BRAVO! Today Marks The End And The Beginning Of Zoological Kingdom As Biafrans Demonstrated Another

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8 thoughts on “BRAVO! Today Marks The End And The Beginning Of Zoological Kingdom As Biafrans Demonstrated Another”

  1. We salute you βœ‹, the Joshua of the Biafran Land Simon Ekpa, the Chief and one Commander 56 Battalion of Chukwu Okike Abiama. In addition, after CROSS there comes the everlasting GLORY meaning "the fruitful field of the Biafran Land shall be trusted by the Biafra alone ☝️" with the everlasting JOY that will shake and force the whole world to rejoice with the great people of the rising sun for God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses and Joshua is behind & before you ☝️carry on!


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