Brit Reacts To IDIOTS IN CARS – PART 31!

Brit Reacts To IDIOTS IN CARS – PART 31!

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Hi everyone, I’m Kabir and welcome to another episode of Kabir Considers! In this video I’m Going to React To IDIOTS IN CARS – PART 31!

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38 thoughts on “Brit Reacts To IDIOTS IN CARS – PART 31!”

  1. I still can't quite understand why people feel bad for people with lambos etc. when they get into wrecks like this one in the video. First off, it's almost always their fault in these videos, and secondly if they have a freaking lambo they can afford either insurance on it, or repairs to it. Meanwhile everyone who reacts to lambos getting nuked drive Honda's and what not lol

  2. Hi Kabir! I once, when I was 15, was on a bicycle and was trying to catch up with my cousins who were a half block ahead of me. In order to get more speed, I was leaning forward and pumping the pedals furiously. I had my head down and wasn't looking ahead like I should have been. A man backed out of his driveway and I glanced up and the car about 10 feet away. Needless to say, as fast as I was going, there was no way to stop. I hit his car straight on in the passenger side door. I slid under the car, but wasn't really hurt. I got up and started straightening my front wheel out, and the man got out and asked me if I was ok. I said that I was, and apologized for the dent I put in his door. When he asked me where I lived, I told him, truthfully, that I was from out of state. I was afraid I would get in trouble, so I just pedaled off.

  3. I flinched at the quads rolling over at 0:48. I have a friend who flipped on a 3-wheeler. He's a successful real-estate agent now… but he's also a quadriplegic. He still has some use of one of his arms, which is why he's got a motorized wheelchair.

  4. And to think I was denied a driver's license the first time I took my written exam because I missed 6 questions… 🤷🤦🤦🤦🤦

    I bet everyone of these people stills has a license 🤷🤷🤷

  5. 00:47 Kudos to all of the drivers following the driver who suddenly found his world upside down. The first ones down after someone plants like that are the most likely to add to the crash, and it looks like they all did a good job avoiding starting a pile-up. And at 1:31 I don't think I've ever heard you sound quite so… American in pronunciation? Did you film this after your trip to the U.S.? (When you say "Oh my God", "God" always sounds completely British, without the way we make it sound so nasal.) Took me by surprise!

  6. I love how Kabir seems to think that making idiotic boneheaded moves is okay as long as you use your blinker first to show your intention to make said idiotic boneheaded move.

  7. At 4:57, the problem isn't just that he didn't use his turn signal. He shouldn't have tried to make that lane change with so little room, especially since he was going slower than the truck in the lane he was merging into. He apparently didn't look before changing lanes, and he didn't listen to the truck horn.

  8. Actually, the cyclist did have the right of way since he was traveling with traffic and the other car was clearly turning left through stopped traffic (assuming there was a back-up of cars), but the cyclist was still technically in the right, so the other car is mostly liable.

  9. 5:10 yes, put the turn signals on before turning or changing lanes, but doing so does not give you right of way. Not using turn signals for this lane change was the least of this bonehead's stupidity. He merged INTO a semi truck. Even with turn signals, that was pure Darwinism at it's finest LOL
    I just found it strange that you would go on and on in regards to that clip about turn signals but that's not what the problem was about that clip 🤣
    12:00 Also, not sure how it is in England, but in America, that cyclist DID have right of way. he was going straight and the car was turning. BOTH had blind spots but it was up to the person turning to be sure no one was coming. People really just want to put all the blame on cyclists, but both have to obey the laws of the road. The guy in the car doesn't get a free pass because it was a bike on coming instead of a motor vehicle. That's not to say that the cyclist shouldn't pay attention, he should. But as you said, it was a blind spot so we don't know how much he could see before the car was in front of him.

  10. I am a professional driver if you as you say use your indicator or turn signal I almost always back off and flash my lights at yo so you knowing is safe to proceed…the only time I don't is when next a big rig or a lorry…and I am evidently in their blind spot if I can move over I fas the lorry and immediately move over if a cannot move over depending on far up the loop side I will either immediately brake then fash when safe or lay on the horn to let them know I am there.


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