Breaking Dawn 2 Rewatch – Part 2 of 3 | The Twilight Effect with Ashley Greene and Melanie Howe

Ashley and Mel are back at it this week, diving into more of their Breaking Dawn Part 2 rewatch covering Charlie’s ideal wrapping paper, Renesmee’s pearly skin, and Ashley’s epic kick to start the battle. The girls are then joined by cosplayer Vee Elle aka Mary Alice Brandon for an Alice v. Alice trivia face-off, and then they answer a few more of your voicemails. 

Don’t forget to screenshot your review and tag @kastmedia and @ashleygreene to possibly participate in future episodes!

This podcast is not an official Twilight podcast and is not affiliated or sponsored by Summit Entertainment, LLC and the Twilight Saga series.

Follow: @ashleygreene @ohmissmelanie @mary.alice.brandon


31 thoughts on “Breaking Dawn 2 Rewatch – Part 2 of 3 | The Twilight Effect with Ashley Greene and Melanie Howe”

  1. Vampires do in fact bathe. There's a scene in Mdinight sun where after running in the woods Edward just like stands in the shower and mopes while he's getting all the dirt off. It's very teenager of him. They don't have B.O. cuz they don't have functioning sweat glands lmaoo. But like Ashley said, they can still get dirty and need to rinse it off in order to seem normal.

  2. Powers in the book are explained as anything quality you had a human that was above other humans [such as intuition (Alice) ability to know what is on others minds (Edward) Self preservation (Bella) Strength (Emmett) Emotional manipulation (Jasper)] becomes your power as a vampire. For Esme it was considered Compassion (like a mother) only more fierce. Carlisle was selflessness I believe which is why the Dr idea is so understandable as a vampire (considering the blood) and Rosalie it's her beauty]. If Reneesme didn't have a power it would be understandable but it makes sense that hers is a mix of Bella's self preservation and Edwards mental in nature.

  3. I met Vee last year at FTF in Forks!! Her and her Jasper are spot on and stay in character all weekend. They were our favorite thing about the trip. And, I'm cosplaying this year (first time ever) and Vee takes the time to respond to my questions and give amazing tips which was awesome and made my day! #TeamAlice

  4. PLEEEAASSSEE find a way to continue this! It's my hour to hour and a half each week when my whole house (8 kids and a husband) knows to SSSHHHHH! LOL 😆 . They leave me alone so I can watch, laugh and fold clothes! My 14yo daughter and I love the books and movies and now my 13yo son is getting into it as well. Thank you both for doing this! Love you both!

  5. Good morning! Obsessed with twilight and this podcast! I have an idea for the show: you two (and the audience) mention interest in the characters backstories — they exist! Stephenie Meyer wrote a twilight encyclopedia called the twilight saga official illustrated guide. Everyone is described in heavy detail. The book can be hard to acquire, but if you can get it, read it, and cover it, I think it would be a huge hit!!!!!!

  6. I think it would be awesome if y’all reread the books like maybe cover a chapter or two an episode. It would be neat if y’all even read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner and Midnight Sun. It would also be neat if y’all had more of the cosplayers who go to FTF to act as the Cullens, Bella and the Volturi, etc. on here. Also I feel like it would still be neat if y’all were able to get more cast members and crew from any and/or all of the films.

  7. @28:28 When you are talking about whether or not Sue Clearwater knew what was going on, Sue became a member of the Tribe council when her husband died and so she knows EVERYTHING that is going down. Btw, Alice and Esme's back story are the ones I really would have loved to see more about.

  8. Hi so first of all, I absolutely love the podcast! Finding this was a TwiHeart dream come true! I have one suggestion though. Upon seeing this podcast I to my shame did not realise that Ashley actually played Alice. I even thought to myself „she has a great face for an Alice cosplay“ until it hit me. Maybe marketing the Podcast a little Different might be something to think about. A picture of Ashley and Alice side by side as thumbnail or something in the title that suggests it would be lovely. The current thumbnails looks absolutely fine with you two lovely people on it but they don’t feel like Twilight.


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