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36 thoughts on “Breaking: "Miracle At The Jordan River"”

  1. On every Blood Moon, there will be an Event to happen, Amen On the 24th of every month we will see or hear something be exposed or revealed to us. Come to Jesus and Open your Eyes and Ears and see God move and strike down evil in our Country! Trust and Obey God's Word… Stand Still and watch the Glory of God, Amen. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤

  2. Thank you, LORD GOD, for using my prayer mingled with Sister Heidi's faith and my faith to see Your goodness manifest in the healing of her left shoulder! Hallelujah 😁 ❤️‍🩹💖 frozen no more. Thank you, LORD Jesus; for the thawing of frozen spiritual hearts 💕 allowing people who can't feel 'Your Anointed Presence', a new heart of softened flesh: another window of opportunity to respond ♥️ to the tug of Your Holy Spirit, Your Breath Who always points to Jesus' Anointing Blood at the cross of Calvary's Hill of Golgotha. Jesus defeated our inability to qualify to call His Father, 'Abba/Daddy'; by exchanging our sin nature for His righteousness, we become spiritually reborn, and through God's Son's sinless blood: and the word of our testimony, we satisfy His Father's requirement of pure perfection.

  3. Wow I am having severe left arm pain too. I can’t move my arm or pick stuff up either. Plz pray for me plz it’s so painful. I know it attacks of the enemy cuz i recently got delivered form my alcohol addiction too so now I am having arm and right foot pain it like the devil wants me to go back to my addiction for my pain. Well I am not I am on fire for Jesus Christ love you and your wife and son what you guys do for the kingdom of Jesus Christ

  4. PRAISE THE LORD FOR HEALING MISS HEIDI!!! I'm so happy for you Heidi…I will hopefully wade out to that rock and maybe my arthritis will be healed by the power of God…❤❤❤

  5. When I started my journey at the path I'm unknown God pointed to certain people to follow to listen to and to observe. You were one of those people. And if I were to give you The rest of the list you would probably be amazed but i'm scared to put it here because of the days we're in

  6. John 14:12 – Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

  7. I am not ashamed of the gospel. Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved. He is coming back soon, best be ready. Hell is no place to be. Eternal torment and more.
    Jesus Christ died for you and me, He loves you.

  8. Lord, the stars glorify You. The birds sing Your praise. Heavenly beings proclaim Your holiness. Rocks would cry out in praise if we remained silent. You are worshiped by all Your creation. You made the grass green, my eye to see color, and the cow to eat the grass. Your creation is more complex than I fathom. You reign over Your creation, and You are a good king. I bow before You as king. You are the king of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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