Breaking Down: "How streamers will ruin Amazon's New World and your next favorite game"

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30 thoughts on “Breaking Down: "How streamers will ruin Amazon's New World and your next favorite game"”

  1. content creators are entitled and im sick of it… get changed just because someone is popular, its sickening thats why if a streams voice gonna change the game then they should be paying the company for streaming it, they are making money off of someone else work they should have to pay! so yeah streamers and content creators need a nerf

  2. i find PVE content in MMOS alot more rewarding than pvp. especially being a tank or healing class where im helping other players complete content and get better gear. i find that more relaxing and more addicitive then getting stun lock by a rogue every minute or so

  3. Your click bait title has too many nuggets of Truth behind it. Good discussion.

    In many ways, content creator and the financial aspect behind it do errode a portion of game design.

    Not this channel specifically, but large content creators have an amplifier to make one voice (right or wrong) far lauder than any normal player.

    Ideally, a change like this would be an intentional debate internally to the dev team, possibly with the aid of a public survey. And a decision should be reached which creates the best game experience; instead this was a decision made because one voice has X-number of followers. That was a poor decision.

  4. Some games do cater to streamers, not sure if new world will or not. I don't see why they don't use an in-game polling system similar to how old school runescape does it. You can see what the players are voting for.

  5. was actually drinking coffee at this point and now everything smells like coffee! XD But mad congrats on the baby! That's fantastic! ^___^

    All that saside, I am really happy you're bringing this up. I think it is also very important to treat content creators as people. Because sure, some are entitled and can't take a loss, and some are really great people. And sometimes people are both. I mean, we're not without flaws, and I feel that there is also an important assignment resting on the role of the company, to make sure that they tidy up in the voices they decide to listen to and find context as to why that particular point might be so pertinent to that streamer right there.

    And then it would be good of the streamer to do better, of course. I get that it sucks loosing to a much more skilled player (I played Huttball in SWTOR, and I know what it is like to be absolutely murdered by a way better team), but if that loss stings, then admit it, and that will also make it easier for people to navigate. Nobody's going to take your outburst and just run with it as gospel truth if you preface it with "Alright, just gonna be exactly 5 years old here for a moment but ARRRGH!!!".

    And then, lastly, as you said, the community also needs to be loud and vocal and participate on forums and in polls. Far too often we feel personally disappointed or slighted because the game devs aren't mind-readers. Sometimes it is them willfully being deaf, but – just speaking for myself right here and I'm not proud of this – I have sometimes complained by things that have been implemented in the games, without going on a forum or otherwise going out of my way to participate in polls or what not for that game. ^^;;

    Long debate is long, but I am happy you're tackling this. I fear this might be a bigger issue down the line.

  6. People often forget that not everyone plays the same amount of time. Even if two people start on "day 1" if one plays 8 hours, and the other plays 2, that second player is then "behind". There will ALWAYS be people ahead of you until you yourself are max. Even as someone who expects to play 4-6 hours a day I know there will be people who hit max faster than me. Level difference should ALWAYS be considered. A new player against max should ALWAYS be considered. (It's why I question if level based is really the way to go with NW. A person who's friend just joined wouldn't really be able to play with them because the higher player would just 1 shot everything for the friend in PvE.)

    That being said; I really wonder how many 1v1 PvP battles are going to happen. In my experience, over years of games with MMOs in the few times I've done PvP, you will 99% of the time NOT be fighting in a 1v1 battle. Yes, it should be 'fair for all' if it happens, but if there is any chance one player can get ANY help from someone else, it's then no longer a 1v1 battle. And it's no longer possible to "balance" to such an encounter.

    My much greater concern about "how streamers will ruin New World" are things like a popular streamer saying 'hey let's all flag open PvP', gathering like 100 people in a matter of minutes, then camping outside the gate of a town insta-killing anyone else from other factions. Or, maybe more importantly, gathering enough followers like they did with the closed beta a few weeks ago, and just instant power leveling, or instantly getting money to buy a town, or dominating overall town ownership on a server. I'd honestly LOVE a server where there are no media influencers, but I know that's impossible, and with Amazon owning Twitch there's really no way we'd ever see that kind of 'rule set server'. "Influencers" dominating the game, within the game rules, is a far greater concern to me than "they are whining about X and AGS will change it because of that".

  7. I feel like you hit the nail in the head really. It sounds to me like someone got killed in PVP and didn't like it and all I can honestly say to that is "lol" welcome to the game. I played WoW back in the day and played a gnome before you could turn on and off PVP. I'd no clue that Horde went out of their way to kill gnomes, so as soon as I hit a certain zone I had to log out for a bit and cover back later. It's a game, and if they're that upset about it obviously they need to take a step back and look at themselves.
    This just comes off to me as some kid, mad and screaming obscenities at their screen, which I'm sure they do, I'd love to know how many controllers/keyboards they've broken.
    Even that, it's not even released yet FFS. Not only that, like you said there'll be updates and patches, etc…
    Being completely honest, you're one of the only streamers I really watch it pay attention to besides Chris with you too. Mainly because you both come off as human beings with a full range of emotion. You both think and analyze and use logic or humor when needed. Keep it up, I always look forward to your videos.
    P.S. you're who got me into New World lol

  8. I lost interest in the game when I heard how ingrained streamer culture is. Imo it isn't a bonus to have sweaty tryhards everywhere in a game whose direction, more than any other games, will be balanced and affected by streamer talent and culture.

    PvP oriented games are already sweaty, hostile and arrogant enough. You can never critique the game or criticize design choices without being told to get good.

    And now you won't be able to succeed unless you leech on to a popular streamer And follow the sweaty train to the end of the rails.

  9. Streamers will ruin some servers. This has nothing to do with the rest of game. Devs didn't listen to any streamer for scaling. They've already said that they are testing extremes. Amazon doesn't need to cater to streamers and your( clickbaity) vid is just ridiculous.

  10. I know a few people that would love New World but they wouldn't play the betas and they are not planning on playing after launch because their favorite streamer trashed it during closed beta.. I'm not saying the game is perfect but it's far from being a bad game and now when they do play I know that they are going to come into it with a negative outlook on it and they are going to focus on the negative things the streamer said about it.. I know this is going to happen because it happened with other games. I'm not blaming the streamer for speaking his opinion I just think gamers need to stop taking big names as law and form their own opinions

  11. I'm so tired of games catering to casuals. You are 60 you one shot low levels thats how it should be. New players getting wrecked should feel weak and powerless and its ok. You will look up to becoming this level 60 god that wrecks everything in their path. Stop trying to give the same rewards to player who spend less time on the game. You will negate all feeling of progress and leveling wont matter anymore. I think the way it was on open beta is just fine. I get wrecked by higher level players and i'm okay with it. I'll get there myself when i put the same amount of time they did. Fair and square. It's a social game. If you are getting wrecked by higher level players then make a group or ask help from your guild.

  12. If a level 10 that just started is just as powerful as a level 60 that has access to more skills and armor, than what is the point of leveling past 10, or farming or crafting? This just seems like a complaint from lazy gamers who don't want to put any level of work into making themselves or their characters better over time and just want everything handed to them.. Of course there was a lot of ganking in the 4 day beta lol, it's not enough time to get into end game content and it gives people the chance to see the changes for themselves, which was most likely the point of the beta, you know… test the changes.

  13. I mean they just need to do polls whenever they are about to implement sightnificant update then implement the one with majority of votes. It will make some disatisfied as always, but it should be pretty fine as long as they are the one that make the options instead of implementing whatever the majority of players ask for.

  14. Thank you for your excellent observation. As a longtime gamer you hit on exactly the roadblock that keeps me from buying or participating in PvP games. If I happen to start two weeks late, if I decide it’s important I spend three or four evenings a week with my wife and kids, I am forever behind the curve, finding myself being constantly ganked by high level players who would otherwise find themselves whacking baby seals in Canada were they not lying in wait for me.

  15. If you no life an MMO you should stomp on a new player….. I dont know if I agree with MMOs should cater to every type of player…. I think making a MMO for semi and hard core players makes the game better. The uber casual players kinda bring the quality of the game down when Devs carter content to make them happy. Thats just me tho. I mean if you only have a few hours a week to play games then don't play an MMO.

  16. Honestly, this is a trash game with so many problems. There will be no economy for most of what we craft b/c there will never be alts. So, all low and mid tier goods will be deleted (Salvaged). There's no pvp leaderboard. Nothing to earn. No alt advancement. Incentives for flagging are far too weak…and, only 50 dudes get to defend a settlement at a time?! That leaves out hundreds. And, the only PvE we got have fetch quests and kill lists… sorry if this makes someone mad, but this game SUCKS.

  17. Which streamer got owned? Also the problem in closed beta was it was ONLY scaled of level, so as soon as you hit 25 and got that sweet faction gear the scaling was broken v a level 34 who is probably playing with the same gear. That is dumb when you get beat by a lower level player in the same gear.


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