH KOREA – WHO WINS IN 2024?”

  1. In 2018 President Trump met with Kim Jong Un. Tried to explain to the N.K. Leader what the U.S. has, and how everything is so much better. Whether Kim Jung Un believed it or not, only he knows for sure. He most likely can only see his way of holding power. That is what he treasures most is his power. Apparently, it’s the ONLY thing he treasures. So he must hold onto his power the only way he knows. He most likely is deluded.

  2. Yeah Korea is basically a proxy war between the United States and China and The Soviet Union, we backed one half to be Democratic, and China and Soviets backed the North to keep democracy from winning, it is still technically going on, it is actually still a war that is in a very long cease fire agreement.

  3. its important to remember that North Koreans are constantly being pampered with propaganda and thus even when seeing external shows and movies and what not they may not see that as real, but just other nations propaganda. (the fact that the difference in quality of life is so great probably helps that perspective as its just too hard to believe that the difference is that great) I mean imagine being a medieval peasant and being told people in the next nation over live like lords eating their fill and almost everyone is fed and comfortable. would you believe that even the peasants of that nation live like that when you are barely getting by on the scraps you are being fed?

  4. Before the 1900s Korea was one country, then Japan Occupied Kores thru Ww2 until after WW2, soviets and Chinese Communist established North Korea and US and UN establish South Korea.. the Korean War happened after WW2 and kinda stalled into a armistice

  5. I've studied North Korea and it's much worse than is discussed in this video. The people living in the capital are doing okay. They have decent homes and food to eat. If you are a farmer in rural areas, you are most likely malnourished. The state takes all the food you produce and may leave a tiny bit for you and your family. Their land is terrible for farming so everyone is required to save their poop to be used as fertilizer. They actually have quotas of how much they are required to produce. Some starving people will eat rats, bugs, snakes or anything they can find.
    They have a large military because everyone must serve. Women serve 2 to 4 years and men can be required to serve 10 years or even longer. Most do not get paid any salary. Citizens hate the soldiers because the soldiers bully people out of any food they have or just steal it. Their military does very little training. Most soldiers have never fired their wepons because they don't have enough ammo to use for training. Almost all soldiers are used as free labor for the government. They build and maintain roads, do construction, mining, fishing, farming, etc. They do all this work for no pay and most are starving, this is why they steal food. The military even has a system that allows a soldier to go home for a couple of months to recover from starvation and then return once they are stronger.
    There is no outside contact from the rest of the world. TV, news, internet, etc is all controlled by the government. You can only get cell phones from the government. They are preprogrammed so that the government can see everything you do on your phone. They can hear every call, read every text, etc. The phone cannot call outside the country either.
    Travel around the country is restricted too. The town you are born in is where you will live and die unless the government moves you. Rural people have to get written permission to travel to the capital.
    The government controls everything! By everything, they have a list of approved haircuts for men and women. You must wear approved clothes. You must keep photos of the leaders in a prominent place in your home. If the leader's photo is in the paper, you cannot throw it away or fold the paper across the photo. All these crimes could get you sent to prison. If your parents are put in prison, the children go with them and must also work.
    Sorry, going on and on. I find it fascinating. You should really react to some videos about it Kabir. You won't believe how bad it is.

  6. What a stupid question. The black spot on the night side of the earth vs one third of the global economy, probably an even larger fraction of its military spending, half the world’s nuclear arsenal (specifically the half that most likely would work as intended), all the world’s super carriers, one of the world’s largest and best trained and supplied militaries…

  7. Two of the elements not mentioned are; firstly the terrain. In the Korean war the US had difficulty overcoming the rugged & mountainous terrain. Secondly is the Temperature extremes. It goes from hot in the summer & extremely cold in the winter. Both of these two together makes it hard for ground forces.

  8. We're beginning to make planes that can fly into low earth orbit. They could take out satellites. We already have taken one of our own satellites out. If you look at the Space Force logo it looks a lot like the logo on Star Trek. Maybe Trump started that.

  9. If you want information on N. Korea you should check out, THE VOICE OF NORTH KOREA by Yeonmi Park. She escaped N. Korea and now lives in the US. She speaks to people frequently about life in N. Korea and how she escaped. The laws there and the punishments. Many times she ate nothing but grasshoppers and dragonflies.

  10. 3:37 the space force coordinates all American space assets such as surveillance satellites, communications and gps. They also track all manmade space debris in earth orbit. I’m sure there’s other things they do but those are the big two I remember

  11. I don't think most people in the United States realise that they actually live in a militarised state; and that it's not normal for the military to be so prominent & constant in everyone's daily lives.

  12. 0:00: 💥 Analysis of potential conflict between the United States and North Korea in 2024, considering military strength and historical tensions.
    3:16: 🇺🇸 US military training budget surpasses North Korea's GDP, leading to one-sided loss ratios for North Korea.
    6:29: 🇺🇸 USA's Reserve force outmatches North Korea's military readiness and training, posing a landslide victory for the USA.
    9:53: 🚀 North Korea's Special Forces capabilities for infiltration and attacks on South Korea's coastline and strategic targets.
    12:52: 🇰🇵 North Korea's outdated tank fleet poses no credible threat to the US or South Korea, with doubts about their operational state and capabilities.
    16:14: 🚢 Challenges in verifying North Korean Navy capabilities. Limited power projection, focus on coastal defense, and questionable military strategy.
    19:37: ⚔️ Imbalance of power between US and North Korea, with North Korea's nuclear arsenal posing a threat to US and South Korea.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  13. The Korean War was prolonged because of china support in the case of another one china would flood the Korean Peninsula with its massive army again and yes they probably are delusional when it comes to thinking they could win they don’t have access to information like the rest of the world and believe that their supreme commander is a god


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