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(365) 9/11 – Operation Yellow Ribbon – Documentary

Hi everyone, I’m Kabir and welcome to another episode of Kabir Considers! In this video I’m going React To 9/11 – OPERATION YELLOW RIBBON

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42 thoughts on “Brit Reacts To 9/11 – OPERATION YELLOW RIBBON”

  1. I Operate a transit bus in an urban center of the USA. If you need a ride to somewhere I'm going, I'll let you ride. I'm driving that way anyway. Lets roll. I don't care if you pay, I just drive.

  2. Thanks so much Canada us americans appreicate you all. The musical Come From Away showed this event so heartwarming. We don't regret the people a piece of steel from world trade center. Have become a tourist destination for cruises.

  3. The Aircraft that were IN US airspace landed in the US. International flights that hadn't reached US airspace, were diverted to Canada.
    At that time, i lived in Arlington Texas. It was nirmal for constantly planes landing over us. That day though, they were one after another landing on ALL the runways at not only DFW… but at Love field and Carswell and every airport long enough to land on. Not just commercial planes…all planes. No planes were permitted to take off.
    Once the airspace over the US was cleared, there was a very eerie silence!!!! I stepped out of my hiuse and looked up and only saw military fighter jets at a very high altitude maneuvering all over the sky. They looked like "Top Gun" dogfighting innthe sky!!! It terrified me to experience all that!!!
    It maddening to go from "we are at war" to "let anyone/ everyone come into the country with no vetting. It's no big deal if these individuals say they hate Jews or Americans."

  4. On that day I remember, I was working as a firefighter with St. John's, and I was assigned to an extra engine deployed to the local airport to assist the airport fire department, because of the extra number of aircraft that had arrived on the tarmac and were positioned with still so many onboard those aircraft. Watching this story and your reaction to it has brought back so many memories of that day, but I can honestly say, I have never been so proud to be a Newfoundlander during that time and those days following. It is who we are!!! 😉👍

  5. Yes! I saw this piece about Gander several years ago! Such an awesome story!
    And about firefighters not being paid enough… actually, most jurisdictions in the USA are VOLUNTEER firefighters! Only the very largest cities have paid firefighters. NYC is one of them. The majority do it completely voluntarily.

  6. I’m not even Canadian and I’ve seen this story before but every time I do I get so choked up again and appreciate even more our neighbors to the north! Thank you Canada and thank you Newfoundland!❤

  7. On our darkest day when we in America felt like we didn't have a friend in the World there was Gander and Canada! We will NEVER forget what you did for us! GOD Bless Canada!

  8. there is another vid you should react to…the one about the Air Traffic Controllers of that day, the ones who had to figure out what was going on in real time, it's riveting. Then there's the story of the 300 Search and Rescue dogs, how they weren't finding ANYONE alive and became depressed to the point of not eating, not wanting to get up, nothing, they just shut down. So rescue personnel and cops took turns hiding in the debris of the towers so the dogs could find someone alive. Many of them succumbed to the deadly air they were breathing the whole time they were at ground zero working 12 hour shifts.
    The last one just died in 2016.

  9. Gander is a gem. In the moment, it was so terrifying to witness this all live. These amazing stories… it defeated the inhumanity of the attacks. This world is clearly a beautiful and kind world, and there are several misguided tyrants that want to put nothing but evil into it. Gander, the people who were queuing to give blood, the harbor saviors… those are the people who will be looked at in favor in the afterlife, not those who caused destruction, destroyed families and delivered misery.

  10. Wow thank you for this video never knew it existed. Beautiful people of Gander, thank you, thank you. What an amazing story. I saw the second plane hit the building from across the Hudson river, NJ side. I was on my way to work my destination was the world trader center. I missed it by 15 minutes. We'll never forget this terrible day. 🙏🙏

  11. I was in New Jersey for a business meeting when we heard the news. We cancelled the meeting and worked to ensure we had enough blood to ship to NY NJ hospitals to take care of any survivors. We took our rental cars to drive from NJ to CA as planes were not flying. We were the lucky ones that already has a rental car. Others were not so lucky and were stuck. Very emotional ride home as we dropped off our coworkers to their home state from NJ to California. Lots of tears for all that died that day, especially the firemen who were running up the stairs while everyone was running away.

  12. I liked that reaction video. I would propose to you two more reactions related to 9/11; Miracle on Stairway B and The Boat lifts. These two events, along with Gander, bring a bright light in the darkness of 9/11.

  13. I’m American and I never knew this story! So moving. We love Canada 🇨🇦 . I grew up in the DC area. They closed schools early that day. A lot of kids had parents who worked at the pentagon and didn’t know if they were ok.

  14. For youur next instalment on "Operation Yellow Ribbon" you should watch the Video "Come From Away"…It is about a Broadway Play that is based on the happenings in Gander during 9-11! You will see a Lot of background that happened during the stay..and how Successful the play actually became. It too is a Great Story in and of itself that I think you will Really enjoy!

  15. Sept 11th 2001 I lived in downtown Oklahoma City my 17th floor balcony overlooked Alfred P Murroh bombing memorial just across the street I remember going to the reflecting pool looking across at the chairs all lit up and eerily quiet it's usually quiet but with no aircraft in the skies it was weird

  16. People are still dying to this day from 9/11 . Firefighters, first responders and volunteers from the toxins they inhaled from the rubble. I pray for them and their families.

  17. This story played out in many other communities across Canada as well, because we, too, closed our airspace (except to incoming planes bound for the USA). We had plane people in Halifax, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Yellowknife, Whitehorse, and many other communities. The response was the same: the only priority during those days was looking after the displaced travellers.

    As a Canadian I think this is really represents who we are. I'm so proud of what my countrymen did.

  18. The also seem to forget about Flight United 93 where the the men and some taught the terrorist and diverted the path and it never reach the State Capital but crashed in Pennsylvania in a field. Must watch documentary about this as well!.

  19. 9/11 was so scary for everybody in the United States, regular civilians didn't know what the hell was happening. The only information we got was from the news on TV. We did not know how many planes had been hijacked, what other locations could be targeted, or if there were going to be attacks by other means. It was the first time in United States history every non-militarily plane was grounded, which in and of itself is a terrifying scenario. We heard about how U.S. airspace was closed until further notice, I can tell you those first few days afterwards were filled with anxiety and fear. And panic when we heard a plane overhead when we didn't know they reopened U.S. airspace after three days.

    Think about that though, the last time there was a large attack on U.S. soil was the BOMBING OF PEARL HARBOR in WORLD WAR II, for which most of us weren't alive. September 11, 2001 was one of those scenarios we thought would NEVER happen to our nation. Massive terrorist attack in the United States?! Nooooo, nobody would ever do that! We'd break up the plot before anything could be carried out; Nobody would be dumb enough to attack the U.S, they know we would hunt them down for doing such a thing; Our nation is too secure for terrorists to come in and do something like that, the FBI or CIA would have them in custody long before they could carry out any kind of attack…etc…
    It sounds stupid to say now, but we felt like we were invincible, obviously we were not. But thanks to our allies across the pond and our dear neighbors to the north, we were able to scramble and make sense of everything to get things moving again. That day kicked our a$$es but our nation is more secure than ever now. There are many new safety checks for things, and communications between the agencies that help keep us safe is better than ever. That was actually a big problem on 9/11, which has since been corrected. It opened our eyes to what COULD happen, those agencies that keep us safe have enacted protocols now for almost any scenario you can think of.

    This is really long, so I'm going to end it here. Is it stupid I remember how clear the sky was that morning? It was such a beautiful morning that I decided to walk to work, then I got to work just after the first plane hit and it wasn't a beautiful day anymore. People say 9/11 is kinda similar to the Kennedy assassination, you'll never forget where you were. I can tell you about everything that happened that day and everything I did the entire day. Twenty-two and a half years later and I remember it like it was yesterday.

    Thank you for helping my country in it's time of need. ❤ Seriously, thank you to everyone who helped the U.S. that day and thank you to everyone who came to our aid. ❤


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