Brave Russian Soldier Shoots Down Drone with Shotgun | Close Range Combat! #drones #army

Watch as a Russian soldier takes down a drone with a shotgun at close range! The intense moment when the drone explodes, scattering shrapnel everywhere, showcases the soldier’s quick reaction and bravery. Learn about the drone’s fragmentation warhead designed to target groups and how FPV drones are used to hunt individual soldiers. See the techniques adopted by soldiers to neutralize these threats and witness a single soldier shoot down three FPV drones and survive the battle. Don’t miss this action-packed footage!

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22 thoughts on “Brave Russian Soldier Shoots Down Drone with Shotgun | Close Range Combat! #drones #army”

  1. "Adapted techniques" shooting isn’t really adapted. And shooting at an explosive like 5 meters in front of you is more of something you do because you don’t have any alternatives

  2. I've been listening Russian guys , they said there is little chance to shot the drone , almost no chance at all, also its not possible to carry two different guns at the same time .

  3. The Russian soldier in the first video might’ve actually been hit but the adrenaline caused him to not notice at all. You may not believe it but you can take serious injuries from gun shots and shrapnel and not notice at all because of the adrenaline rush


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