Breaking Down Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary Poll and Interviews

Figured we could have some fun talking about the 20th Anniversary Special, including the poll and interviews. I give my thoughts on the results and new information and I’m looking forward to talking about this stuff with you guys in the comments.

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20th Special Recap Timestamps
intro: 0:00
Champion Zinogre: 0:01:46
Runner up Nergigante: 0:05:39
Underdog Lagiacrus: 0:08:06
Valstrax / Gore / Velkhana / Narga: 0:11:37
Fatalis / Ruiner / Alatreon: 0:14:59
Stygian Zinogre / Abyssal lagiacrus: 0:17:02
Primordial Malzeno / Mizutsune: 0:17:44
Old Fatalis / Safi’jiiva: 0:18:48
Brachy / Namielle / Shagaru / Crimsonglow: 0:19:19
Rest of the Poll: 0:20:17
MH1 / G / Dos Interviews: 0:42:20
Freedom / Freedom2 / FreedomU / Portable3 Interviews: 0:51:04
Tri / TriU / 4 / 4U Interviews: 0:56:47
Gen / GenUlt Interviews: 1:07:28
World Iceborne Interview: 1:14:12
Rise Sunbreak Interviews: 1:21:51
Outro: 1:31:50


25 thoughts on “Breaking Down Monster Hunter's 20th Anniversary Poll and Interviews”

  1. I really agree with your comments on some of the Rise monsters being lower than they deserve, I really liked Rise's cast and personally prefer them over World's monsters.
    If any of them returned in Wilds I can see that actually boosting their popularity.

  2. Great video as always! One quick note on the devs talking about the weapons. In Japanese they referred to them as "the current total of 14 weapons", so who knows, maybe we'll get some more? I'd love to maybe see the tonfas get reworked to fit into mainline monster hunter.

  3. for the Oroshi Kirin leak for base World I think it would be cool if he returned in Wilds along with a new ice Rajang subspecies/variant that feeds on Oroshi horns to make a super saiyan blue effect Rajang

  4. iceborne is also zonogre's best music, by far, all versions are good but man that theme is awesome. the original conception for his theme is a funny story: they actually feared he wouldn't stand out enough so they took a game with a very strong older Japanese aesthetic and gave the flagship an electric guitar theme to stand out. his hh is even an electric guitar too. it was a great theme originally but i find that Iceborne's composition of his theme mixes that electric guitar with the very distinct Japanese instrumentation, that he was meant oppose, for a great harmony.
    man, if he is in that map we saw. um those lightning strikes will instantly charge him, yeah? that will be terrifying.
    well nergi's gameplay had to be good, if all 4 flagships following him in his generation tried their own take on his trick and most of us didn't get sick of it.
    well the difference is that with nergi the spikes are there for a reason where as with Frontier the wasn't a reason for most of them. also Frontier is just another team that wasn't confident enough to compete so they went parasite on what would have been their rival rather than fight and lose with dignity.
    man, if you gave narga Rise style bleed he'd be terrifying. i really hope that they keep bleed how it was in Sunbreak, it's way more fun that way. screw the poison if you move, i want the next hit to punish me the more i move if i'm hit before i cure it.
    fatalis should be lower, honestly. his lore is dumb, they went too far with it so the fight is the ultimate anticlimax and it was like that for 15 years. they'd have kept it that as shitty as it was, if it wasn't for the render debacle. you have to consider that he was shit for so long before he was cool and him being cool wasn't planned. props to them owning their mistakes and fixing him but still.
    going so far at to down vote the game is dumb but alatreon was poorly made, he kind of pissed on you for daring to use ig, when they went all try hard to make the weapons all matter for his gimmick. "oh what's that? you want to do areal for elemental damage? fuck you, his element weak spot is tiny and glued to the floor for most of the fight." he was a meme in try, "master of all the elements… except fuck water." and his ultimate attack only using ice originally when it was suppose to be a mix of all of them. also smaller/similar fatalis issue of fixed late.
    first fight is fine but, for many of us, safi is just a pinata so no.
    yes give kut ku more to set him apart as not just aknosom from 15 ish years ago with less.
    poor odogaron, the deviljho are discussing who gets the chew toy.
    espenas is the least creative flagship by far, the rest of them brought more to the table than him. really shows the gap in talent. as a monster he's fine but not as a flagship.
    yes, World base rajang was better, while Rise furious rajang was better.
    izuchi is best pappa raptor, he actually evolves hteir gimmick for once. yes maccao is better than jaggi.
    let monoblos fly, dig, and combo them. that's how you fix that.
    vespoid queen is weird, this is true. why was it that high? over the seltas quartet? why?
    qurupeco has to return, especially for the chaos his subspecies would unleash in master rank with the newer invaders. Wilds may add a new invader too.
    plesioth is another one of those that isn't finished, give him credit though the devs cared more about fixing him than fatalis over the years lol.
    poor gigginox, at least he's top 100. he's the second attempt at khezu failed fear factor and the forgotten member of his skeletal quartet.
    he just wants his favorite to not be lonely. he hopes his boy gets layed more lol.
    oroshi, i'm happy about him in top 100 but malfestio just missing it is sad. you guys voted for the wrong queen. azure over gold? why? he changes almost nothing.
    duramboros is one of the biggest victims of 5th gen. he's the only brute to not show up.
    acidic was awesome, more fun and the idea of the more longsword like movements was fun.
    zorah was them failing at physic that Insomniac got to work on a PS2, before MH1 even realeased, enough said. rakna, yeah she's too low. again she evvolves the small monster leader thing.
    coral pukei is criminally low, shogun and seltas too.
    shrouded nerscilla… sounds like people need to be sent to dofamingo's bird cage. come on, she spiderman swings on the sky box.
    green narga and rusted kushala are pointless, since 5th gen gave their tricks to the base monster. tidal najarala is criminally low. beleful is dumb, "what if gigginox was more like khezu?"
    bish please, you put him too low. pyre was great, probably the best Sunbreak "but fire" subspecies. tiger stripe and volvidon are a lower than they deserve. the disrespect to the bird with the most terrifying monsters on speed dial.
    aurora somnocanth was a necessary tech demo so they can let monsters aim for ig user mid attack. gives them reason to be less cowardly with ig's areal damage. wrong martyr to the cause though.
    no, it's a tie, look at the numbers. they have to bring them both back for redemption.

  5. Ok you wanna make steel uragaan great, heres a few ideas, his gimmick is sulfuric gasses that he makes that cause the spoiled status. What if he was able to release the gases, boxing hunters in when he rolls at speed and was able to ignite it with a chin slam. Not instantanously like teo but more delayed so the explosion follows the trail laid by uragaan backwards from the slampoint. What could also help his popularity maybe is a biproduct of his use of sulphur what if he produces sulphur hexaflouride which deepens his roars (if your not aware it basically has the opposite effect of helium when inhaled) and any nearby hunters affected by his spoiled status could also be effected. Returning to a normal uragaan roar when exhausted

  6. Okay, but keep in mind, they had a new model for Lagiacrus when they did the original World trailer, it was the skeletal motions across and through certain terrain that caused them to walk back the Leviathans. If I recall correctly, it did a lot of clipping into and through things in the Ancient Forest. So they wouldn't need to do much to touch it up for a still.

  7. I think rathian is my favorite "Mainstay" monster in the series. She's not crazy, kinda a low-mid difficulty monster, almost always made weaker than her counterpart. But I still do really like her. I hope shes get a rise/sunbreak revisit like her hubby got. I think she should be kinda like the first noteworthy wall of the game. Like how Anja was in world for new players.

  8. Nah alatreon to me is just what makes mmo rpgs to repugnant to me, because hes not a fight against a monster its a stat sheet checker and thats lame and boring.

    Honestly i wouldn't find him so absolutely disgusting if he wasn't a gatekeeper for the final content of world. He's not optional and he 100% should be

  9. Something im convinced of regarding the rankings is bazelgeuse's placement being 52nd. im inclined to believe there was a tie between 51st and 52nd and instead of both being 51st, they just went for the joke. Also on my favorites* (i have three*) i break it ito two categories favorite Silly monster and favorite Cool Monsters (more favor falls on one but its a package deal) the silly one is Quropeco due to being harmless* (outside of the chance of THAT Happening in high/G-rank) but thats the point, guy cant defend himself so he calls something else to deal with you and runs off. And the cool ones are the two seltas pairs (more aimed at the green ones due to having never fought the subspecies but i am aware of what the desert queen does and i cant help feeling bad for the male, guy gets deemed expendable and turned into a ballistic missle by his wife) i do prefer the desert pairs colors and the design of the male, two horns are better then one in cool factor to me. But the green variety would get the vote on what ive faced in game (now that im thinking about it both monsters to some degree are pair monsters, qurupeco calls for help and seltas queen will always have a seltas with her when the hunt begins)

  10. I think Narg is as high as it is is mainly because FU is the game that was a intro to a lot of the older English players in the community. FU’s impact probably did a lot for Nargacuga

  11. I hope we get rid of the clutch claw, that thing is just bad, destroyed the whole combat for me in Iceborne. I find it funny how Sunbreak gets the claim that it is arcadie yet in Iceborne we have how many claggers per fight.

  12. people who cry about alatreon's elemental damage check are the same type to cry about vaal hazak's DoT effect. either read what the game tells you or git gud

    related: surprised to see VH as high as he was, given that I voted for the man, but he really didnt deserve to beat out magnamalo or rajang, i think thats a massive upset

  13. I like to put on your unscripted discussion videos in the background whilst doing something else, as i expect a lot of people do. But for the latter half of this video that covered the discussion part, that wasn't really possible, as you'd need to read the subtitles to get what your talking about. Just a thought for the next time you make one of these videos.
    Otherwise fun content as always


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