Breaking! Drake’s security guard popped in drive-by days after Kendrick Lamar doxxed Drake's home!

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27 thoughts on “Breaking! Drake’s security guard popped in drive-by days after Kendrick Lamar doxxed Drake's home!”

  1. This has nothing to do with K-Dot, you need to look further back to the shooting last weekend and see there is some Internal ish going down in the OVhoe….. Don't jump to conclusions without being versed.

  2. I think Aubrey paid that guy a good amount to take a bullet, so Kendrick could look like he was involved, and so Aubrey can get sympathy. It’s totally up and Aubrey’s alley to pull a stunt in hopes of someone getting caught up. LMBOOOOOOOO😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  3. All Kendrick did was bring the dirty details about drake liking minors and “waiting” until the birthdays to make it physical-actual facts- and also brought to light how dirty his security is- the harass and assault fans and other people numerous times- and have their own weird histories- facts- don’t forget that drake has been around diddy – he had contact with Billie at 17- and the. She was around diddy to- even Justin was worried at one point about her being around them-
    This might have more to do with diddy and drakes and his teams actual histories- not with Kendrick

  4. the combination of Rap and R&B) is losing commercial dominance, dropping its market share from 27.8% to 26% from 2022 to 2023, because of the increase in popularity of Latin and country genres.
    Country music is one of the fastest-growing genres in the U.S., fueled in large part by younger fans

  5. All of this filthy music should be banned in the United States as it is in other countries. It is just not good for the young people listening to these clowns. They do nothing for the community but bring it down.

  6. The black rap community needs to evolve from the blood sport of killing other human beings. It is so embedded murder seems to be the price of everything. Sad to say a people can't lift until these promises of blood shed cease. Rappers who have everything are still looking for blood. This is some kind of curse. There is good in life to be got but the black rap community will have to change their ways. I know it started long before many were born but somebody has to break that chain. You kill and you walk free but God is waiting for you to close your eyes and he will surprise you there. Because u do not believe it will be your surprise in that day. You cannot kill people like u eat bread.God made them. At least try to respect God if u cannot respect any one else. May be the person is too far gone to understand. But God has said u have to look for understanding and once u understand u must hold that for life so it can guide u. So people can live today and tomorrow. The old men of terror has left this legacy in their communities. That was their error. They are dead and left murder for boys to accomplish. Choose the good and leave the bad and move away from them that have that curse. U will know the curse it will come to talk in your face about the next blood it wants to shed. I love the music drake is a gifted musician. Drake After building your empire I know u would die for it. But u can also live instead of dying. There u can give God thanks for all because u r alive and well. Live for it because living is better than dying right? Choose the good leave the bad. Don't let any one force the curse. Take an hour daily and go to God in a private place and tell him u want to live and understand his ways. Tell him u will change what ever he wants u to change. And watch him work. Don't retaliate go to God he will answer u. Now u have built your empire on earth. Watch God work from heaven in his earth. Now that is an empire not built by hands and it will be your greatest accomplishment yet. What your eyes will witness is not human it's God in action for u. Love on love on I wish u well. And remember love is an action.

  7. Tipper gore went after metal knowinh whites cant cry racist yhey set up dan quail dumbass to go after gangsta rap knowing hed be called a racist and freeing up america for mass killings drive bus twrrking and murdernrap nevernwaycj a prison documentary where they asked young black man what he will do once out of prison where they didnt say rapper


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