Brilliant And Terrible Move By Russian Opposition

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31 thoughts on “Brilliant And Terrible Move By Russian Opposition”

  1. Vlad, you have mentioned blame vs. responsibility. I wonder if you could do a video on that topic. I don't quite understand the difference. It seems to me that responsibility must be proximate to agency and action, so I can blame only Putin (and perhaps his inner circle) for the invasion of Ukraine, not all Russians. I'm sure I'm missing something. Thanks for all of your work.

  2. Well the point of having a state is to prevent embryonic states from arising and to control and provide an alternative for social violence. And youd need to study the law and history of the law. But one of the most important moments is when Henry the Second fractured soveriegnty and vests it in the multiple justices of the new courts of kings bench . Another moment is the discovery that soveriegnty is not personal it's an abstraction seperate from the person of those who exercise it. Anyway Vlad has Russian and European expertise and should use it and were fools if we dont respect this. But I think the English five should focus on their own history and political structure. And the five differ and indeed have major local variations. But I think the key to the log jam ( Canadians logged in the winter drafted down vast rafts of logs in spring break up , heroic blue collar actor , road the logs and would when or if they jammed find the central tangle in a raft of logs and break it apart) . Here for me in Calgary, maybe Canada I'd focus on trying to discredit climate change denial by the elite with vast wealth based on oil. If they are seen as the mendacious liars they really are their propaganda for an authoritarian oligarchic state will collapse. The USA is more complex , but a lot of trouble arose with new western oil men from Reagan on becoming ensconced in politics and molding of the Republicans: families like the Kochs or the Bush s. The radical protests or sort of fossilized California style leftists arent really helpful. It's enough to discredit the oligarchs over climate change denial. ALways Britain is unique and extremely diverse , I'm not sure Americans should give opinions. But I doubt that pink yachts in traffic circles improve politics and policy.

  3. You have to admit that Putin show the caviants of the so called "democracy" worldwide. Its not surprising somebody as Navalny is trying to fill some amorphic cavity of what the idea of "democracy" could, should, or is. In the end democracy is just about power; as any other system, and more often – a power in the hands of the few. The democratic delusion are well described from their inceptions by Plato, it's all a fairyland full of wonders – till its not.

  4. Can someone tell me how a man who has been allegedly poisoned, tortured and kept in Isolation has been able to write a critical manifesto from his prison cell and then release it publicly?

  5. I love that you say Navalny's epic sacrifice means it buys him some lenience but at the same time being forthright on the failings of the statement. I think that's perfectly fair and a lesson we can take in other instances where someone has shown to have tremendous moral courage but may have some failings in life…Brilliant life lesson here that I will see if I can enact when its my turn to judge someone.

  6. I think for people in the countries bordering Russia it’s much simpler. Navalny is a Russian imperialist as much as Putin is, he only happened to be in the opposition to Putin. There may be some differences between them on domestic matters, but personally I care very little about it.

  7. It is not democracy to be able to nominate yourself to stand for an election. Nomination has to be done by the members of your local community. If those local members are also members of a party is irrelevant. Countries where a person can put himself forward as a candidate then seek private funding for their campaign, or do not have compulsory voting, are not democracies. Russia has never had a goverment that reflects the will of its people. There is no politics in putins russia. There is no democratic entities waiting to pounce at the loss of the war. All probable alternatives are similar or worse than the status quo, and that is sad

  8. Hi Vlad.

    I'm not the best at following these things, but from what I can gather of what you've explained, Navalny is depoliticised because he openly opposes Putin but doesn't stand for anything else beyond that? My incling from what you've said is that if he were given power, he wouldn't know what to do with it or how to manage the country & things would either be "worse" or would slide back towards Putinism, just with a different face. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

    I do love your content though.

  9. How can you move a Russian people, who politically are the proverbial 3 monkeys: "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"?

    The USSR under Brezhnev was generally safe, where young women could walk home alone unmolested at night in Leningrad, Moscow, and Kiev, (because) where anyone obviously drunk or out of order, would get a beating from the militsiya or the KGB in a dark alley, and people put their 3 kopecks in the honesty box on the avtoubus, and Babushkas would use their walking sticks to hit the legs of young male european intourists wearing shorts as they told them off for being improperly dressed on the metro.

    After Gorbachev was removed, everybody felt that they were much worse off, and that the thugs, who were the people who had been the KGB and Militsiya, those like Putin, moved in and acted like the new Russian Federation was like Chicago under Prohibition.

    Now the various gangs run the government, the military, the propaganda, and ride roughshod over everybody's rights, stealing from all, and keeping their loot in places where nobody can get it.

    Clearly The Russian Federation is on the brink of civil war, which is exactly where the West wants it, and for the next 30 years, again, the Russian people will not want to play at democracy, because whosoever rules the country will let them down, eventually, as they have always done before.

    However, a civil war needs 2 sides, and we nearly have both Prigozhin's, and Kadyrov's armies, and not to forget that of Ukraine! Should Ukraine overcome the Invading Russian army by attrition, who would stop a Ukrainian army marching on to Moscow?

  10. Yeah, from whatever I have understood over the years, Navalny is not exactly the most reliable opposition to Putin – first thing that comes to mind was his reach towards the far right, among other things… Dark times for Russia…

    ps. Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not a ruzzian bot or something

  11. Kristaps Andrejsons (The Eastern Border, episode 'Navalny's Fear & Loathing', 13 August 2023) says that the published English translation is sloppy, & the original Russian text is far better.


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