Brave man beats Trevor Phillips in an argument | #gta5 #shorts


41 thoughts on “Brave man beats Trevor Phillips in an argument | #gta5 #shorts”

  1. Assuming all latinos are immigrants is ridiculous. 48% of latinos in the US have been here since thr spanish landed here before the english.. ever heard of cortez?? Read books people 😂

  2. This is one of my favorites scenes of the game, a real citizen standing up for his rights and the fact that you can't kill him afterwards, well at least by shooting him, makes you understand that Trevor understood what the old man was trying to lecture him, about humility.

  3. he's what Trevor hates the most(no not his race just in case anyone takes that the wrong way), a person that is not scared of trevor, trevor HATES people who aren't scared of him, it's even a conversation in the online if i remember right during a conversation between your character and trevor

  4. As someone knocking on 40, I can concur a form of this conversation exists. The older you get, the lesser fucks you have, and your patience, for all the wisdom in the world, is no different than a car fuel tank running at 1/4.

    The brutal bludgeoning of life can make interactions like these the perfect opportunity to go all out

    You can see Trevor trying to hold back the darkness. And the other guy here isn’t helping the situation or deescalating


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